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Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014

           The late arrival of my new brake pads made for a hectic runaround. I, er, didn’t want to leave town without them. These front Honda pads seem subject to more wear. Overall, I’m happy with the last minute progress and raring to go. I just haven’t decided where yet. It takes just 40 minutes to get the camper ramped up and ready. I made a new seat cushion of my own to replace the Ural chair, which you may recall disintegrated the first time it got soaked. Here is the rig with the rear hatch open, but otherwise in travel mode.
           The caboose is prominent in this photo, if you look closely you can see the solar panels on the front of the wagon. Also,note the slightly warped plywood cover of the rear hatch. This was constructed from that 11-ply material on sale at Homeless Depot. Now we know why, and not to buy “Chinese” birchwood. The black paint is several thick layers of undercoat and the wood still warped. Not to worry, it rolls out tomorrow warp or no warp.
           While waiting for the brakes, I ran another set of calculations and came within 4 nautical miles. I’m finding the best method for now is to calculate each important parameter two different ways. Yep, if you learned the ropes instead of just memorizing the formulas, you can do that.

           I’ve pretty much decided to head north this time. There is nothing south but queers, nothing east but water, and nothing west but mosquitoes. Expect interruptions in the daily cycle of posts for a bit while I unwind and see where the road goes. No GPS, just an old fashioned road map. I haven’t decided whether to take my navigation gear, but that would be unique and interesting.
           On any adventure of this sort, a lot can still go wrong. I left the rig (same photo) pointing out the driveway. In theory, all I have to do tomorrow is push the starter and get going. Won’t that be wonderful, vroom-vroom. But I know the rear brake light is slow, I have to tap the front lever to ensure the lights come on. I know that splice of 20 gauge wire should be 16 gauge. And I know the clamps on the right saddlebag are weak.
           Then again, I can rationalize that this level of awareness far supersedes the average driver. Besides, my fortune cookie said to make big plans. It also said the word for cherry is “tao”. I thought that was their most famous philosopher. Did you know the Chinese civilization has never embarked on a foreign war in 5,000 years. Is that because their civilization was too busy fighting each other?
           And what’s with the picture of an eye? It’s better than no picture, don’t you think? And that isn’t just any eye. When you are a bit dweeby looking, you define a new look. That’s Emma Watson’s eye.

           The worst bingo this year. Still, overall, I do much better than those who charge a higher fixed price. The Moose crowd was absent. That really puts a dent in sales. I left straightaway after the show and dropped in at Triple B. The server lady there has, for reasons unknown, never heard of a Bud referred to as a “Butt-wiper”. May she get many miles with that.
           Not really intending to sing, I got up there and did a duet with some good-looking lady who must have worked with me before. I dunno. As long as it brings down the house, I’m okay. Even happy. I stayed later than usual over that, which is dumb considering I have to line up my prescriptions, gas budget, and reading material before 6:00AM or go without.
           I further sent Trent a small list of what I’d like to focus on. This, without a clue where any of this music could be played. Our biggest selling point remains that we are not a clone of the other 50 or so clone bands in this district. Isn’t “warlord” a Chinese word?
           There appears to be no way to disable youTube autoplay in Opera, the browser I’ve been using. Opera has gone considerably downhill over the past year. Nor can you delete the Google search box and if you do use Opera, make sure you only use the Private Page option. You can tell because it puts a small sunglass icon on the tab. But in general, Opera is failing. Even the blank line you see at the bottom of most of these blogs has to be custom inserted. And they've removed the "preferences" option from the drop menu.

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