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Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010

           Face it, the new Jazz camera is a piece of junk. I wasted $30 thinking it would at least have the virtues of my earlier model. It turns out the only improvement was the time-out period (the other one would time out in 15 seconds). The rest of the camera, and it seems all budget digitals, has gone downhill. This one has focusing problems if the subject is moving in the slightest. It doesn’t just blur the moving object, but the whole picture.
           Today’s picture showed me the subject has to be immobile to take. I cannot even snap a chance photo while moving on the bicycle. However, photo buffs will notice the excellent, top-notch, world class and anything else I left out composure of my work, no doubt. See the trees framing the signs, the one to the right balancing the single pole on that side. The camera is also useless except in bright, outdoor light.
           Most photos, including today’s have to be artificially brightened later. Thus, I have no photo of a fairly novel sales display from the Pro Bass Shop. Fifty brands of hot sauce with names ranging from “Sissies” to “Colon Cleaner”. Some listed the ingredients as vinegar, salt and capsicum oil. The last in the list is often known as pepper spray.

           I developed a taste for spicy foods in Thailand during the 80s and I’m likely to try some of these concoctions, many of which are sold in old mickey bottles. The other extreme was my buddy Al Klit who says “Food shouldn’t hurt.” (Coquitlam, BC, Canada, 1998) And I think a lot of your friends have funny names, too, or at least are jokes of some kind.
           The hot sauce advertising is off beat as well. Some claim to cure the common cold and one states an old fellow mixed it in with his morning eggs and found it so hot he remembered his wife’s name. What is a mickey? It is what most of the world calls a half bottle of whiskey, that little flat curved bottle that fits in your pocket.
           The weather turned cold early, now we have a warm spell. This caused a false termite bloom. The Florida room has termites. They swarm by the thousands and die all over the place unless, like an old Texan, you know how to lure them to one spot and drown them. They emerge after any cold spell, thinking it is spring. If you are not familiar with termites, they are very slow to destroy anything so don’t believe the cartoons.
           As slow and steady wins the race, I have begun Project 32, which is now 3.97% complete. I could tell the world what it is, but experience says somebody out there would try to screw things up the instant they learned any details. Despite the fact it has nothing to do with them, they’d concoct a reason to interfere. Those people will, for the duration of Project 32, be treated like my family. That is, like slightly retarded delivery boys who have no business sticking their noses where they don’t belong. And calling everybody else in the world who doesn’t like them “pair-noyd”.

           Hint. Project 21 was counting 1,000,000 toothpicks. To even be assigned a number is a big deal. But I can tell you it has nothing to do with diatom research. Concerning that research, I point out to that my work is classified as “limited laboratory facilities” and taking stock of materials, I am currently woefully short of everything needed except to gather samples. I have tons of empty pill bottles, see? I don’t even know where the local lab supply houses are. I will probably keep separate records of the diatoms in any case, but I will print them here if enough people request it.
           Later, how about that, I already have four requests and it is still today. Again, I urge anyone who wants to contact me to use the supplied email address. I rarely publish comments except those which are basically fan mail and I delete loonies who obviously are just trying to network. Also, I do not support or associate with any news services or other blogs who have taken to quoting me out of context. The above said requests are to supply enough information to understand what I’m doing. I’ll try.
           I specifically study only diatoms found on rocks in flowing freshwater streams. I don’t do pylons, mudflats, plants or use filter nets. Separation is by oxidation (hydrochloric). There’s not much else to tell you at this point, for I just started. But I’ve always wanted the time to do this study and I aim to fail repeatedly.
           Bingo at Buddy’s was a total flop. But the substitute and fake Karaoke show I put on lasted until past 11:00 PM. It kept the crowd in place, a rumor certain to get back to management. I would have preferred a dozen more people. Not only that, I arrived back home famished and ate two days worth of food.
           Temp: 75 Press: 30.12 Humid: 90

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