How you don’t want to be remembered. This must be a big important man because he is driving a big important truck. What? Are you saying that isn’t necessarily so? Then you better tell this idiot before he gets himself killed. See, I’m waiting to make a right turn and he’s behind me. But he can’t wait, being big and important and all. So he drives around me on the left (holding his slurpee) and drives into rush hour shown here risking his life.

I’m going to rig up a larger basket for my scooter. The custom ones are tiny and have round shapes. That makes it hard to tote anything except a pair of gloves. Another change I made was reverting to Word 2003 after 45 days of that pathetic Word 2007. I downloaded the MS conversion formulas and took everything back to the last OS they made that worked half decently: XP. Speaking of things that didn’t work, it was in the paper today the governments emergency system of having all radio stations blast dreadful electronic alert tones was a failure. (People thought it was Lady Gaga.)
What is the most gold you’ve seen at once? No, not pictures of gold, but up close real gold. Y’day when I was in the precious metals shop a lady came in to inspect her holdings. She had 25 velvet lined wooden boxes with each box containing 80 pieces of gold 1 oz each. Each box seemed it might contain small sets of silverware as in a hutch. The gold was contained in slots, like a tray for microscope slides. Let’s commence to cipherin’.
[Author's note 2016: that's why you like this blog. We correct mistakes, not erase them. The error here was the following assumption that the lady was trading in gold. Wrong, it was a collection of silver that had been gold plated, probably only a micron or two thick. These sets were popular a while ago, at least with the crowd of billionaires who invest in what they see on TV. Anyway, I probably already said I was wrong elsewhere, but the ounces were silver, not gold.]
That’s 25 boxes of 80 which is 2,000 oz at $1,800 per ounce equals $3,600,000. Wearing gloves, she was slowly taking each gold piece out of the case, examining it, and placing it back in its spot. Where a mousy fifty year old lady got 2,000 pieces of gold is not within my realm of speculation. But I’ve got twenty bucks says her digging wasn’t done in the Yukon Territory.
A sad day for the Internet is approaching. Congress is about to pass a bill which gives censorship rights to, of all groups, the entertainment media. These people are not the creators of art, they are the distributors. Their motives for suppression are not for the public good, but for good old money. It won’t affect me much, as my music is performed live. This law goes after Joe Average. The intelligent will likely not notice any dip in supply.
My objection is [therefore] not based on the ruling itself, but on the ghastly and dreadful new abuses of such a law. Like income tax, it can only work when the enforcers have unlimited authority to monitor your private affairs on an intimate basis. But of course, you have nothing to hide. We hope you weren’t lying because there’s nobody left to speak for you.
In any case, prohibition of this and any flavor will merely bring on the rise of illicit empires, creating new Capones. It will popularize scofflaws, criminalize ordinary folk, foster disobedience, and create new forms of piracy. One thing is certain, it will force bootleg prices higher, resulting in more total loss to society than the ridiculous sums claimed by the big five [studios].
Did you see the four piece rock band at Jimbos? Too bad the place doesn’t justify all the work they did, plus my new Friday guitar show soon to be opening will steal the crowd back. Not that there was a crowd, but you know what I mean. The band was surprisingly quiet for that brand of music and I see they are fishing for new venues. But they are vast overkill for a 32-seat saloon. It will soon revert to the established fact that I am the only entertainer who can make a go of that location.
I stopped for Karaoke at Buddy’s, where my duet with the owner is now a standard. It was clear from the start we had a winner with “Jackson”. It has really turned out to be something and I must try to get this on video. Every so often, something clicks and acquires that undefined quality called “charm”. My judgment is primarily based on whether people stop what they are doing and focus on the performance for its entire duration. Another telltale signal is, to coin a phrase, that un-fake-able look of delight when you finish. (At the other extreme, I base bugger all on whether some guitar-goof says he likes it.)
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