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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25, 2014

           Here’s something few of us will ever see again. No, not the gas pump, but a dial that only goes up to $9.99. I could fill my scooter on that. See last day for my report on one first-rate museum. I saw an old 12-selection juke box. A radio antenna that was part of the hood ornament. Russian magazine ads which plainly copied the Packard cars. And a car interior decked out with French brocade. You should check this out, this museum.
           I am concerned about the Oz. He has not been in touch in two months, where he usually sends a contact e-mail. A slight change in my driving patterns over the years means I don’t usually drive through his neighborhood any more. So I went past today to see the yard cleaned up, the house painted, and a for sale sign on the lawn.
           Also, his profile on Wiki no longer shows from a search. I don’t know anybody he knows, but I know where he hangs out. I’ll check that very soon. This does not look good at all.
           Rain or unseasonably hot weather, that’s what’s going on in Florida. The equivalent of six feet of sunshine. Did you see that article that the US condemned Gambia for anti-queer laws? I mean, where in blazes in Gambia and what kind of jerk over here is criticizing them? The article says it was a statement by the State Department. Relax, even the Gambians would know the State Department does not represent the will of the average American citizen except on broad Constitutional issues of internal concern. Why is DC picking a fight with Gambia? Is there oil there?
           Or the CIA employee who spend twenty years in Chinese prison. I think I’m missing the point on that one. Or am I? Really? Am I? For all I know, there could be another war going on right now. It says here Honda lied about accident statistics, but there is a reason that isn’t front page news—they’ve learned to do things American style. Or the “Regin” spyware that collects deleted files and passwords, said to be government-backed. This surprises anyone? I have never put any sensitive information on a networked computer since day one. And I think blaming the Russians and Chinese is blaming the wrong government.
           Last, DNA has released another man after 34 years when it was proven prosecution withheld evidence. The media reported the man’s name (M. Hanline), but failed, as usual, to report the names of the prosecution. Or their home addresses or anything. Interesting, that. Well, more like disgusting. The American media industry is disgusting. But I need my daily crossword, which is about all they are good for. And the word “anal” was 60 Across in the New York Times crossword today. To those who know crosswords, a line has just been crossed.

           From last day, here is a photo of the deck chairs as suggested by Agt. M. These are a budget model, I can go a little higher end, but they don’t seem to come with armrests. They are comfortable and all-weather, which is more than can be said for the Soviet originals. And they measure nicely into the sidecar cavity with an inch to spare on either side. Agt. M gets a fat commission for this, since these chairs cost $54, at least $250 less than the true landed cost of shipping one from the Ukraine.
           Coffee is a tradition at the Pro Bass Shop and one of the gals there knows a ton of musicians. I got her my contact info instantly. Yes, Trent and I are rehearsing and jamming, but we’re wise enough to know backup plans are such precious things. Anyway, back to the chair, these have excellent mounting systems meant for a heaving boat deck, so the plate can easily be adapted to the sidecar. That’s because we have welders and drill presses, Nova.
           Wait until later today for a report on rehearsal. Yes, I am quite aware my reports appear to be the only “inside” descriptions of forming a band on the Internet that smacks of any truth. And yes, that startled me, that and how many people wanted to know this stuff. And this new band isn’t even challenging because, stay with me here, because we can’t argue over music because we are already limited by circumstances. Like we can only play what we can instead of what we’d like to. Be patient, I'll give you more on this later today, or so.
           Raw fish. I eat it several times per week, most people don’t and thus have no natural source of iodine. Did you know wild fish are 100% infected by parasites. However, the parasites die as soon as the fish. It’s the land-based species you have to worry about. Anyway, I heard that as an objection to raw fish and I’m letting you know. I do not eat tuna. Mostly herring and cod, which at least tastes like fish. But tuna? Cooking fish destroys the natural source of iodine.
           In other news, I’ve done away with three members of the mouse family in my place. The survivors are completely leery of kill-traps and bait. Never seen such smart ones. So I am building a live trap. What, you want pictures of that? Okay. Maybe tomorrow. Traps are easy to build. Who’s smarter? Me or those mice? One thing, mice are way smarter than to ask a question like that on the Internet.

