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Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28, 2011

           What was the name of that movie where everyone walked past the spy headquarters for years and never suspected a thing? Here is a candid shot of the Stratford, a biker bar near I-95 and Hollywood. Notice anything unusual? Well, there isn’t anything unusual about the white van changing lanes in front the instant he saw I was trying to take a picture. There are too many antennas on the second floor for a ham radio buff, can you see some of them?
           I was on my way to the Shack, when I met an old guy running around the McDonald’s parking lot. Lost his $400 4G phone. I let him use my cell to dial it, whence if finally turned up between the cushions of his car seats. That does it, even though I am over budget this month, I get some biz cards tomorrow. He looked like somebody important and I had nothing on me. The nonsense around here is getting to be too much for me.
           There were 171,000 foreclosures in Florida in 2010, the fact that the banks only repossessed 42,000 of those is because I told you they don’t have enough lawyers. Not a fraction of those houses have hit the market yet, but the longer they leave it, the bigger the disaster. Of course, the banks are waiting for the market to climb, however there is a limit to how long even they can manipulate the supply. Sooner or later, somebody is going to demand real money and the carnival will begin.

           A friend of mine who runs a trailer court with the name of Weiner’s told me today he raised the rent on Canadians up to $900 per month, over twice what he’d charge me (if he had anything for sale, which he does not at the moment). All of them paid up without complaint, he showed me there is not a vacant spot in the yard and a trailer home he bought at auction has to stay parked in his own slot. He is aware that one of them in three is here illegally on Canadian welfare and he sells Player’s filter cigarettes for $10 a pack.
           I did another day at the library, all study. I figure I’ve put in six hours learning just about LEDs without any idea why. Unless we compare it to how much time the rest have studied this month. Having made a mid-size pot of pork chili, I’m now back at Camp Kenora studying by lamp light again. It was never this primitive even in my college days. But it is not at all uncomfortable as I wait out the situation. I found, in my old tool box, a very expensive roll of copper wire that is not mine. Probably worth $80, I have not opened that box is five years. Chances are I just forgot somebody gave it to me.

           By late afternoon, it was getting too cold and I stopped at the Barn to read books they don’t have in the library. One of them, by MakerShed, contained an explanation of radio that I had intended to publish years ago and didn’t get around to it. They stole the march on me. Although they approached it from another angle, it contained the essence that the carrier wave is so fast compared to the modulated signal, that radio works because the high frequency “drops through”, leaving only the music or voice waves. My explanation is better but they published it first, so they get the credit.
           For those who care to look, I’ve slowly begun blogging my journals from 1980. Records are very scanty prior to that, as my parents left me destitute and there was no way to keep anything not needed for daily survival. I’m transcribing the hand-written originals. I don’t even know how these files wound up in Florida, but they contain the entire time I went from a chance visit to the Canadian city of Victoria which eventually led to a fifteen year gap in my life. That’s was a mistake I never made twice.

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