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Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22, 2011

           The casino finally got their sign working right after X number of years. Personally, I think such signs are a distraction to bad motorists. Odd that the city permits this and not good old neon. The sign changes every few seconds, I did not know that the casino opened at 9:00 AM in the morning. I thought all the people hanging around the door were the staff. Time to call 1-800-ADMIT IT.
           Bingo season has arrived. Check in tomorrow for any good news. The downside of Jimbos is that it is on the west side of Dixie. The riff-raff has to cross over to go on their little raids, meaning there is always a string of yahoos up to who knows what. But they ain’t lookin’ for work, don’t get that idea. They will walk down the street checking to see if anybody forgot to lock their car. One player tonight reports they stole a can of dog food off his front seat.
           Practice. Until my fingertips were raw, because I’ve hit a plateau and that is a known quit point. Can’t let that happen. Music is still by far the best part time job, think about it. Here’s something more to mull over: What stopped my session was a friend called to say he had, like me (he said), “got a thousand [dollars] saved up for an emergency”. How does one respond to that?
           Do you congratulate? Tell him while it’s better than nothing and more than most people can manage, but until you have the thousand untouched for a year, it isn’t really set aside. Or that a thousand is almost too little to bother with? I had just such an “emergency” and you’ll need thirty times that much in the first eight months alone. On top of that, I knew I carried catastrophic insurance (for real tragedy, thus allowing me to keep far less on hand for day-to-day).
           Furthermore, he keeps it in cash. That is a monstrous temptation for most people, you watch. In a separate topic, my apartment got robbed in 1984 and the thief took everything except the computer, duh. If this place got knocked over, chances are the silver wouldn’t be touched. To a dumbfeck, it doesn’t look like money and it’s heavy, kind of. (It is delusional to think I survived six years on a grand, that’s not at all how it happened. Times were so bad I began to trust divorced women and Canadians.)
           I like Alfa Electronics new slogan. “The Ohm Depot”. Some help may finally be arriving, not from Florida, but from California. Recall Hacktronics ? This is the progressive outfit at originally shipped us the Arduino. (Are you listening the rest of you bozos who refused even our cash unless we signed up?) Hacktronics takes a positive view that we are now a club, and wise to the stage where we are most likely to develop loyalties. Smart.
           My dating club has a chat line feature that is more interesting than the women. Chat lines are my only source of what is going on in the minds of the proletariat, and it is scary. Even the topics posted can be revealing. Some guy with no job going on about Kaddafy being a vampire. In a triumph of hope over reason, I still watch for a decent woman but I won’t be finding many in there. The few pretty ones exhibit that strange “Okaaaaaay” behavior exhibited by the lower classes when encountering unfamiliar signs of intelligence.
           Example. The lady writes asking why I posted a picture in my profile. I send her the site instructions stating a picture increases your responses. “Okaaaaay”. How did I put the picture in my profile (there’s no button)? I inserted a hypertext link. “Okaaaaaaaay”. I didn’t dare tell her my hobby was robotics. She is pretty much the caliber this so-called “professional” site has to offer. It was probably her ex that stole the dog food. She’ll know when he wakes up in the morning and starts licking his own butt.