In case anybody missed it, I am pacifist, isolationist, and anti-violence. I believe the aggressor is always wrong until proven innocent. So I have to smile at those who oppose gun control. Mass killings are a mental health issue, as anyone who keeps loaded handguns, military assault rifles and two thousand rounds of ammunition in their home will gladly tell you.
This week, I skip the review of real estate offerings. Pre-Xmas is always a slow time and prices are high. Hey, maybe Santa will bail them out. But if you see the way people think, the situation has not yet quite reversed. They bought thinking their credit was getting them ahead faster than the Joneses. But imaging sitting in a $200,000 house, still owing $160,000 on it after ten years, unable to sell it for $120,000 and watching similar places now selling for $80,000. So, they’re still thinking the same way, yuppers.
I’ll tell you what’s even sadder about such people. They vociferously claimed they had “nothing to hide” as the record-keeping bureaucracy slowly documented their every move and every asset. They gave up their right to privacy without a fight. Now they can’t even walk away from that crushing mortgage and buy another house because the system will find them and they’ll lose both. Ha, serves them right. When they finally try to hide something, they can’t. What was that Gump said about stupid is?
Newest real estate scam. Community property outfits advertising houses without the equity and initiation fees. The house lists for $70,000 and it looks nice, but in the fine print “buyer must pay $55,000 equity fee”. Folks, these people consider themselves a community despite the fact few of them know their own neighbors. Then again, big fees sure keep the riff-raff off your lawn.
Here’s a mystery. How come why is it since the motorcycle came along, I have twice as much laundry? I know exactly how many washers-full constitute a week but if I drive the motor cycle, it doubles. No, it isn’t just the ride because I wear only certain clothes out on the road. Definitely not my dress shirts or slacks. I should just get married because everybody knows laundry is woman’s work, as in controversy. Then again, I’ve heard getting married for free sex is as ridiculous as buying a 747 for the free peanuts.
I have decided to construct a basic memory circuit, the good old flip-flop. This time, designed as a complete unit rather than a combination of individual transistors, which I’ve already done. This, despite a complete lack of information on how to connect or use this gate (a type of logic circuit) once completed. As usual, after I’ve re-invented the wheel, I expect a two-year supply of nerds to appear with the answer.

The 3D printer takes another step closer. It should not be much longer before Thingiverse has enough free designs to tempt people to produce themselves instead of wasting time looking on-line. Sorry, American businesses, your tacky advertising has ruined the Internet, or a least the dot com part of it. When it takes all day to locate a simple plastic part to find you don't sell it separately, time to revamp the methodology. I’m also thinking custom cases for electronics. Maybe I’ll do a study later this week. What do things really cost when it takes longer on a computer than it did by phoning around?
Have you taken the AHDH quiz? It must be bogus because it said I was normal. That’ll be the day—I fall asleep before most people stop talking and I don’t even know how to work a TV remote. Then again, to stupid people, anyone having a brain or an education needs to be relegated down to status “normal”. Elsewise how could the AHDH types live with themselves if they admitted the truth, that learning is hard work. They don’t need to be called lazy, too.
Trivia. Charles Darwin is somewhat reknown as the unpaid naturalist on the Beagle. Really? I discovered today he was receiving a monthly pension from daddy and returned home to five entire years of unspent loot. He was also famous without really trying, since his father had been letting his colleagues read Charles' shipboard letters home to high society meetings. Thus, years later when his first book came out, all 1,250 copies sold in a day. So volunteer my eye, clever Chucky-boy was all along banking his allowance.
This isn’t the first time I’ve remarked how people who write sailing books despise in the utmost saying where they got so much money. Other than to say they are retired from occupations we all know never pay that well, like architecture or the military. Even Jimmy Buffet won’t sing a song about his head start. These rich bastards, they stick together.
Here is a wristwatch advertised for $11,200. As expected it does all kinds of useful things, at least in theory. Quick, what time is it? Don’t take too long, or it won’t be that time anymore. Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha.
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