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Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

           Get ready for some big news because it might just happen. And fast, too. In spite of my disappointment with writing jobs lately, I respond to many that offer real money for short articles. That conduct led me to compose some short (50 word) blurbs for precious metals. I feel the first country to return to the gold standard will be the wealthiest in the next 50 years. Well, did the people like my ad or what! However infinitesimal the chances, I hope this one flies.
           Here is a totally chance photo. This is a segment of the still from the video y’day. That is the anestheologist I wanted to meet and that never happened. That is so sad, she seemed so lonely and wanting to meet a real man that wasn’t total pretty fluff and putting on airs. All because I don’t have perfect teeth. Isn’t that ironic? Next time I’ll aim for an orthodontist, maybe?

           After today, expect a few more pictures to appear, we have a new digital camera. It’s a retrograde version, with the 26 picture limit similar to my good old Argus that got the ball rolling. Except this is a Vivitar that extracts 600 files to your hard drive when you try to install the driver. It has no SD card, requires a cable, no flash, no LCD, and uses the batteries I just put into my tuner. But for $9, I’m in. It is asking too much of Vivitar to stamp in bold letters on the package “Batteries Not Included.” I guess they forgot. A new camera was overdue, so I rode in the rain to get it, then over to BK, then over to Fred’s for more movies. I got soaked. Let it rain for a week now, who cares.
           In fact, I couldn’t wait, so here is a snap from the new Vivitar. This is testing the low-light capability, which seems to be okay. This is my work station, where what you see here and so much else you will never see gets created. Yes, that is today’s blog on the monitor. After all these years, I’ve gone full circle back to a “better than nothing” camera. But that’s okay, there will be a break any day now.
           Still impatient, I ran the camera through its paces. The internals are identical to the old Argus, even the sequence of modes. The camera is better than the software, which amounts to interfaces to upload to every known social site. One would think people just might want to review and edit their photos first, you know, in case they don’t get them perfect the first time. Another reason I know it is Argus is the behavior of the shutter when the light gets too low. Identical. I made a whole pot of tea thinking this would take two hours instead of ten minutes.
           Later, I got a reply from the people needing the writing done. The message was simple, “Love it. Can we do more?” We certainly can since it is field I just happen to know an unusually lot about, though I won’t say here. Plus, I even enjoy writing that topic for it keeps me abreast of the latest developments which I might otherwise let lapse. I want twice what they are offering, so wait a bit until I build some dependency. I’ve reviewed their other writer’s output. Pure amateurish tripe would be a compliment for them.
           Even later. We are having difficulty arranging for a payment system agreeable to both parties. This could kill the deal.

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