My booklet is finished and ready for publication in raw form. I’d like to re-title it to something like “Necessary Computer Terms for 2010-2011”. Including a date is a touch other authors avoid, but my spider sense says planned obsolescence worked for Detroit, did it not? What is not imaginary is that this brand of deadline-based authorship is verboten by my cardiologist.
It is my firm position that nothing can be only “a little bit” MLM. It is or it isn’t and percentages cannot hide the fact, at least not from me. I understand why the perpetrators of that swindle go through lengths to conceal what they are up to. But they cannot answer my perpetual question, “If your system is so great and you are making so much money at it, why are you trying to sell it to me?”
As a sideline from the writing project, we reviewed a booklet purporting to tell people how to save money “at any age”. Amusing but useless, as the focus was on large or rare events, like to sell your house in the spring rather than the fall or to go bowling. People need to know how to save a little now and in the most painless way. This brought up the question as to how I live without a credit card and pay all my bills cash. One has to have the cash to do that, goes the logic, so how do I always have cash?
Is there a booklet in the making on that topic? Most people would not like the advice I give them, but would most of them buy the book? Why wouldn’t they like it? Because it involves making a budget, which most people don’t know how, and in the process a budget strips away the nonsense that most people believe over how well they are doing. I would be living like a zillionaire if I was as far in debt as most people—and headed for the same dead end.
To make the example short, a person earning $50,000 per year, or about average these days, would after taxes and the 30% debt service recommended as “correct” by credit counselors, take home around $1,800 per month, assuming it costs something to get to the job. That, friends, is not very much money. My book would simply advise ways to ensure the full $1,800 eventually became your own instead of the banks. Then you could invest the 30% and maybe get somewhere, no names mentioned.
Such instructions would make a few assumptions, for instance that people are, for the sake of future ease, willing to exercise a little self-control today. Yet, it is only recently that I’ve met people who can go an entire week and make nothing. Zero, not one penny. It must take a lot of hard work and experience to manage that. How do they do it? Do they see the money coming and duck? This is America and you can make $100 a week standing still, for Christ’s sake. Just wear a gorilla suit.
Aha, theory into practice. Have you heard the new version of “Can’t You See” released by the Zack Brown band? Give it a listen to understand what I’ve been saying for years about playing the music with what you’ve got. No, I don’t mean re-write it to the Zydeco version, I mean capturing the essence of a song and presenting that as best you can. There is no rule that says duos must only play duets. That is why people “hear” and entire band when I work my drum machine.
Now here’s another theory. Have you ever noticed that the inside dimensions of a Wal*Mart Styrofoam cooler are the same as a budget air-conditioner? Most Florida campgrounds have an electric outlet for things like a lamp and your laptop charger. But 110 is 110 as far as I’m concerned, and after all, they are charging you for the juice. Give me a pair of scissors and some duct tape and I’ll have the most comfortable tent and test my cold weather sleeping bag to boot.
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