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Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13, 2013

           I keep thinking it is Friday. Maybe I’m in a rush? After morning coffee slash crossword slash horoscope, I picked up the Ampeg in the sidecar and went to work. It turns out all four potentiometers got wet, a mystery, but they all make crackling noise when operated. This workaround was to jumper out the worst two and make them the volume and the treble boost, respectively jammed full on and full off. Remember I told you how the new equalizers are all volume, not tone. Thus, I can use the remaining mid and bass knobs to control everything I need.
           But if this does not work, young Jag is about to inherit a great little amp. Ampeg B115, this is your last chance. The company has changed hands so many times I’ve lost track. The photo? Oh, that’s my Zumba instructress. I know, you wanted a picture of the amplifier. Maybe tomorrow or later today, but you can’t have everything.

           The rest of this post is drama. Nothing else happened again today. Then again, when you have a blog, one man’s nothing is another man’s excellent adventure. I must compliment Zumba before we start, it keeps your system tuned up. I don’t normally stand on my toes for two minutes, but it’s nice to know I can. Do it. It exercises more muscles than most workouts. I’m happy with the progress though it cuts down on how often I bicycle.
           Isn’t the American legal system grand? The guy who kidnapped the three women and raped them for nearly ten years has pleaded not guilty. A dork who should be strung up by the thumbs is opting to get off on a technicality. Then again, the distinction between insane and stupid isn’t as broad as it once was. Or how about that Ponzi scammer in Wilton who got 25 years for stealing $10 million? His lawyer is arguing a reduction to five years because the con artist is 69 and would die in jail. Um, wasn’t that the idea? To lock him up and throw away the key? I weep for America.

           But [I do] not [weep] for the individuals who make it [America] up. They are too gawdawful stoopid. The follow on generations have become fat, stupid, and lazy. There is no denying it. The new high-paying “jobs” in this economy are what we once called get-rich-quick schemes. A college degree is a waste of time and money for nine out of ten. Illegal immigration has bankrupted once prosperous states. People are free to develop bad attitudes that will prevent them from ever becoming self-sufficient. What’s the message they’re receiving? That if you steal ten large, you only get five years in minimum.
           Okay, who warned us long ago about restrictions on 3D printing? Come on now, who among you said it would not happen. Show of hands? Oh, just you guys again. But you never did have a lick of sense. In New York, only licensed gunsmiths can make guns. Some say okay, that just extends an existing law to cover a new manufacturing method, namely 3D printing.
           If that’s what you think, it’s a good thing there are others who aren’t that dumb to protect your rights. Such laws are carefully worded to smokescreen the unwary. It may sound like it is regulating gun makers, but in fact is regulating everyone except them. Correct laws would regulate who can acquire a gun (laws which I believe is already in force) and stay clear of targeting the practioneers of a new technology. The real danger is any law which leads to prohibition is always disastrous.

           Last day I mentioned stupid men who make nasty comments by perceiving every complaint about the dating scene as an inadequacy—but only on the part of another male. I got two brothers who live by such rules. My fan mail says I’m not alone in disrespecting such oafs. Let me add that women can be just as lame-brained. When I mentioned I didn’t see any single women during my trip to Savannah in April, I got this one lady implying I must be somewhere between dull and legally blind since every woman “could be single”.
           According to this airhead, the lady with the wedding ring, the four kids, and holding that man’s hand “could be single” because “you can’t tell by looking”. No, I’m not making this up. (You meet a lot of similar people in Canada who can think of endless reasons, though they won’t dare outright call you a liar, constantly insinuate you are never completely right. They can always spot an obvious but incredibly simple fact you’ve overlooked co-joined with an elusive defect in your character, and they, as your dear friend, are ever willing, if not downright eager, to point it out to you.)

           And, you know, she’s right in her own way of thinking. It is true I did not approach any females in Savannah and request a sworn affidavit stating they were single. She can smile smugly since she’s got me on that count. Don’t you just love her already? In a totally unrelated situation, her live-in boyfriend hasn’t proposed in seventeen years. She doesn’t need to know where I looked to imply I looked in the wrong places. So, why don’t you ask her what are the right places? How the hell should she know, you twit? She’s not a travel agent.
           Had enough? Me too. I spent the cooler early evening rewiring the sidecar for the GPS. Still the old TomTom model that has severe design defects. I found out it asks for a zip code but has no app to look one up. I found out by trial and error you can type in the city. Nice of them to say so. Another beloved quirk they borrowed from MicroSoft is the unresponsive screen button with the underlying cancel button. So when you get frustrated waiting and tap a second time, sure enough, away you go to never-neverland. I mounted the unit above the fuel gauge so it looks snazzy.
           Shown here is my home-made 12V test probe. The TomTom also lacks a title field, where you could enter say, “Union Station” or “Bill’s”, so you must recall the full street address to find the destination again. Or scroll through all your other entries and hope you don’t know anybody in Zambia. Union Station is 225 S. Canal Street. That will be on the exam.

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