Who is Hollywood Singles Meetup? Ever since I established a Facebook account, I get e-mails from people who want me to go kayaking and play softball. Personally, I’ve always been leery of women who have to work at keeping fit, you know, gain the husband, lose the diet. Doesn’t sound like the way to search for intelligent life. There’s something about women dating men who use baseball bats that I just don’t get.
The news from Colorado is not good. This was semi-expected. I must acquire a house soon meaning I can’t wait until I have a system in place to support one. The good news is I passed my semi-annual with honors. Over the years I’ve learned to read my own EKG printout and this time there were no “seismic events”. No, I cannot return to work, but there is a new program beginning February that reports success with situations like mine. I’ve put my name down for it.
Trivia. According to Dan Lewis, the popular concept that Kodak goes bankrupt next February because they failed to innovate is plain false. It was revealed a few years back that Kodak even had a nuclear reactor in the basement since 1974. Containing 3-1/2 pounds of enriched uranium, it somehow kept itself a secret without Kodak really trying. It’s gone now, and besides, the bad guys need 100 pounds to build a bomb.
No, I’m not the only one who thinks the media should be curbed. Many people feel as I do, that the media promotes and encourages horrific crimes by turning the killers into celebrities. Fox and CNN prove once more they have no morality by running the gunman’s picture for two straight days. It’s getting hard to tell who is sicker, the media or the murderers. The broadcasters are motivating mass killings and they know it.
Blogspot, the host of this blog, is worth $786 million. They pull in about $650,000 per day, from what I don’t know. I gleaned this data from Vampire Stats after noticing they regularly appear on my referral list. They evaluate sites. Other “worths” are Google $8 billion, YouTube $3 billion, Facebook $4 billion, and SingleModernMom weighing in at $8.65. (It’s worth a look because it isn’t really what you think.)
That provided this unusual link. Charlie Brown Revisited. As you may have heard, Google is “adjusting” its searches so that porn is “more difficult” to find. Talk about idiotic, like that’s going to stop anybody. So what is Google really up to? Well, first of all, Google is not the same favorite son it was ten years back. They now call themselves a “content distribution” outfit. And they are about to crack down on that distribution. Their search algorithm now monitors sites rather than individual pages. Blocking is the next move.
Except, of course, whenever Google has a vested interest. For example, here is there published list of alleged offenders, defined as those who get the most reports (see below) of copyright violation, usually from Degban, which bills itself as a “multimedia protection” service. Along with the RIAA (think Sony, Warner, Universal, EMI), these people file millions of removal requests per month, currently about four million. Funny thing. By far, the largest copyright offender in the universe is missing from the list: youTube. What do you know, Google owns youTube.
How does Google logic work? Simple, Google utilizes only the number of infringement complaints that are not “countered”. Most share sites have a blanket policy against even acknowledging these pseudo-legal complaints, and never counter, while Google auto-counters by policy. Soon, censorship will never be easier as entire sites get blocked from Google searches—except to sites owned by Google. But the scary part is the next move is to shut down the servers that host whatever Google doesn’t like. Watch for it.
From our “But when I do” department, there is a photo editing package I’m really beginning to like. Photoscape. By like I mean I will send them a donation. Why? Because when they say free, they mean free. No BS 30-day trial (which necessarily snoops into your computer settings), no blanked features, no incessant advertising, no e-mail, no membership required, you know what I’m talking about. They leave you alone. Know what I’m sayin’, HotSpot?

Trivia. Fractals seem to scare people away. Here’s my quick explanation. Fractal is a word invented in the 1970s to describe how Nature is not random. I like to think of a crystal, if you smash it to pieces and look under a microscope, the shards will be different sizes. But they will all have the same shape. Keep turning up the power of the microscope and the shape repeats no matter how small you keep looking. Now think of an oak tree. The trunk breaks into branches, then smaller branches, and this continues into the leaves and you see there is a repeating pattern that keeps getting smaller and smaller. If you forget about size, the smallest and largest pieces have the same shape. This is very common in Nature, from seashells to billowing clouds.
The mystery date. For nearly thirty years I’ve been advising people to always use December 17th as their birthday whenever signing up for anything. (Of course I don’t mean official applications, only on-line junk.) It was a purely arbitrary choice and the birth year is always chosen to put one in the late twenties, so currently we are using 1985. This tactic also tips you off who is selling your privacy. Dating clubs are notorious for selling your information behind your back.

This blog contains intentional errors that make it useless to trace, identify, investigate, or corroborate anything. Some people don’t understand, “For Amusement Only”. I was born December 17, 1965. Whoopi Goldberg is my evil twin and one-time xylophone instructor. I have 35 illegitimate children. One of my [many] college degrees were obtained by credit-point accumulation (I never studied the topic). I have $480,000 hidden in a farm trailer across the line from Oroville, WA. My fingerprint records are backwards (left to right). How is one to separate truth from near-truth? Well, that’s like asking me how one match can burn down the forest, but it takes the whole box to light your campfire. Use your head, I guess.
[Author's note 2016: the above is all wrong. I was born in 1955 and although Whoopi is evil, she's not my twin. And she taught me glockenspiel. It's actually two of my degrees that I've never studied for and it's not a farm trailer. It's in a trailer court and it's $488,000 although that could be another typo.]
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