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Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

           Why this shopping center directory? I had to skip breakfast, and everywhere you look, ads for restaurants. People on a regiment or those on a diet get this continual barrage of food, food, food. In this case 4/13 or over 30% of the ads are food for sale. That doesn’t count the dry goods section at Walgreens, who now stock candy bars six times as large as when you were a kid.
           Y’day is what I call a normal retirement day. I was busy from 8:00 AM and didn’t get back home until 10:30 at night. Sixty-five mile round trip. If that’s not a full day, then it’s time to redefine retirement. Yet, I have not received a cnet of retirement income. This pace of things is a result of following my budget and my returning health. It should not surprise anyone how all my life I’ve dated women half my age. And intend to do so again shortly.
           Today, it is mid-afternoon and I’ve already been royally screwed. When you send somebody express mail, the post office tells you the latest delivery time and date. Some people I know can’t grasp why the USPS bothers with that. Allow me: it is so you can contact the receiving party and tell them when to expect delivery. Because somebody failed to get the concept so I’m out a pile of money.
           Then I get a kick out of Cowboy Mike, who’s decided to keep his recorder another day. Seems he proclaimed a target date to finish his CD. Never do that with unfamiliar computer equipment. Mike is also a difficult customer. He’ll ask you for advice or an explanation, then gets antsy if you don’t say what he wants to hear. In the end, he transferred his music tracks to a computer, bypassing the Tascam.
           He later waffled enough to offer me a few bucks to go over there and figure it out. This means teaching it to him, which I usually price separately. The directions are confusing and hardly in logical order. I deciphered the basics and we actually burned several CDs. I cannot recommend Tascam for the beginner. There are too many quirks and a terrible manual. No-techs could probably not operate this machine without training, and the glossary is useless for industry terminology. You are supposed to know what mixdown is before you buy.
           Since JP and I were discussing medical procedures, he brought up Alli, a diet medicine which appears to work by blocking the digestion of fat. Then I read some reviews concerning the non-absorption of dietary fat. Read it for the plain English reviews of side effects. I can think of a dozen uses for this drug at a college dorm. The relevance here is that my provider will not cover any anti-triglyceride treatments and that is my remaining unconquered condition. Even so, I’ll pass on Alli. Get it? Pass?
           I got a question for all the do-gooders who say that people in an ATM lineup should not grumble when somebody is taking their time. That the people waiting in the lineup should be more understanding. Would it not be far more efficient to be saying that kind of thing to the person holding things up? Myself, I am a heavy user of ATMs and I whistle annoying tunes if anyone takes more than two minutes. No, I don’t advocate special treatment for slowpokes. I recommend a cattle prod. Not for the old or disabled, just the slugs.