One year ago today: February 18, 2014, “The Trip Planners”.
Five years ago today: February 18, 2010, a foggy-headed report from the hospital.
Can you get a load of this Biden dipstick? He refers to the degeneration into chaos and crime on our streets as the “successful” American experiment with integration. What a total ass-clown. It is well documented that 70% of Americans, the most united majority in our history, all want the border closed and the aliens deported. Where does DC find the retards who still support immigration and can ignore the law? Don’t tell me about rights, illegal is illegal and the relevant Constitution clause clearly applies only to those born here to legal residents.
Here’s breakfast, so nobody says I didn’t mention food. This is entirely vegan fare. The healthiest. Shown here is the breakfast croissant that has evolved for me only. This is not on the menu. Vegans—annoying everybody else since biblical times. I’m not a vegan.
It is my total consumption that is down and other than Monsanto chemo-food, my only restriction is beef. It is not good for you. Period. Anyone tells you different has not been paying attention. The other foods I only avoid, but in some cases I have avoided them for years on end.
Yep, I was reading the Miami Herald. Here are two items, which I view as connected because they involve the abuse of computer technology. It appears there is mounting evidence the USA has collaborated with hard disk manufacturers to include spyware on the equipment at factory level. This does not surprise me in the least, I have always behaved as if that was the case since day one. If anybody finds anything incriminating on any computer I have ever owned, it was planted there. The second instance is the reporting of criminal records to the passport office.
It is a known dictum in civilized countries that criminals do not get punished more than once for a crime. You get a sentence, or a fine, and that is it. But the retention of criminal records goes against that. Hence, people with criminal records are marked for life, which is “cruel and unusual punishment” by any standard. South America blocks those with criminal records from entering—yet the most common export from most of those countries is the common street criminal.
How about this item that it is time for Jews to clear out of Europe, as it may not be the place for them to be in the upcoming century? Published by an Israeli source, the suggested course of action is to move to Israel. So, the message is to clear out of Europe. Isn't that strange advice? What do they know that we don’t?
I have a pal who is related to tons of people in Europe and he has many distressing tales of this European Union thing. The only thing clear to me is that those who want the world to become one global community are the only supporters of Europe as a united single country. It is much more than an economic bloc, for example, members are forbidden to have the death penalty. That means, like America, millions are wasted keeping them alive and putting up with endless appeals.
I’m reminded of Australia. My solution to prisons is banishment and transportation. Some say that is not the answer, but they have no convincing arguments. Is not Australia an example of what happens when men are given a clean break and a fresh start? I’m no expert on the topic, but I say that the perfect American prison is the wilds of Alaska. If men prove they are not fit to get along with society, remove them from society. And what better place than the empty quarter of Alaska?
“I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, adorable pancreas?” --Jean Kerr
Mercury falling, hah, that shows my age. They haven’t put mercury in thermometers since the war. I’m kidding, but I do believe I have seen mercury thermometers when I was a kid. Okay, has everyone here heard the old joke? What’s the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? Answer: the taste. There, I just told the oldest joke in blog history.
So, I finally gave up seeking a right-handed nut and simply overcut the threads on the motor shaft. Shown here, this is the tap and die set first used to manufacture a casing for 250,000 toothpicks. If you are new here, in 2002, I counted a million toothpicks and put them on display at the Del Mar County Fair in San Diego [in 2003].
Yep, counted to a million and it took one year and some. So there, Hector, it’s not like I waited for retirement to get anything done. Actually, I don’t mean that Hector waited. Hell no, he’s was getting nothing done while he was still working. Har-dee-har-har! Okay, I’ll play nice.
I’m pointing at the now compulsory anti-flyback capacitor.* These can be dangerous, so no copycats, please. It is used to stop any reverse current back up the power cables caused by the collapsing magnetic field when the motor stops. The obvious question is why bother with such a capacitor? It is just a disk sander. You know, that is a good question. I suspect planning ahead with anything electronic over here has become automatic, as in subconscious.
The capacitor is redundant unless the machine is destined to be connected to the delicate circuitry of a microcontroller. While no such thing is planned, there is no rule here that says a robot has have wheels and look great. Since early 2011 we’ve salvaged a large container of capacitors, so there is no harm in incorporating it into the earliest stages of new designs.
Did you know robot sanders are already used to manufacture items like knee and hip joints. But if you watched the video, just over a minute long, did you notice what I did? It is not at all the sanding machine that is operated by the robot. Who knows, maybe we’ll be the ones to invent a microcontrolled sander as opposed to what’s out there now. I embrace the theory that everything the scientific mind has ever imagined will be invented.
*[Author's note 2016-02-18: I learned later these "anti-flyback" capacitors are a boon to digital electronics. In this function they go by several names, including "decoupling capacitors". I use them now whenever in doubt. If you have a digital circuit that just will not work, install a capacitor between the power supply and ground. If it sort of works, then put one between the power and ground of every integrated circuit on your board.]