           See this? It is a clip-on mirror on a Packard. It wraps around the spare tire, if you look close. My Jazz camera takes these badly focused shots when the battery is low, which is always with those things, but you can just see the clip on the right of the base. Where the strap meets the baseplate. I saw other models that had a little padlock for these mirrors, indicating they were collector’s items before 1920. But I sure like this idea for my sidecar. And I didn't mean it that way, Ken.
           Craigslist is, for all its shortcomings, a successful design. Would you like to see a brazen rip-off copy website? Take a look at My City Newspaper, here’s the Chicago West Palm edition. For reasons unknown, I got 638 rapid hits from Chicago. No explanation forthcoming. I did a quick review of some celestial navigation points I’m still weak on. I’ve never yet done a real fix, much less from the deck of a boat. I’ve noticed a pattern to the “experts” who post videos on the topic. They like to show off. Like being seen with a sextant in hand will get the babes. Ah well, you know sailors.
           I reviewed Arduino sites in the hope of finding something new to program. Nope, in fact, it is hard to even find a project that justifies the $35 cost of the Arduino. One justifies the cost while learning, but once you’ve gone over what’s out there, the supply of new ideas dries up. And it isn’t easy to figure such things out on your own. I could design a display screen so you don’t have to connect a computer to find out what’s on the chip, but that is a major design for such a simple end. I’m happier to keep on studying.
           So there I was, reading sketches and listening to NPR, the callers are far funnier than they realize. But I kept hearing about “anti-LGB” words in high schools. I’m like, what’s that? Then I get it, lesbian-gay-bisexual. School has changed since my day. You did not parade around the hallways announcing your preferences, since students were in school to graduate, not promote their sexual agendas.
           Gay? Schools are afraid to call them by the proper term? Now we have to pay taxes to defend people without the brains to keep their mouths shut about being queer. And since when did school become a forum for non-mainstream types? That kind of thing belongs elsewhere and after hours. Well, except for me of course, since I’m perfectly normal in that department and grades ten through twelve were my hunting grounds. And college was a turkey shoot. But like I said, I’m normal, so I have a question.
           It seems to me the entire claims of these LBG types centers on them not being allowed "full expression of their sexuality". And undoubtedly that means expression toward others whether others welcome the attention or not. It that is so, that leaves the others, the majority of students--the nerds--without any advocates. They can’t even get a date for Saturday night. Who’s looking out for them? If they try to express themselves, they get arrested. Who’s championing the nerds? That's my question, who's championing the nerds? Certainly not me, Togla.

           The photo? It’s one of those perpetual inventions that occurs to everyone. Using a cartridge to fizz up tap water into a soft drink. Every dude who has ever had a bottle of soda go flat on him comes up with this idea. This one is sparing little expense in an advertising blitz and it is here because a buddy of mine said it would never happen. In a way, he might be right, as it has not happened yet. There are reviews saying people have gotten as little as 29 cups of soda out of a $16 cartridge even if he probably installed it funny. Only MicroSoft has the right to sell things they know can go wrong.
           So, how is music rehearsal managing along? Fine, considering the two of us are learning new instruments as well as putting an act together. The progress is commensurate with the time and I’ve alerted the critics before: this will not be a low steady learning curve. One day, if we keep at it, we will quantum leap into an available slot. Or maybe I slot we’ll go out and conjure up. There is need, after all, for another Jimbos. Who’s the lucky club?
           So here’s a description of the music, one of the reasons is you like the semi-documentary nature of this blog. Gain without the pain. Musically, I’ve played more guitar this month than in any year I can remember. For me, rhythm guitar is all about accurate picking, which I can fake at best. I could try my old standby—don’t even pretend to be good. I’ve played that card successfully in years gone by. But not as often as I could have, Glen.
           Trent is gaining from repetition, which takes time, and I have not forgotten how little time you have when you got a day job. Great grammar, there, but it puts the message across. The guitar remains a simple rhythm instrument to me, but simple in the same way as the bass seems to a guitarist. I’m having trouble keeping a consistent strum through the entire song, tending to revert to a comp beat. I instantly recognize this as laziness and know a few guitarists who could stand to realize same.
           What else? Okay, I’m finding I’m beginning to listen to guitar parts the way I learned to have a keen ear for bass bits. These are the eentsy notes and nuances most players are going to leave out in the head-long rush to learn the song and get that over with. It must appear funny how I’ll put on a piece of music for the fiftieth time and ask, “Did you hear that?” Hey, Trent isn’t complaining.
           I’m additionally finding I have to relearn what little I know about guitar to play a consistent chop. That means all the way through the song. It took mind-boggling effort to learn to sing the proper melody without butchering the bass line and now I am definitely facing same thing with guitar. Is this the reason guitar players don’t do it and am I making unnecessary work for myself? Is the easy way out the right way because that’s what the audience hears after years of conditioning? How long will it take to play these songs if I try to learn them right?
           Sorry, they don’t cover these useful topics in Music 101. Or 201, 301, 401, or not ever. There are, I point out, quite a number of ways to learn useful things without the drudgery of taking lessons. But doing so is not a prerequisite for learning how to play in a band.

Today’s Togla Treat
Don't call this woman unless you just won the lottery.

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