Cool, a black light picture. Well, not so cool. This is the DNA spray being marketed to prevent theft. The spray uses combinations of 60 DNA particles, meaning every person and business on earth could have a unique can of the stuff. The concept is a robber would be blasted as he exits the building, and the DNA remains on skin up to two weeks. The problem is, like fingerprints, it is only a matter of time before it is used for general record-keeping and the loss of privacy that goes with that.

I objected to the term part-time student when I was working. If you have a full time job, taking evening courses is not at all the same as somebody studying at a leisurely pace. There have only been around sixteen years since birth that I have not been in school at some point during that year. And most of those involved private study, like the electronics I’m exploring these days. How does the government expect people who haven’t read a text in thirty years to change their occupations? You don’t need a new job, you need a new government.
It costs $7.20 to run a fan all month. I know because I accidentally left the shed fan on for 31 days. That’s slightly less than 1 cent per hour. That’s a big 20” room-size oscillating fan. Remind me to build an automatic shut off, or I won’t be able to afford lunch with the Dalai Lama. The only reason I didn’t go to Naples last week was the freezing weather.
One of the top rated products of 2011 is the Coleman Instant Tent. I originally potholed it because it was clear from the instructions that it required two people to set it up. That’s cheating. Today, I saw a youTube of a guy do it by himself in less than two minutes, albeit on a perfectly calm day. That’s the smaller 6 person tent, not the 8 person model. Equally important, he was also able to take it down in the same time frame. Reviews, however, report the tent is not waterproof. That makes it not a tent.

Germany is again moving to a dominant position in Europe over this whole Euro fiasco. It’s glossed over by all the negotiating, but the fact remains Germany has a better system and Germany’s recurring resurgence is furthered by the fundamental political ineptitude of their neighbors who haven’t learned a damn thing in one thousand years. The only real competition is France and England for whom the only hope is sending their politicians au poteau (to the firing squad).
That’s the limit of my political recommendations. I don’t understand all these US primaries and colleges, I’d rather watch rodeo clowns. But I see Ron Paul is gaining as the voice of reason and I honestly hope he trounces the grinning gorillas. His critics say his game plans, such as canceling entire government departments, is a cure worse than the sickness—but I’m perfectly willing to let him do it. Goodbye departments of Education, Homeland Security, FEMA, IRS, and Health. One intriguing item is that he would prevent judges from “instructing” the jury during a trial. Have they been abusing this privilege?
What’s this? More bombers? We’re stuck with this until America becomes equal, in that when a Martian bombs, we ban all Martians. Banning only some of them doesn’t work, since the problem can only be cured by themselves. One hypocrisy I note is that Islamic terrorists say we interfere with their internal politics and religion. Aren’t there about twenty countries Moslem today because of fire and sword? I’m just askin’.
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