Here are some luxury condos in Pompano Beach. Gated community, manicured lawns, all facilities and the sure sign of wealth: a swimming pool with nobody around it. No, wait. The sign says this is student housing for the nearby university. Student housing. Funny, I don’t remember my good old college days as being quite so comfy a fit.
Don’t go away, here’s the exciting bicycle stats. At least we know a Jamus gets 9,000 miles on a set of gears. It now slips and skips and I have to constantly reset the shift ring. Since it costs as much to have this adjusted as new nears, it is replacement time. I have to recommend this brand to anyone who needs something that lasts. Now, just find me that in a woman. Say, that reminds me, I’m only casually watching for a bike motor any more.
I was over at Anna’s setting up anti-virus programs. I mentioned she should have this down pat by now, but I don’t mind. Hell, if the phone company thought they could do it themselves I wouldn’t have settled into semi-retirement at age 27. She’s one of the few women my own age who I will talk to about other women. She is incredulous that it is so difficult to meet a decent woman in this town, or it seems, in this day and age. Yet I assure you it is difficult to the point of impossible.
There was the usual discussion per looking in the wrong places or having too-high standards. Those concepts are unyieldingly rooted in the Ann Landers era where it is assumed all women were automatically good wives and all men were miscreants who needed to be reigned in and trained to be marginally acceptable husbands. Next follows divorce when women find out men don’t respond to such treatment. (The women complain he didn’t work out, but in reality he was exactly the way she found him.) Sadly, Landers also advocated that it was okay for women lie to get married. “Your past isn’t his business.” Isn’t it, now?
My standards by and large are no different than anybody else’s. But I do admit, I have two basic requirements that no local woman can seem to meet: if you are over 30, please have your own career (read car, job, bank account, money, education, guitar, PA system, just kidding) and for Christ’s sake have an addicting personality. To those who retort, “Why would a woman with all that want a man?” I answer, “Precisely.”
Anna is not in the dating arena so it was charming to hear that perspective. It is a double standard to consider single women over 24 as leftovers, but ignoring the truth is even ‘stupider’. I would be glad just to meet a woman that didn’t have something serious wrong with her. Another Liz Fletcher would be nice, we hung out together for 13 years through all our other relationships, then drifted apart.
No, Internet dating has not kept up with the changes in society. You can dispel that notion right off. Like singles clubs of any stripe, the majority of members are too shallow to bother with. You hear of couples that met that way and married but it is just as amusing to watch chickens in the barnyard, as in “Are they at it again!”
While I could have got it for $250, it is from a reputable shop as they were first to call with a bargain. These units sell new for $1,800. It will hit 70 mph, a speed more associated with a motorcycle than a scooter. Of course, an hour after I bought it, I saw the scooter of my dreams for $500, but I would not have seen it without already having one. I stopped to get the brakes set up and there it was, but too late.
There is another rationale for the scooter. Most cities I’ve been in are not collections of self-contained urban areas. They are urban sprawls designed for motor vehicles and I was “spending” up to 32 hours per month on the bicycle just taking care of logistics. This was unproductive time, wasted time. Even with my Spartan lifestyle, one still has to grocery shop, pick up prescriptions, and get to the post office before closing.
I’m reading a new mystery, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. Listen to me, you writers, it is a severe imposition on people like me to be introduced to twenty people in the first twelve pages. If a person has a bit part, just call him “the postmaster”. We don’t need to memorize his name, already. A lot of books I’ve read can be identified by my list of the characters with the page they first appear. These are destined to become collector’s items, no?
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