Here you go. Computer era or not, this is still the handiest way to keep organized. The good old $1 notebook with pen clipped inside. An afterthought tells me to keep an eye on the Kindle, which is rapidly dropping in price. This Xmas season Amazon is selling them for $139. That is still out of range. The hype that it holds 3,200 books is bogus as long as they refuse to give a list of what it included.
Ah, such modern times we live in. Upon finally getting through to the motor vehicle branch, I was informed the address given on their Web page was shut down six years ago and I have to go up to Sheridan. Six years. The good news is the registration and title is going to cost $110 less than predicted. Good, because that is half what an 8-channel mixer is going to set me back. Music has suffered from Bingo but I’ve had long stretches of musical doldrums before.
It seems strange to me that while I’ve barely got cash for necessities that I’ll think of new band equipment. (Still no Wallace, so I’m going to assume there is some kind of emergency.) However, music is an investment, not an expense. Good businessmen and smart housewives know never to get so broke you cannot pick up the pieces. Ink cartridges for my printer are an example of that situation where I had no choice. Now I either do without it or find $80 to charge it up.
I found eleven electronics stores that sell the Arduino, the model I want has dropped to less than $25 and it will keep me off the street for many times that value. I contacted around half these places, all in other states from New York to California. After the first shop mentioned it, I began to ask the question and it turns out none of them have ever before sold an Arduino in south Florida and that I am the first person from the area that has even asked. Damn this place is third world and ripe for the plucking.
The Taurus is no more. The buyer got a better deal than he thought, for the car has been properly maintained over its life. That gasket seal is not bad with a little tinkering he’ll get another 40,000 out of the vehicle. This affair is a breakeven proposition, toothpicks bought that car and bingo bought the scooter. The cash from the Taurus is all used for transfer title and fees with nothing left over. I am mobile again.
[Author’s note: around three hours after the car was sold, the buyer phones me in a panic. It won’t start, it won’t start. I asked him if he put gas in it. He hung up and never called back. Yep, ripe for the plucking.]
Over morning coffee, I heard two ladies going on about the tired theme that men own the world. The three women I know who became lawyers, Sheila G., Arliss Levine. and Judy Murray never talked like that, even when they were teens. Yet the complaint is so prevalent in less accomplished females that I got to thinking there might an alternative explanation. The bottom line is these women are blaming their lack of success on others.
It is generally the older women who’ve been through the marriage mill and they also have in common an unhealthy hatred of men dating younger women. (Unhealthy because it is not anybody’s business who else is dating who else, the only person you should be concerned about dating is yourself.) Could it be that these older women’s mixed up ideas about the role of sex in a relationship is what forces older men to be super-competitive for younger women? Could it follow that is the real reason they own everything?
It is not your happily married man spending 85 hours a week at the office. Hell, if all women were like the last one I met, I’d move into the office. If that is the true reason men “own everything” then old ladies have nobody to blame but themselves. Biggest flaw in older women? Trying to sell what they used to give away for free. That doesn’t work. Never will. Damaged goods. You don’t fight instinct.
Temp:59.5. Press:30.11 Humid: 84.
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