April 1 is when financial crises happen. One interesting aspect of inflation is that everyone expects it, yet the majority of commodity prices are predicted to drop in 2012. See Morgan Stanley. (The only predicted increases are beef, coffee, gold, and silver.) Oil stays the same. Other than oil, the only thing exported by Arab countries is dried fish and dates. I think we’ll see some interesting defaults yet this year.
My comment on silver is that it is still undervalued. I have no idea by how much. It costs less today than 30 years ago and its historical pattern says it should cost $100 per ounce today. It is more volatile than gold and easier to move. Those are buy signals to me.
If the US defaults on even one payment, most European economies will implode. Do we watch for one big signal, or a whole bag of small ones? I suspect prices are low because institutions are selling silver to get the cash to meet their payments when they should be hoarding it. Like real estate, somebody is manipulating the market to keep up appearances. America on the brink of disaster.
One emerging fact: you get 66.36 mpg on a Chinese 150cc scooter [driving] in town. All other claims are bogus where mine are based 7,200 miles of documented operation. Even this number depends on averaging 35 mph or less when moving. And the number is high because I make long trips for most of my mileage. Chinese carburetors do not like the 10% ethanol and make the bike is sluggish over 18 mph. (Left standing, the ethanol evaporates, making the bike hard to start.)
[Author's note 2016-04-05: wow, I'm astounded to find a video embedded in this blog at such a late date, 2012. This clip is typical of the mini-videos that I made with the equipment I owned at that time, a lot of it analog. All the ingredients are there, mind you, even the background music is my own creation. I've made countless videos of this type, all without any assistance. Everything is original, the theme, the camera work, the editing, everything. If Google had not canceled this feature, who knows what would be here by now. Instead, most of the others are concerned only with playing electric bass.]
Here’s a demo of what speed soldering looks like after a year of practice, off and on. It can’t get much faster or the soldering iron would be too hot for the substrate. It’s a few seconds of how far things have gone from the time I was afraid I’d burn up expensive components. The club standard regularly exceeds most bench work, as shown here. I sent this video to Singapore and received a rave review for my handiwork.
I drove the 16 miles out to Nova to discover my evening class was cancelled. Like Seattle, the Florida school board is one expert at taking your enrollment money, but one bastard about following up. I was one of several people who drove all the way to Nova to be disappointed. The desk lady suggested I take an alternate class in Coral Springs, another 20 miles away. Civil servants don’t get concerned about gas prices. And it cost me $6 to tank up today, dad-nerb it America. Invade something, already.
Mind you, I did meet a friendly gal on the way to an arts class. Second level pencil sketching or something. Had her little easel by her side. But I’m leery of 30+ women with severe acne, much like they don’t care for my less than white teeth. Can I find something positive in this? Okay, consider that my ulterior motive to taking the class was to meet women who have leisure time. In that sense, I’m progressing to at least partial non-reliance on music. So, do I sign up for an art class?
Every disappointing situation has one over-riding characteristic that sticks in the memory. For Nova, it was the extreme difficulty in finding the adult education office. It is impossible (not an exaggeration) to locate without a guide who knows the way. While the school grounds are full of teenagers, none of them know where it is, nor any of the security guards or day teachers. They need a class on how to find the damn office.
So now I have some unspent money and the weekly gas quota is also saved. Everything else is topped up, so what to do with the cash? It’s not enough for a trip, but too much for guitar picks. Trivia. Did you know that 77% of the current Ohio state legislature believes that man was created in his final form (without evolution) some time during the past 10,000 years.
Later, thanks to Singapore for a quick reply to the mysterious transistor switch. You can view some of Siong’s work at pic-control. The club is building both versions on one circuit board to make a direct comparison of performance. Isn’t that something; that it is easier to find expert help from 10,550 miles away than to locate a single knowledgeable man in the entire state of Florida who is willing to help? Floridians use the Internet to read their horoscope.
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