I’m crabby today, with no good reason to be. I woke up like that. Even a great breakfast of perogies and barbeque chicken didn’t help. That dumb broad on the Sun Sentinal commercials is bugging me. She says saving money is important these days, like it wasn’t before and she’s just realizing it. Or how about those brilliant types who protest censorship by blacking out their own web pages? And Amtrak who wants $150+ per night for the cheapest private spot to sleep on their trains.
Want lessons on back-peddling two-faced lying? How about that Captain Crunch, [from the Italian liner that sunk] now claiming he “fell” into a lifeboat (along with his two other senior officers) and couldn’t get back on board. If he learns to juggle, he’s got a career in politics. The parent company is Carnival cruise lines, and I doubt they’ve learned any lessons about how Human Resources are doing their job. I’d like to know how such a lily-liver ever got command of a $450 million dollar boat.
Kodak is going under and you watch, they’ll discover the pension plan was only funded to the minimum 10%. Didn’t they have 100,000 employees not that long ago? It was Kodak and their outrageous film prices that shoved me to my first digital camera. I know that I never bought anything from Kodak unless I had no other choice. Nor were they exactly any powerhouse of innovation considering their historical profits.
Or how about the feds on border patrol claiming they are doing a better job than ever before of staunching the inflow. Have you ever scuffed your boot across a trail of ants and seen what good it does? Immigration’s plan is to bus, at your expense, the illegals to a different part of the boundary. The theory is the Mexicans will be so disoriented by the unfamiliar turf, they won’t just walk back. What do Immigration people and Carnival cruise lines have in common?
Another thing I don’t like is these new atlases that bull-headedly refuse to admit the USA is the most important country in the world and put it first. Why should Americans, who, if God were here today, would choose them, have to flip to the back of an atlas to find what country DC is going to bomb next? Answer me that. Get it together you book people. (I was attempting humor, that the US of A should always be the first country in every atlas.)
One author I can’t stand is Steven King. It isn’t horror, it’s third rate schlock written for cheap movie adaptations and grade B actors. I tried to watch “Storm of the Century”, but gave up under an hour. It’s about some vampire casting spells from jail. Existing sets, minimal makeup, and King’s stock “everybody panic” script that will never, in my eyes, pass for a truly scary plot. One more annoying thing about King is his constant inclusion of children who do nothing but tear-jerk the mothering types in the audience.
I insist on finding something positive about today. How about the best music rehearsal yet? We struggled through every tune, but struggled over what I know to be the tricky parts. Bands that don’t focus on precisely such finer details fail during this stretch. I consider it fortunate the new guitarist is keen about not wasting time. With my vocals, I’ve noticed lately I run out of breath at times. Didn’t I once hear that’s what happens when you don’t clip the notes? There’s one for you. Me, from a family of mouth-breathers, taking lessons on exhaling.
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