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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25, 2011

           My holiday backup research is complete already. I’d go to Naples except there is nothing to do there. I’ve never seen St. Augustine. A couple days there sounds nice, touring the older parts of the city. Two hundred ninety-five miles from here. Four tanks of gas, that’s $25 travel expense and I could take the coast road the entire way. It is still off season, I could stay almost a week. I found a place called Scottish Inn with mixed ratings and a singles rate and no William Shatner on their web page. By mixed some people say it is old and moldy, others say it is exactly what they were expecting. It seems similar to my accommodations in Venezuela, just 30 times more expensive.
           See photo, it has Spanish architecture. It is on a spit of land across a causeway (“Bridge of Lions”) from downtown and near a state park and a zoological park. I’d have to accept a smoking room but that doesn’t bother me in my line of work. Just give me a microwave and besides, I’ll find the nearest BK. Check back on this one, particularly if you are a total babe with a sense of adventure.
           The beautiful weather has returned. I kind of lazed around most of the day with all the windows open. It’s the nicest I’ve been to my heart in months. For a laugh, I went back to Craigslist, and it is still the dump it has become due to lack of moderation. It is worse than eBay for trying to find something in the correct category. I was looking at writing gigs, but I warn the casual reader not to think about going into writing unless you own a publishing rig.
           One smile was the people who want a writer to “create, run, maintain and operate” a web site. As if someone who could do all that is going that is going to work for somebody else. I try to imagine the mentality that watches a man coding computer instructions and equates it to “writing”. (Who do we know who thinks that way?) You get a lot of job offers like that in Florida. You do the work, they take the money. Like the guy who wants to start a band who is looking for a drummer, guitarist, bass player, vocalist, stage, lights, a PA system, and a place to practice.
           The pharmacy tells me that unless I supply a phone number, I will not be able to pick up my prescriptions after January. Guess they’ll be getting a lot of phony numbers. It must have to do with that newly-announced state drug database. It was supposed to catch crooks, now it keeps tabs on everybody. Well, you people didn’t support privacy, so now you don’t have any. Serves you right. Did you see the US government is proposing legislation to make Google quit announcing when it receives search warrants? (Most other countries already have such laws.)
           I wrote back to California accepting the donation of electronic supplies and asking if we could provide anything in return. My next prediction for the Arduino is that it will squeeze the more expensive and harder to program microprocessors out of the market. Additionally, nobody has really come up with a commercial use for the Arduino, but I’d watch for something. Once programmed, the chips can be manufactured for a couple of dollars each. I’m considering a book on advanced Arduino coding. It get’s kind of hairy, with bit arithmetic and macros. But a single Arduino success will create an aftermarket for specialized programmers. Do you know any?
           Trivia. For those of you who don’t know what a trade deficit is, that’s when the value your country imports exceeds the value of what you export. TIL (Today I learned) that the US trade deficit is ten times that of any other country, something like $500 billion. The opposite of deficit is surplus. At the other end of the scale, China’s surplus is $300 billion, followed by Germany at $188 billion. Highest per capita deficit? Canada at $50 billion in the hole.