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Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014

           Midget submarines. You don’t hear much about them, but certain localities, like North Korea, have assembly lines churning these things out. Unlike the last major use, the attack on Pearl Harbor, these new midget subs are built differently. They are mainly submersibles, that is, rather than diving, they run below the surface with just a snorkel or periscope showing. And, they are built for one-way transit. The terrorists are fully aware of how vulnerable coast US cities are such craft. Here is a photo of one captured in Columbia, belonging to drug smugglers. Note the GPS antenna and radome for detecting radar beams long before they are strong enough to be reflected back to the source. The majority of illegal drugs into the US now arrive in this manner.

           The fantastic morning turned to drizzle by 9:30, so we held the club meeting in the workshed. Cancel Harbor Freight unless it lets up, but we got a few pages of measurements ready for cutting, drilling, and welding. One thing we’ve gotten damn good at is measuring things. But we mismeasured the cutout for the clubhouse air conditioner wall socket. We had to repair it and since it reminded me of that drywall repair Wallace and I did for Eric the Finn back in 2010, I measured the time it took M and I to fix this one. I’ll leave you to look up the details, but we were 13-1/2 times faster and did a better job.
           The new miniPod trailer bed is, same as last model, built to overkill standards. Working the better-safe-than-sorry angle, I reinforced all the joints and bends subject to road stress. If all the new bolt-holes look factory fresh, could be they were done on a drill press. I’m still grumpy so I’m staying home, but I’m wondering if I’m down with something. There’s a report of mild flue going around and I was just in a room full of snotty, sneezing kids. Now I have sore shoulders and generally have to move slower than usual. That’s enough to give me attitude right there. I associate slow with lazy. So be on the lookout, ye laggards, slowpokes, and foot-draggers.

           Next, I read that Hans Lippershey may not have been the one who invented the microscope and telescope. Contrary to what we were taught in public school, there is no record that Hans ever invented a thing. What is on file is that in 1608 he was denied a patent for the device, which usually but not necessarily means one thing: it was already invented. What likely happened is that Lippeshey vastly improved the performance of existing lens because, as a spectacle maker, he would have been aware of then-recent discoveries that parabolic lenses worked differently than convex/concave models.

           Let me tell you who is a little bit retarded. Nova, the PBS people, or at least their web site. Have you seen it? Well, suppose you want to watch a video, you would naturally want them to give you a list of titles. Is Nova that smart? Of course not. The present you with a menu of formats, as shown here. So let’s see, did you want a quiz, a timeline, or an interview? Oh, Nova, you are so sophisticated, it brings a tear to my eye. Really. Now I remember what I wanted to see! A different website, Nova, that's what, you morons.
           Nova, where do you even find . . .
           While looking at lensmaking. I learned that plastic has taken over from glass as the best material. Lighter, stronger, it can be made to cancel out aberrations, which is impossible with ordinary glass due to the crystalline atomic structure. Remember the stick-on plastic lenses once described here? The little plastic lenses that people who need glasses could stick on the inside of cheap sunglasses, etc. Not for driving (I probably have to say that), but for everyday use. So you can see the beach babes like everyone else without those dorky clip-ons where you still have to turn your head toward her, risky business these days. Or so I’m told.
           I got to thinking, as I usually do about making easy money, that inventing anything that sells is a better deal than working for a living. Could a 3D printer make these lenses? As for an eye test, go up to the sales rack and look through the clear covering and find the pair you like the best. End of eye test. Anyway, I was taken aback by the lack of information. I really do have a physics degree so I can calculate the lens formulas myself. No promises, I’m only taking a look.
           Nobody will steal my idea, it is too complicated for the average dude to consider, much less work the formulas. Plus, asking around at the Maker Faire tells me there is no such thing as clear, lens-quality plastic available. I have several samples and the clearest is this green brand I’m holding.
           And it is not nearly good enough [in quality]. The good news is I’ve only begun to look at this concept.
           Word to the wise: always disable Internet Explorer and physically disconnect your Internet antenna cable before you delete your browsing history. The best explanation I can give you is a reminder that the Internet is programmed by geeks who don’t know the meaning of respect. Did you know 70% of them believe they have never eaten genetically modified food and between them, purchase a half-million pink plastic lawn flamingos per year. In this, 2014.
           In another statistic, these “programmers” learn more about sex from television than by doing it, and they watch the TV an equivalent of 2 months non-stop per year. My statistics? Easy. The number of hours of television watched in my house per year since 1971: 0. That’s correct, if you round to the nearest number of hours per year, I watch zero hours annually.

