Today: nothing but controversy. Except maybe this photo of the rear bearing housing of a scooter like mine. Mechanicals like this send me the opposite direction. I have no faculty for this type of work. I could replace non-functioning things if I knew which ones needed it but I already do that with computers and over-mature women. I prefer indoor occupations. My ratings say I’m getting better at ruffling feathers and creating donnybrooks. Now, let’s see who I can miff today.

[Author's note 2015-12-12: the 47% referred to next is the number of people on some kind of welfare according to recent political statements. This bloc of voters cannot be expected to be advocates for any real changes in the system. That's how politics works in countries like Canada. When everybody gets a handout, nobody opposes the existing regime. The concept here is that those who voted in Obama again have voted themselves another four years of welfare checks. As it turned out, none of the following proposals was ever carried out. Donald J. Trump was unheard of at that time.]
The 47% have spoken, they have staved off defeat for another four years, but this time it won’t be a Mardi Gras. The system is tightening up something fierce and guess what, they are using all the information people with “nothing to hide” have supplied for free. The new Obama food stamp rules are changing. They now have a database that cross-references EVERY answer given on the on-line application form in real time, plus the following:
1) food stamp purchases to be matched against a list of “nutritious foods”
2) mandatory GED/job training with monthly drug tests
3) cash recipients must show all household bills paid on time
4) new low limit on value of assets like automobiles
I view these as positive regulations that do not infringe on anyone’s “rights”. I myself collected food stamps at one time and I obeyed the rules. So should everybody else. But I’ve seen Palm Beach recipients pull up in luxury cars and I’ve seen millionaires in West Vancouver on welfare. This is not possible without them telling lies. I have always believed wards of the public should have less right to privacy concerning their finances. Those on outright welfare should have their names, photos, and the amount they receive posted for all to see.
Need another sign that America has gone downhill? Watch the news. It’s hard to fathom that such manure is plugged as top news stories and even scarier to realize the public is eating it. Let’s recap a few today.
“Former first daughter pregnant.” [First daughter? Give me a break.]
“Jersey storm victims need long-term temporary housing.” [Wha?]
“Gay couple marries.” [I was trying to have breakfast.]
“Anne Hathaway wardrobe malfunction.” [Not again!]
If I could find a newspaper that refuses to print spectacularism I might actually subscribe. As it is, media coverage encourages suicide and mass killing. Non-descript? Can’t dance? Buy an AK-47 and be famous by tomorrow, compliments, Time Warner. All you ever wanted to know about obscure politics, AIDS, other people’s problems, and meritless lawsuits. No education or thought process required, it’s been taken care of for you. My God, did I just write a job description for the civil service?
Good job for once, Miami Herald, for reporting the Oregon shootings near the bottom of page 13A. Now if you could only do something about your daily gay rights article. Whether for them or against them, we are all of us plain sick and tired of hearing about it.

A few minutes earlier Bay Lop had shot the local police chief and slit the throats of the chief's wife and six young children. Did your newspaper report that? Did they tell you Bay Lop was caught red-handed and the six children were the godchildren of the man pulling the trigger? Did your mainstream media tell you that? Or did they portray it like so much anti-war propaganda? And do you still read that newspaper? I thought so.
Do you agree the name of “America’s Got Talent” should be changed to something more descriptive. Like “The Singing and Dancing Show”. And the way the Internet in this country is changing, this blog may be one of the last free offerings yet. All the free sites are shutting down to be replaced by sales pitches. You can’t Google the south pole any more without getting on some corporation’s hit list. I was updating my speed dials, which explains why I’m keen on what changes in that respect.
Not so with English sites, there is excellent quality to be found across the pond. But if there is a way to filter by country, I have not found it yet. Such a feature will soon, I project, be very handy. I can see the few good sites that make money without all the in-your-face advertising will eventually wind up fleeing America. Too much government and getting worse every day. It’s the Roman Empire all over again, this time with money instead of land.

What’s with the spate of ads for bass players all over town? My monthly review shows over a dozen listings. I’ve seen this before and it usually occurs when one of the limited supply of bassists quits a local band. It reshuffles the deck without any net gain. All local bands play roughly the same material. I know when I audition, the band wants the bassist to learn what they already play. Talk about laziness.
In Broward, the next bassist is like the next guitarist with the same 22 songs. No stage-ready guitarist I’ve met in Florida ever learned a single tune of mine. Sharing and cooperation are not their traits, it’s as if they rather remain home alone than lower themselves to playing a song they didn’t personally choose. Some of them have been home alone an awfully, awfully long time, know what I mean? And very few of the others have gone anywhere with their acts in as many years. They just will not take the necessary chances.
Expunge the novel “Fire” by Katherine Neville off the agenda. Each chapter loads on more characters and the time line doesn’t make sense. Neville tries to manufacture mystery by writing intentionally confusing and disjointed matter. You know, like we did back in the third grade. If her intention is to tie all this back together in a happy ending, she’s already off the limits on the believability index. The dust jacket says it is a contemporary of “The Da Vinci Code” but it definitely is nothing of the sort. The author has the mind of a juvenile. A prep school juvenile.
Denny’s leads the way. Obamacare means Denny’s diners will soon find a 5% surcharge on their bills to cover that cost. Other restaurant chains are likely to follow suit. Businesses can limit health care expense by keeping employee hours less than 30 per week, I mean, what muttonhead came up with that one? Then again, I’ve never agreed with how restaurants pay their employees anyway. Then, then again, again, I’ve had some scummy jobs in my life, but I never sunk so low as to do food service. That is just like, desperate.
The real problem with medical treatment in America is not the cost. Supply and demand would take care of that if allowed to do so. It is insurance companies that distort the equation. If insurance will pay $56,000 for a skin graft and $110,000 for a heart bypass, that is what doctors will charge. So, insurance even skews the supply of doctors because drug rehab pays only $9500. Take away insurance and who in their right mind would pay $5,057 for a circumcision? (Don’t answer that.) The insurance behemoths have never revealed how much they spend to have each new President’s spine removed.
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