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Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015

           Some mornings just are not that magnificent. The high point was the unusual crossword puzzle, which had scrabble letters as clues. Good idea, but it was far too easy for me, and that was the NYT version which I normally don’t attempt. That’s the puzzle you cannot do unless you waste an inordinate amount of your life memorizing what you see on TV, including the names of soap opera actors. That is just something I could never get into.
           Well, I’ve got to make an unexpected trip in around twenty minutes, so let me go on Craigslist and post you the first picture I find that catches my attention. Ready, set, go. That’s politics, but it’s the best I could do on short notice. True, the market is up, employment is up, job creation is up, and all the short-term indicators are up.
           But that’s micromanagement of the low-end voter mind. This was accomplished by taking the government debt up to $18 trillion dollars. With that kind of money, you could make the Cubans love Castro. You could get Chuck Norris to throw the fight. You could get me to like stupid people.
           What’s biting people is the inheritance tax, but they did have it coming. Two generations too late to help me. I have always believed nobody in a place like America deserves to live good except by their own hard work and entrepreneurial genius. Instead, I grew up in a world where those with a head start lorded it over the rest of us. Remember the hippie protesters who never worked? We all knew it was on daddy’s dime. I grew up poor among rich kids and I have never forgotten how many of them treated me—after they found out I was poor.
           My connection with the matter is I warned many people I knew and worked with against spending their whole lives paying for a house to die in. Houses never were a store of value, in fact, they take money out of circulation. The government does not like that and houses become the natural first target. I’m no expert, but if you inherit a house, you don’t get it free any more. I understand you must now buy it from the estate for 55% of its value or lose it. Goodbye free ride.

           It’s clear the bakery cannot operate efficiently without the front lady. She has to bring the baby in with her. I assured her it is only the first twenty years that is the hardest. I go home and practiced cutting with my nice new scroll saw. If anyone else has noticed there are not that many patterns out there for learning, you are right. I bought it to make robot parts, which must be oversize because wood lacks certain qualities.
           Take this object, for instance. Can you guess what it is? Very good, you have a keen eye. Because it could be anything. It is just a shape I practiced on. The saw is great for making replacements for broken plastic pieces, like that radio that fell off the fridge when I was vacuuming.
           Tell you what I need next. A sander. Just one of those little 4” models will be fine. You can pick them up at Harbor Freight with a coupon, hell, I’ll even give you the coupon.
           Seriously, I am about to make my first useful product with the scroll saw. Take your time and you can actually make fairly straight cuts. But usually not. I’m going to make a small wooden frame to hold a tiny LED clock on the dash of my scooter. Strange they don’t include such a cheap device as a good selling point. Anyway, the casing has to be watertight and plastic will sweat on hot days, killing the clock.
           Still, don’t you like my block of wood? Bet you don’t have one. And there’s my cup of tea. There is a mini-rule over here that the first person to use the power tools has to make a pot of tea. No, I’m not kidding. You have no idea how many pots of tea I eventually pour down the drain the next day. But I’ve never had anyone cut themselves, either. Take your pick.

