Here’s a progress picture on the tank circuit components, proving beyond doubt that Agent M and I are not cutting corners. Either of us could tell you in detail how these pieces are made and how they work. The capacitor shows only the stator, not the rotor.

In other words and from my point of view, they cheated. I smirk when they describe “how little” their projects cost, often referring to $40 parts as nothing. They build a kit and crow about it. The real challenge was not the code or the assembly, but the thinking required to plan the project from the ground up. It doesn’t surprise me how that crowd never invents anything. But they sure think they do.
My turn. Guys, there is nothing, repeat nothing, original with your “new” musical instrument that consists of light beams to make the woo-woo sound. It’s all been done, and a long time ago as well, so ho-hum. Same with the strings and keyboards with the old distorted whale-fart tones. Give it a rest, you people, and yes, I mean “you people”. If you think I need anger management, remember I think you need stupidity management, which you understand will take a lot, lot longer. So there.
It is month’s end where I get conservative with the cash. Except for a scooter jaunt to Walmart for batteries, I was indoors with the fans and poring over antenna information. Do you ever get that feeling that the experts don’t really know any more than you do, they’ve just been at it for a while? Yeah, that feeling. It was too hot to do anything outside anyway, though I put in some time on the capacitor. Without a drill press, every part is a compromise. It is getting there.
We have done everything right according to the texts. Our antennas should by rights work. This means a change of policy to begin looking for external reasons for the bottleneck. We are planning on moving the test five miles further inland. During my studies, I found something new. Have you ever notice the really tall radio antennas are on flat, marshy, bottom land? I thought that was because it was cheap to use such unproductive areas. Nope. Radio waves reflect better off said terrain. AM waves, that is.
The other improvement was in technique. Agent M has plenty of experience tinkering, but not with experimentation. I used to rush around the same way. Now each step is documented and conducted in that rarified air of dealing with errors systematically. Where before he’d grab an antenna a hook it up, we now log the first antenna’s performance and chart it against the second, looking at every discrepancy.
I thought about playing out tonight but by four in the afternoon decided it was better to stay inside. From experience, it would be a dead evening due to rent day next Wednesday. I’ve responded to a couple of individuals who advertise country music. Solo acts are geared for rock and blues. Country always sounds better with a duo. There tends to be a better balance of musical parts. This is my third year of looking because this time I’m being super cautious, probably since I can now afford to be.
Today was easy enough that I reviewed the press releases of companies developing military exoskeletons. A lot of it is pretty impressive. It relates to robotics as these “armor suits” use parts of similar design, particularly the arm and leg joints. The sensor controls are astonishing, the operator can load 200 lb missiles or dribble a basketball. We’ll see these things in action before long.
Some of the fringe commentators covered the world’s reaction to these robo-soldiers. It was predictable that terrorists who use civilian populations for cover would complain that Americans are cowards who won’t fight like men. This fools no one, the first tactic of any idiot faced with technological superiority is to try to insult you into not using it. It can really infuriate the idiots when they learn you don’t care what they think, but I already mentioned my brothers once today.
Hand-launched drone airplanes are being used by the hundreds in combat. I watched the soldiers throwing them into the air and could see the flyers are built from stock components. While they are not really robots, it is clear to me they work completely off computer code. I could not determine if they were self-controlled, but I could tell these weapons are practically perfect for using the servo and step motors I will have as soon as budget allows.
That will be soon. As time moves ahead my average monthly income will become so predictable that this may cause more record high and low months. That situation will be artificial, a statistic caused by a narrowing standard deviation, like a graph with a sudden spike. My next priority is long-range transportation. That could be as soon as November.
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