Time for a pot of tea. Has it been all afternoon? Good, at least it was not wasted working for the man. One aspect of this blog I was not initially expecting was the amusement of visitors. I never thought about it until it happened frequently, but often people walk in here and are taken aback by seeing the live projects that match the posted photographs. The reaction is often a gasp.
And that, son, confers bragging rights. My notion of why they are surprised to see the real working and completed objects around here because they are used to being surrounded by bullshit artists who never get anything done. Over here, I’ve learned to place the completed models on display where folks can pick them up for examination. That is one category where the blog photos are very accurate. Even if I’m too cheap to buy a respectable camera.
This blog is now into overtime. This is post 3,651. The rules no longer apply, but chances are I will not tinker with the formula. Even with severe competition from twattle or twitter or whatever, this blog is still visited by the thousands every month. But something else is in the works, just so you know. Readership, particularly overseas people, has nosedived since November 2014. If I’d been banned in China, I expect I would have heard about it. Instead, visits have dropped to 2012 levels without any known definite cause.
Here’s a balancing picture, this one is the view of a railway siding in Winter Haven. See the box car art? There is a name for those who do this, they call themselves “freight writers”. Cute. They deface property and call it “art”, it is often called “visual cancer”. Typically, there is no known cases of female participation, which pretty much tells you who is doing it.
There are websites that recommend which paints to use and advice on wearing breathing masks since paint fumes are poisonous. One train yard reports spending $7 million per year to remove this illegal graffiti. I thought it was illegal to coach people how to commit a crime. Anyway, no link here. I don't support bad websites.
Today the vandals profess it to be a national art movement, the heir to subway art, and insist the practitioners are nothing less than folk heroes. Los Angeles arrest records show these are not kids, with an average age of 23. Is it me, or does the graffiti height insinuate these hoodlums only stand 5-foot-2? That would explain a lot of their motivation, I think. You know, painting on other people’s canvas, kind of thing.
Now, I’m going to pull a Mark Twain. Say something without saying it. Egg-boy is an obscure Texas-German derogatory term for people of a religion that nobody likes. Quick, think of a religion that nobody likes. Jesus Murphy, that didn't take long! And there you have it. A Mark Twain.
Anyway, let me tell you what the egg-boy did. He raises the rent every January and this time it went to $510, which is $10 over the local ATM limit. So people pay the first $500 by money order and the other $10 when they get to the ATM next time. You have to stand in line a second time for the second money order, but the egg-boy thinks it is all about the ten bucks.
So to make a total ass of himself, he sent everyone a letter on how to buy two money orders. One for $500, the maximum, and another for $10. He sent this letter even to people who have been living here 30 years. I’ve met the egg-boy and it is not far-fetched that the only thing on his tiny mind is the ten dollars. He is certainly that stupid, there is no denying that.
Oh, oh, did I tell you what was in the paper last week? The county finally passed a resolution that the owner or occupier of a property cannot apply for heritage status on a building. Ha, is that only a fluke? Remember the original trailer park. Construction was held up nearly two years, all over a $1,250 dispute. Some smart aleck declared the place a heritage site and the property sat vacant until late 2010. One solitary trailer smack dab in the center of the huge empty site.
What’s odd is that I think the egg-boy is related to the other guy. The property eventually became distressed. I know that eventually the city bought it and the city never pays full price for any property. I wonder if they grabbed it for back taxes. Of course, I cannot prove a thing, but neither can they. But when you see every aspect of the deed described here years in advance, no way that spells coincidence.
Here is an excerpt from a private e-mail this morning. Since 155 people read it, I’ll leave it as today’s addendum.
“This 50 Shades is total hype. In the early 90s, I was the only word-processor for hire in LA and I key entered a lot of scripts of similar nature for authors who could not type. It was, without exception, 100% third-rate males writing this crap, all pretending to be cool but secretly hoping they would be hired as "consultant" to rehearse the sex scenes ‘just right’. Remember, a lot of these yahoos made script changes on the fly, so I know where their minds are at. Desperate bastards, every one of them.
“I've dated enough great women to know it is totally a male fetish to cook up sicko fantasies, but the greatest annoyance is men who try to disguise it is their own frustrations at work. They are not "creating", they are regurgitating. These losers are also the same men to try to pretend pornography is just another casual option on the menu rather than the object of their total fixation. I know, I grew up with two asshole brothers like that. Every conversation led to the same damn shit, over and over and f'in over.
“Real women fantasize about . . . romance, not painful positions. I learned that in my teens. And I never could shake the suspicion that women who say they like kinky sex are prostitute types, actual or latent, catering to the weak specimens of men they treat like customers. They do so not because they, as women, like it, but because they perceive it will keep their males from straying.
“So 50 Shades is nothing original or special. It is just a lucky hit for some deadbeat. I believe that men who have had a lifetime of satisfying encounters with decent women since an early age never develop any cause to get into the whips and chains. It is more fun to start over again with somebody new.
I know that is certainly true in my case . . .
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