           More rain. That is starting to annoy me. I really wanted to get over to Harbor Freight. And band rehearsal was postponed until tomorrow. That means I was reading and studying. Here is a publication on lens making but this process actually prints a mold (positive) from which the lens are then made. I don’t see why the lens can’t be printed directly, since I have found some high quality clear resin-based 3D filament in New Hampshire.
           Next, I ran across a great little site called Urban Ghosts. Where do old boats go besides the bottom? Mostly to wrecking yards. This photo had a novel (to me) anti-copy scheme. When you scrolled over it to drop the menu, the picture became very pale. (I found out later this is standard on “Pin it” photos). It took me almost six seconds to realize what was happening and make this copy.
           This site is looking for contributors, and I was reminded of my trip to Colorado in 2012. Called Towers, take a peek. Maybe I could produce something for them, the site is a fairly interesting concept in my opinion. They even have a photo of Dolly, the first cloned sheep. When she died in 2003, her statue (taxidermy) was displayed until this September before being “removed from public view”.
           The site contains a series of photos of American ghost towns, which could have been any of the dozens I passed through in my travels. I was not thinking of taking photos, just the few that appear in this blog. In the future, I’ll stop and when I find these things. Confine that to buildings that I find truly in the middle of nowhere. I also saw many towns in severe decline, so maybe I’ll consider those as well.
           We want trivia! Okay. Who remembers reading the comic “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”? Remember the scene where he electrocutes a bunch of knights? I’ve not read the original, so I don’t know if Mark Twain put that scene in there. However, knowing a thing or two about robots, guess what I found out? The armor of the knights would have had the exact opposite effect. Rather than kill them, the metal would have formed a Faraday cage that protected them. So there.
           I don’t like Amazon because their advertising interferes with search criteria. I used to hope somebody would sue them because they looked up poison control and their dog died because all they got was an Amazon ad for a book about poison control. So I’m a little miffed that Amazon still wants $2.99 to watch an old movie. It was a 1940s musical. There is a spoof and a 1980s black version for free.
           Too bad Trent never made practice today. I had some fresh farm cream for the tea. You have not tasted great tea until you have it with real farm cream. No you can’t buy it at Winn/Dixie.

           In response to a common questions in my e-mail, here are a couple of generic answers:

           What happened to my photos? Your photos are not disappearing. What is happening is when you rename them, MicroSoft “sorts” them automatically, without bothering to ask for permission. MicroSoft knows more about what you want than you do. The photos can be sorted by name, date, and such, but there is no option to leave them alone in the order you placed them.
           Still can't find your photos? Think if you used numbers in your file names, because MicroSoft still uses the outdated "EBCDIC" format, where it "alphabetizes" numbers. Thus, the number after 1 is 11, not 2. This was the worst collating system ever devised, which probably explains why MicroSoft still uses it. They are a bunch of dumb bastards and that is all they will ever be. No, people who work at MicroSoft are not rich. You are thinking of Gates, who never worked there.
           Recording directly off the Internet is easy, but MicroSoft has disabled “stereo mix” in your system settings. If you cannot use great software, like “Audacity”, which I recommend, chances are you need to enable “stereo mix”, but I will not link or give directions here. All I can do is assure you that Audacity, which records off your sound card, works absolutely excellent on anything you can hear on your computer speakers. Which bypasses any MicroSoft schemes to dictate what you can't do, which I would have no problem with [telling people how to work around].

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