Some bozo posted this link as “proof” that Carol Kaye isn’t that great a bass player. I see the real message in this video. Some third rate goof of a guitar hack with his mentality that bands follow him tries to keep up with Carol at a guitar show. He gets his equally stupid bum buddy to surreptitiously record a snippet over his shoulder. Oh look, he tells the world, she ain’t so good, see. She couldn’t even follow me. That’s because you’re a spaz, dickhead.
Another reason for this quiet day was my anti-virus clears my machine here so well that I can’t get into my bank account afterward. This also tips you off that bank software plants things you don’t want on your computer. I then have to go through the routines to get re-instated. Ha, you thought I was going to say “checks and balances”. Very funny. In the end, things went well enough that I took another look at Hammond, Louisiana. But why? Everyone wants to know why.
Electronics. I’m still studying ROM and I don’t think I can meet my ambitious hopes of making a decimal number display. In other words, I can take the logic apart but I can’t put it back together again. My gosh, I’ve become a Canadian mechanic. Speaking of Canadians, I stopped by to see Chopper at the club across from the grocery store. I drank a Molsen Canadian beer, but it tasted so unlike beer, I left after one. That club is typically Canuck, fifty men for every old lady. Plus, they sit around watching what each other do instead of getting off their asses and doing it. Weird people, those Canadians.

Building this ROM means taking inventory. Among the artifacts and wreckage I found packages of chopsticks, a box of aluminum nails, rosary beads, and roughly a thousand brass paper ties, you know the ones you have to punch a hole, push the pins through and flatten them on the other side. In all, this was my exciting Friday in sunny Florida. Tell me again how much I need this new band.