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Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

           It is 6:45 AM. So I was a little hasty about bingo. Where did all those new people come from? Remind me to as about that over the rest of the weekend as I spend at least some of the money. It wasn’t spectacular but it was twice the expected [expectations are very low on the first bingo of the month when rent is due) and that doesn’t happen too often. Well, we just got the new camper lid and breakfast on the town. And read today’s addendum for how to get rid of the zzbrenkzz virus. It can be done.
           Here is an increasingly frequent situation over at the bakery. Sold out. Completely to the bare shelves. This is their third year in business, so they’ve made the grade. I recognize most of the customers as repeats and some of the local upscale coffee shops are switching over to this bakery. I told you, it really is that good. One bite and you know what quality is. I’ve advised them to raise their prices. The only other “organic” bread is at the chain stores. And for all you know, the conglomerates could just put a sticker on the package.

           I’m not sure how to take this, but I got myself a copy of my old union’s payscale booklet. This is public information, by the way. I see that people doing my old job are making only $54,000 per year. Even without counting inflation, that is a third less than I was making. I am more than convinced I got out in time. I can’t imagine trying to claw ahead in this world on that little money, even if it didn’t take an entire year to earn it. These kind of changes are not progress, the elemental structure has changed so that even the benefits of being a good worker have been stripped away. Only the pension remains a solid reason to work there. Even that has changed to defined, what is it, defined benefits or defined contribution? It’s changed to the worse one.
           Geez, how many times I gotta tell some people not to try something just because I did. A lot of study went on before I “built a trailer”. The presence of blogs, sketches, diagrams, and editorial here alone would tip most everyone off, but apparently not everyone. Anyway, it’s not my fault when trouble comes along. This is not a how-to blog, but more like a your-results-may-vary type work of fiction.

           After more semi-deep thinking, I’m considering replacing the pod cover with an interchangeable cargo top. I can’t haul gear in it very easily in the camper configuration. But I got to thinking that hauling gear does not require the intricate camper wiring and lighting, which is presently located in the most waterproof part of the pod—that is, the “attic”.
           Smart thinking, the entire lid is quick-release by two large wing nuts from the interior. Why modify the box much when I could more easily produce a removable but compatible cargo lid? When I want to make a road trip, just exchange the cargo sheet for the camper model. The design uses only one standard trailer four-wire plug. Once we learned the panels are not that heavy and not that fragile, we can make it much lighter. We know five coats (primer, undercoat x 2, paint, and overcoat) will completely waterproof ordinary plywood.

           The camper lid can be thinner, as I’ve also learned the solar panels don’t need an elaborate spring-loaded base. I hit potholes and trenches on the last trip that would have cracked any glass, but the solar panels held up, therefore they must be tough material. Still another therefore, the thinner, lighter plywood with reinforcing ribs will suffice, upon which I mount ordinary rubber cushions. Oh, if only I could work with metal, aluminum that is.
           Before we go any further, and I’m not implying a thing here, today’s Miami Herald leisure section had articles on two places. Belize and Charleston. Coincidence? I mean, the odds that both would crop up at once are probably reasonable but not both on the same day within a month of them being mentioned here. I don’t intend to do anything, but there is no such thing as coincidence on this scale.

           What’s this, the single mothers from “Pussy Riot” are running for parliament? That would be okay, a couple punk rockers who spent time in the gulag for anti-government protests suddenly in charge. There are some who say no way would the Russians ever be crazy enough to elect some punk rockers to run their country. That’s like thinking Americans would be dumb enough to elect a black man with no credentials who bought himself in by giving away food stamps and free cell phones. Nobody is going to believe it.
           Later, around noon, I went to the Panera, first time in years, for brunch. Here is a before and after photo. There I am, getting ready to sit down and ten minutes later totally immersed in designing an electronic circuit, programming a subroutine, and reading a detective novel. Pencils, sharpeners, eraser, wood block, colored markers, the things a thinking man needs to relax. I was out of place (at the Panera) having no laptop, but now I’ve learned programming in public really attracts attention. Good attention, I mean. You do NOT need a computer to program, only to run the program once the hard work is done.

           A lady gave me some sheet paper to write on when she saw I ran out. (Nice, but a third my age with tattoos.) Why yes, I often keep an extra book handy while I am programming, to keep things interesting. Doesn’t everybody? Actually, I should be more humble about that, but I’m not. You see, this world is chock full of the unaccomplished who are quick to label anything positive you might say about yourself as bragging.
           If you don’t believe me about that, try suggesting to some guitar player that you can play bass better than he can. In fact, tell him you can play bass better than he could ever hope to play guitar. That’ll get ‘em going for sure. But I fully understand such people. You must be bragging because if they said anything similar, they definitely would be bragging. And probably lying, as well, or am I the only one to notice most men who play guitar generally lack the ability to achieve anything else? And the few who can are already in a band.

           A few weeks back I said I would persist in finding a way to delete that blasted zzbrenkzz virus. Success! This virus is installed at the Windows factory and defeats every delete command known to DOS. How do we know it was Windows that is responsible? Who else has access to that security level? Windows admitted it was a factory virus. It’s like they are the only ones with a key to the door, but then they throw the key away. Shown below is the directory listing of the “Roaming” file, where the Redmont Arseholes love to hide their nasties. There should be only other directories in this folder, as now shown. Never any single files.
           For a look at this listing before the file was deleted, see February 9, 2014, the last item on the posting.

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