           In good news, the Telegraph reports a new antibiotic derived from soil microbes. The first such discovery in 30 years. Just in time, as bacteria was getting resistant to the point of immunity. I was expecting the breakthrough [to come] from nano-tech, but this discovery plain makes sense.
           Apparently, electronic chips planted in the soil are part of the process of making the antibiotic grow. It seems a natural and oddly, the product occurs at the proper strength for human usage all by itself. Nearby is a picture of what a resistant bacteria looks like. The green object at the bottom is rejecting penicillin from attaching to its “cell wall”
           Congratulations to the Miami Herald for continually reporting that “Europeans” are joining the ISIL jihad to fight for Islam. That implies white, Nordic, stock, and you had better take a look at the reality such journalism is trying to hide. Then again, it was places like France that allows these people to become citizens and such. France was repeatedly warned about these people returning to their homeland and coming back indoctrinated.
           Which brings to light my long-standing policy for immigration. The very act of immigration is assimilation, not diversity. Not my fault some people got it backwards. Now, initially, you are going to laugh and call me ridiculous. You will think I’m crazy to come up with such an idea. Well, I agree that it takes very deep thought to get through to the logic. The plan is to stop bad things happening, and some people just never get to the core of the rationale. But here goes, see if you can follow.
           Immigration should be restricted to only young, slim, pretty, unmarried, childless females. That’s correct. If you have trouble with the concept, quit now, because you will never be able to grasp the really meaningful facets. Think of the facts, most problems in the world are caused by male over-competitiveness. Only young pretty females allowed. Until there is no more crime (why bother), no more prostitution (who’d pay), no failed marriages, no unemployment, no army, no jealous lovers, no bar fights, no gross people. The correct ratio is probably 3:1 or 4:1.
           Men would not have to fight for money and glory to get the woman or women of their dreams. What good is power when other men are happy and couldn’t care less what you do? Why fight a divorce, why bother with the macho act? Ah, you see, the more you think about it. Some say women would be worse off, but if that is so, let them prove it. America is full of single old women who fend for themselves just fine.
           Again, it is very difficult to think this concept through. I didn’t leap to the conclusion about pretty females, I thought immigration policy for years before it hit me. I realize that extra women will cause a different set of problems, but those are infinitely preferable to the problems we have now. If you cannot see any merit in the plan, you are probably too hard-headed to learn anything new anyway. This blog is no place for dull-witted nincompoops.
           And of course, I can hear the men of foreign countries mewling like babies that they are losing all their young women. Right. That's part of the plan. The women are leaving voluntarily, so you guys, time to shave the beard, take a bath, and quit goat-dating. Maybe even think a bit about maybe giving your women some rights. Like I said, it's a well thought-out theory designed to solve problems, not cater to anyone's notions.

           What happened to the dreaded Killer Bees? Remember, they were advancing northward at 350 miles per year and crossed into Texas 25 years ago? By now they should have reached the North Pole, or at least the outskirts of Falher, Alberta. (There is such a place, they have an airport and all speak French. Falher is pronounced “Fuhl-AIR”). Anyway, where are the bees?
           First, they are not the true African kind, but were bred with domestic Brazilian bees. (Hence not "African" but "Africanized".) While they still exist, for once the scientists correctly predicted they require mild winters to survive. That would not be Texas.
           Secondly, they interbreed with the tamer local honey bees and this lessens their nature to attack. So we’ll be okay until the numbskulls in DC allow some other invasive species to be classified as a pet.
           We are taught in elementary that humans are homo sapiens. Except me, I’m hetero sapien. Anyway, those are the classifications of genus (homo) and species (sapien). What is the rest of the taxonomic name? Ah, this blog is known for the part they don’t teach you. Here is the complete list of where to find humans on the evolutionary tree.

                Kingdom: Animals (as opposed to plants, fungi, protists, and monera)
                Phylum: Chordates
                Sub-phylum: Vertebrates
                Class: Mammals
                Sub-class: Placentals
                Order: Primates
                Sub-order: Anthropoids
                Family: Hominids
                Genus: Homo
                Species: Sapiens
                Super-species: electric bass players

Now, in the Kingdom part, that’s protists, Wallace. Not prostitutes. Like your daughter Patsie. They are mostly parasites. Have you ever wondered where she gets it? By the way, I now know what you told the police and they marked you down as demented. I was going to speak up, but anyone who would listen to Patsie is definitely demented so I kind of left that one alone. By the way, Patsie, how has life been treating you lately? Like you’ve been treating others? Awwwwww.

           But listen to me. African bees are sluggish fliers and can only travel around a quarter mile tops. An adult human can just outrun them. So run in a straight line and, if you can, run into the wind. Let me know how it works.

Last Laugh
Jeezus Kryst, how much help do the rest of you need?