A new use for the sidecar. A sawhorse. And it is the right height. Note the robotics club behavior around power tools. Hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, even a fire extinguisher handy. It was not that great a day. Y’day morning, some kid in the bakery was coughing and sneezing. Everybody’s got it now, the baker, the grandma, me, and the owner. How bad is it? It gets top billing today. You don't get top billing in this blog for nothing. Try it sometime. I worked around the place to take my mind off minor aches, of which I have enough to stop me from deep sleeping. I’m a mess.

He does improve, although the characters remain equally shallow. Like the linguistics expert who is the only person who can save the universe, that type of thing. None of the Russian women resemble babushkas. And in some sort of weird concession to his readership, Brokaw has taken to wasting paragraphs describing what the women a wearing. No going after the bad guys without sensible shoes.
Here’s a video that demonstrates the “water-hating” property of nanotechnology. It won’t be long before car washes are out of business. Of new developments, remember this blog has consistently picked out the ones that will make a significant difference. I often go beyond a mere introduction to the topic, but I say this is the only user-friendly way to approach these things. For example, of the many ways nanotech is supposed to function, this water-repellant coating is the only one I’ve seen demonstrated repeatedly. The rest are so far are just talk and no action.
Here’s a mystery for you. I have never talked to the surgeon who will be setting my shoulder. So imagine my surprise when I was told I had an appointment last week and missed it. Huh? They had all my correct information and they didn’t pull that out of the air. I figure this happened because there were three medical offices involved, and I’m going in next Tuesday. But I am not the type that misses appointments.
It reminds me of college where the house had a number similar to the local taxi. Let me tell you what they did that was really mean. Some of the guys got so fed up with wrong numbers, they used to take the call and tell them the taxi would be there in twenty minutes. And further tell them today they got a free pizza for being the 1,000th caller.
Nor will I be able to make the traditional Valentine’s Day run to Miami. I would not be able to lift the flowers and my sleep patterns are so disrupted, I don’t think I’ve had three solid hours in close to two weeks. My eyes are bloodshot, my appetite is gone, and my throat in any case is too sore to swallow anything except tea and coffee. I contacted the women and told them to check back next week, I’m not seeing anybody until at least this fever is over. Man, am I in fine shape over here or what?
But I’m still reading a lot. Somebody has come up with a way to combine 3D printing and nanotechnology, two of this blog’s favorite tech subjects, and they are now using it to print transistors. Yep, for months I’ve been wondering how I could approach my own printed circuit boards. While this is new and probably expensive science, this blog has covered each field. Oh, and somebody used a 3D printer to make human stem cells (this month’s PopSci). Print me a new heart, please.

And don’t we love Liberals, Ann? Some locals are taking up a collection of books for the homeless. Books. I’m serious. After repeated complaints of everything from bathing in the washroom sinks to masturbating at the computers, the county stopped issuing library cards to these jokers. So the libtards concluded the homeless were being deprived of reading material. That's how the liberal mind works.
Yet obviously there is no shortage of people that ignorant in Florida. Well, let them round up their books and waste their time. I just think their logic is funny enough to rate mention here. What do I have against the homeless in the libraries? Not yakking on their free cell phones. Not arguing in public. Not tearing pages out of the phone book because they have no pencil or scrap to write the number down. Naw, I don't like them because they simply snore too loud.
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