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Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 2014

           What’s this monster 1975 style motorhome pulling into my driveway? Haven’t seen one of those for years. I see, it is two hippie types, or at least the contemporary pseudo-hippies who learned their act watching old Cheech & Chong movies. Are you guys lost? Nearly. You want a Sonoco and the address is 1201 South Federal. Well, this is Florida. There is a North and South Federal in every little town the old highway cut through. You have to know which town. Fortunately, I know exactly where that one is. Arnel lives right behind it.
           This is not the actual rig, but a stock photo of the same thing, a 1975 Class A. Winnebago got its start in 1958, selling for about half the price of anything comparable. These smaller units are getting hard to find. The company specialized in building their own camper furniture of good quality. Like all products in a credit-based nation, the units finally got so expensive that banks would not finance them. That and gas prices forced them out of business.
           Huh? What is Class A, you ask? It’s the way they grade motorhomes. Class A are the luxury models with bathroom and separate bedroom. Class C are the ones on a three-ton truck chassis with the sleeping area in a cab overhang. I don’t like those. There is a Class B which is a van conversion. Pricewise, Class A starts at $150,000 because they are basically a bus. Class C, I’ve seen at $69,000. And a Class B new starts at $38,000, parking not included.
           Sadly, Winnebagos had a rep for being underpowered or burning out motors if pushed too hard. They closed down in 2008, reopening with a Class B ”touring coach” last year. Love the piano music on that video. But I cannot justify the total cost of ownership on these trucks. I can pump 10% of that money into my sidecar and have more fun on the road.
           My lady doctor from the dating club. We write, but things have tapered off. I’m beginning to notice patterns and those who know me will tell you I rarely notice patterns in my good friends. For example, the lady is sharp, but only in a come-back fashion. That is, she can make witty remarks about anything—as long as you bring up the topic. I’ve sent photos, she has not reciprocated. I allow for natural caution, but not if it springs from the petty suspiciousness of jumping to conclusions. Prime example, I mentioned I don’t play guitar. One of the Xmas photos showed me playing guitar. This can easily co-exist, just like me going to bingo every week and yet I don’t gamble. Right there is a situation where I’d prefer to wait until the truth is well done before getting antsy.
           That brings up a different but related topic. In a relationship, the one impression you don’t want me to get is that I have to be the one who has to instigate everything exciting. This is probably the second most common reason I will dump a bro . . ., er, end a relationship. I’ve been involved with too many women who, after a great start, quickly settle into a routine where I have to be the one who proposes everything, who always has to make the first move, who has to talk her into anything new. Dropping the hint that you want her take the lead once in a while never works, because they are content to just sit there and wait you out.
           The first real love of my life, Judy, was like that. To this day I still miss her, but never once did she ever exhibit the slightest glimmer of resourcefulness. Her idea of being bold was to say, “Come to bed.” Sure, but do you mind if I finish the crossword first? Well, Jude, because the crossword is a new and different challenge every day and I learn something by it. You married guys know exactly what I’m talking about.
           I’ve been spoiled, mind you, as I’ve met several women in my life who were not like that. So I know there are more and I just have to find the one for me. But why is it taking so damn long? I know, I know, my standards must be too high. Most people who think that way are stone cold idiots, besides I have a hunch people who hate standards do so for very obvious reasons.
           Can one be too efficient? In Florida you sure can. I pay most of my bills the day they arrive. My system is set up to work that way. I don’t have any more money than the next guy. I just don’t waste any of it on credit card interest and late fees. This was near the 30 day limit for my plea of not guilty so I drove to the courthouse to fill out the form in person. Good move. It turns out in Florida, you cannot plead not guilty on the same day a citation is issued because it has not yet been entered into their computers and assigned a case number.
           It's another quiet Friday. I’m looking for a project to complete in a couple of hours. These blogs take me as little as eleven minutes to create and shave many hours off my week compared to when I used to write individual e-mails. Nobody’s complaining, the content is here every day, and the unavoidable repetition is not anywhere near as bad as in works of comparable length. By the way, how am I doing? The blogs are supposed to take an average of ten minutes to read, slightly more when there is technical material. I think I’ve got that part of it down. In other words, unless there is also a little speed-reading along with the speed-typing, it may take some longer to read the blog that it takes me to write it.
           Sure enough, AT&T finally got back to the bakery and those “AT&T” reps that came around were total phonies, or make that not phonies, pun intended. But it took a week and asking all the right questions to find that out. It is also clear that AT&T is doing nothing to curb these fakes, who lied when they said they worked for AT&T. That’s the pair of blacks who tried to get a work order signed over the DSL to U-verse service. It irks me the phone company does not warn people about these characters.
           In the news, Arizona says businesses can refuse service to queers. (This blog defines a queer as a floof with a one-track mind. Mention the far side of the galaxy and he wants to know if queers have equal rights there.) Funny, I thought the Constitution enshrined a person’s personal beliefs over such matters. No, it is not the same as refusing service based on age or color, although I believe businesses should have that right as well—as long as they display it before you waste time getting to the counter. Personal beliefs cannot be mandated and I don’t believe laws that attempt this have made any headway over the years. The good news is the guy who recovered his stolen ’57 Chevy after 30 years. Here’s another stock photo. Now I’d like to hear the saga of how it was found on a cargo ship bound for Australia. Yeah, I’d like to hear that.
           Mergatroid, I hate Win 7. It has locked me out of all my video files, saying I don’t have adequate permission to open them. It takes a MicroSoft mentality to screw things up like that. But I understand, they build their system so that retards can use them. Nor can they get the USB plugs to work right. Every time I plug in an SD card or a flash drive, I have to reboot my printer. Worse, if I can’t open a file on this computer, it somehow corrupts the file so I can’t open on my other system either. I’ll fix it, but I pray for the day I can dance on MicroSoft’s grave.