Let’s see how my ratings change with my new blog format. It is not a gigantic makeover, just a widening of scope and a shifting of ballast. Here’s a sample concerning a model shoot I witnessed on the beach in Marathon. This is the best unobtrusive shot I could get, but take a close look at these “models”. In my day, they would not pass muster. The guy’s half bald and the broad’s four-foot nothing with knobby knees. Yet it was plain they had been to modeling school because they knew how to pose. But posing it was.
Look at the numbers on breast implants. The misconception is that they are performed on insecure young women chasing rich husbands. Nope, the average woman getting this procedure is a 36 year-old housewife with two children. God sakes. Sure, there is a double standard, but that [standard] has been honed by a million year of evolution and it won’t be changed surgically. Trust me, by 36 if you ain’t made it, it ain’t gonna be made.
There, is that argumentative enough? What you are getting is not an about-face, but a greater than before emphasis on one side—the side I happen to be on. And once again, there is a plan to advertise this blog, not to be confused with allowing advertising in this blog. That’s two different animals. And if you saw the change in the blog header, it turns out my properly indented paragraphs are unique and it is a major selling point. Go for it.
Ha! I knew it would finally happen. I know zero about this CIA scandal (I believe people’s sex lives are not anyone else’s business), but it seems someone involved has hired not a lawyer, but a public relations firm. The media has turned such “trials” into standing jokes, so if innocence is based on one’s image, go to the professionals. What I’ll never understand is how rich men would find anything attractive in such mousy brunette housewives. Makes you wonder.
Then how about that Australian collar-bomb extortion attempt? Since he was nabbed in America, of course he’s claiming remorse, mental troubles, and (naturally) no memory of the event. The comic part is the report that he was tracked down using emails. That’s a crock and cover up. People smart enough to plan a kidnapping use proxy servers. Those who don’t know how that is done better join a different gang.
Will everyone relax? Silver is not going through the roof, it has just risen 81 cents. The other side always runs for cover after every election. Call me when it goes up 81 dollars. Meanwhile, withdraw to a pre-natal condition and breathe deeply from the diaphragm. And stop crapping your drawers. It is bad enough when leading economists include such factors as “confidence” in their rants. Folks, it will end when enough of the fat is trimmed.
Trivia. A trap town is a fictitious location included by mapmakers to catch copiers who don’t do their own surveying. I learned this is common, but it is also common for mapmakers to deny it. The town of Algoe, NY, actually came into being when somebody built a store at a fabricated spot. Anyway, if you get caught, a good defense is that these pretend places don’t exist, therefore cannot be copyrighted, therefore you have done nothing wrong. But don’t try it. The cartographers only use trap towns as initial bait. The phone company also uses fake phone listings for the same purpose, so you know.
More trivia. There is no such thing as a perfectly tuned piano. If there was, it would sound tinny, like a cheap music box. The fact is, a well tuned piano is consistently out except for the octaves. I was surprised to read that some piano-tuners were using digital equipment when in fact, you have to listen for the correct beats and each piano is unique. I hear them quite clearly, the slowest ones are the root and fifth, about one per second. Violins and guitars are tuned perfectly and musicians get around this by wavering the note.
If you like corruption, you’ll love the people who pick the Nobel Prize winners. The word on the street is Nobel’s will was worded so ambiguously that anything goes. Candidates are subjected to stringent checks that have nothing to do with the award. Ever been arrested? Divorced? Lie on a resume? Kiss your chances good bye. The next thing you know, they’ll be giving the Peace Prize to some bozo in the middle of a damn war. What? He is? They did? Cancel last remark.
Hacktivism. No, I am not a member. Nor do I believe they are a real organization in any good sense. That’s because no group of 100,000 mostly men can possibly remain totally anonymous and uninfiltrated. I agree with their premises and disagree with the methods of their opponents, but I’m inclined to think it is a small core group of computer gurus and a ton of student followers. I do not believe the government and corporations can ever be stopped from invading your privacy, their power ultimately depends on it. Since the secret files can never be destroyed, hacktivism seems to take the view that making them public diminishes their worth. I say that is just as bad.
The cure is to make the people who keep or use the files public information. You can look at my file, but you have 90 days to tell me why. And if your reason is bad or un-Constitutional, I get to sue. That’s the answer. Every party that keeps a file on you must, each year, show you their ID and the contents of that file, and get your written permission to keep it another year. Cheaters go to prison, sorry no fines here. And to those who say we could not run the country without secret files, there should be a boat waiting for them.