The Bozo of The Decade award goes to U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes. This joke of a Judge has ruled that the citizenry of Houston, TX, cannot vote to overturn unpopular city ordinances. WTF? The issue is clouded in legalese, but the bottom line is a federal judge has arbitrarily removed yet another basic American freedom, the right to petition for redress. But what other behavior could one expect from a boy named “Lynn”.

At this point, I call it a draw in that it is no longer worth it to toy with those people. They are the washroom wall of the Internet. (You can read back many years to find out what I have against them.) The w4m section was always a hoot to peruse, though it is now taken over by overage fat black single mothers. Whose only hope in this universe for a date is if a District Judge comes to town.
By 10:00 AM I was out on Taft and University to check out Harbor Freight, a local tool company that advertises real bargains. My first time there and what I wouldn’t give for a $5,000 shopping spree in that place. It is similar to Northern Tools, but with lots of extra goodies. I followed my rule of no spending on anything the first time around despite the fact I was in there for two hours.
One thing I’d like to get my hands on soon is their miniature 4” table saw, and if they have it, a matching jig saw. I am not a traditionalist, I don’t believe one has to learn a trade by hand before moving to power tools. In fact, I think people who say so are stupid. If a tool is available, use it. Mind you, anything can be carried to extremes. You’ll notice most people under 30 who use a word processor can’t spell worth a damn.
The new super computer goes back to the shop again. It will not boot properly when a second hard drive is connected. Almost all of my work involves two drives, a lesson I learned long ago concerning complete backup copies. The unit is still under warranty. Good, since I have no extra cash. This has been one incredibly slow month, though as I mentioned, the difference between a record high and record low is, for me, a very narrow range.
Which brings us to bingo tonight. It was a crowd of pro players, so the pots were right up there. Smaller crowds mean a longer call time, that is, each game is longer before somebody wins. That means I didn’t get out of there until 10:30 PM. That’s a long day, it’s a good thing I accidentally bought so much coffee last week. That reminds me let me check something, yes, the blog schedule says I must mention food today.
The consumer price index for food has shot up 32% in the past two years. Or put another way, everything costs 1/3 more that it did. The 11.5 oz package of coffee sells for $5.99 which equates to $9.38 per pound. Time to plant a garden, folks. Apples at Winn/Dixie are $3.00 a pound. And things aren’t going to get any better.
The daytime temperature dropped to 96 degrees so I took advantage of the cool spell to get home and cook for the week. Iced tea, chicken, that kind of thing. It is still a struggle to find food I like that is not forbidden on my new diet. There, I talked food and I’m so hungry I could almost eat the sandwiches at Starbucks. Almost.
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