I’ve never been a fan of that PopSci perennial, flying cars. But when I see an airplane that is made easier to fly, I’m impressed. And that goes for the Icon A-5. The cockpit is less complicated than some old Chevrolets. It is also amphibious and the wings fold with the touch of a button. But even those with $140,000 need to be reminded that amphibious does not mean the airplane lands on the ocean. No, don’t even try that. Amphibious planes require smooth water for take-off and landing. Everything else you fly over.
If you link to the video, follow the part about LSA, the “light sport aircraft” category. This is something new, the US created the classification to allow more people to fly. The license requires only 20 hours instruction. I’m just sayin’. Another product to watch is the Makerbot Replicator . These printers are the future. At $2,200 each, they cost less than I was quoted just to design my 10x10 toothpick holder. The plastic “ink” is only $20 a pound.

Here’s one that completely threw me. Can you guess who this is? I was stumped, even when I heard her sing. It’s Tanya Tucker, the “Delta Dawn” singer from Texas, only like the banjo player, she’s all growed up now. And then some. Wow, some people age fast. Of course, she did a bout or two with booze and drugs, blaming it on loneliness. That happens when you date Glen Campbell types. It’s a good thing she had all that fame and money for there’s no telling what would have happened if she'd been forced to get a real job. Well, at least she didn’t waste it all on facials and weight loss.
This attitude of mine carries over to performing. Tonight I attended the single worse Karaoke show of my life—worse than the Sunday show at Sheabeen’s. A part of any musicianship involves value judgments of all acts, and particularly new acts—you get them up on stage for their first song fast, so they’ll stick around. If they thrill the crowd, you bump them up the line. Another part of the deal is that you don’t act bored with your own show no matter how many times you repeat it. Either change the show or learn to fake it. Here’s an overview, you can fill in the rest with your imagination.
You know the difference between an elephant and a (insert ethnic here) grandmother? The black dress. I’m not saying fat old broads in dresses that fit twenty years back don’t appeal to drunks in the crowd. I’m saying it was disgusting to me. Do you know what an auto-queue is? Contemporary Karaoke has a marquee that scrolls the upcoming performers. The problem is, if you leave it at the default setting (any other setting takes brains), it works on first-come first-serve. Thus, newcomers, the very customers you want to stay, can get discouraged if they have to wait an hour.
And that was my main objection to the show. Some people I know to be really talented were leaving. I show up late on purpose, so I didn’t mind being 15th on the list, but others won’t wait. Particularly if the same people are twice on the list ahead of them. Several times I glanced up at the DJ wondering what the hell she was thinking. She was not even paying attention, she had her head down behind the booth, stuffing her face with chicken wings.
Duets are very rare in Florida, and it requires (uses up) a turn. So I asked the DJ if I could count that as a second reservation. She said yes, so I sang my fave tune first. Then I’m waiting and waiting for nearly an hour. Finally, I thought, who is this buffoon? If she’d been paying attention, she would have seen how my act completely brought the audience into the act. But who am I to compete with greasy late-night chicken wings?
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