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Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

           The day was made for yard work, and if I think that, you can be assured it was nice out. I broke my recently fixed wheelbarrow with too heavy a load, then repaired it again with metal this time. That’s heap bother for something I use twice a year. This “blue” picture of my back yard should give some indication of the summer heat now creeping into the noonday period. That tarp is actually bright green and brand new, it is covering 1,000,000 toothpicks. Today I’m following doc’s orders and fasting again, this is as exciting as it get today.
           There was plenty of time to carefully plan a semi-blues tune the way Johnny Cash might have done it. I lack talent, not imagination. I have a riff that fits the extra half measure, now I must make it distinct. As a result, I had a discussion with Trumpet Jerry about some limitations of that instrument. What I’m seeking is a simple but difficult to play intro. The longest possible trumpet glissando came to mind.
           Trumpet Jerry says the limitation is the player, since not everyone has the correct embouchure or stamina. Three and a half octaves is possible, now I want Jerry to add something that cannot be duplicated on guitar or keyboard, something that forces the listener to realize it is live. Then, I believe I will have a unique contribution to music history, it’s that song I dedicate to Nashville.
           Trent & I skipped rehearsal tonight, he’s busy, I got a med procedure tomorrow. It’s nothing, but before my ticker stablilized, I didn’t even dare go to the dentist. I’ve taken a break from reading “Fifty”, it is that intense. For comic relief, I picked up a book on MI5 and MI6, the British espionage service. Hilarious bumblers, that lot. For every success, they had a whopping list of screwups and missed opportunities. They even got the Falklands War wrong, not learning about it until two days before the attack when it was announced in the Argentine newspapers.
           Who wouldn’t welcome a little extra cash? I found a discrepancy in the formula used to calculate my daily average disposable income. What do you mean not everybody keeps track of such things? Anyway, I was subtracting running total instead of an average and now I have an extra $1.10 spending money per day. I was wondering why I always had the extra $30 surplus at months end. It’s still going to be another lean summer, but this helps.

          What you should see nearby is a video that probably has no relevance to today's post, but I'm testing the blog video upload feature. It only seems to work in compose mode, which I don't use because I've got the brains to do my own composing, thank you blogspot for treating me like your regular user.
           The “new” blogspot is a pain in the you know. They’ve even changed the date setting to display the Spanish calendar, which begins on a Monday. The one common factor to societies that assimilate is that nobody asks the majority if they want to be assimilated. Myself, I only want to assimilate with tall sexy Norwegian girls. But we’ve become a society where every minority has the right to throw their crap in your face and if you complain, you’re a racist. And everybody knows Joe Average would rather have crap thrown in his face than be a racist. In public, anyway, and in private, gee, the politicians don’t have to listen. Minorities never had it so good.

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