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Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015

One year ago today: June 27, 2014, giving Nova the finger?
Five years ago today: June 27, 2010, the sign says “Jerk”.
Six years ago today: June 27, 2009, what about Miss Wilson?

Don't forget to check last evening for a late-in-the-day post! Also, remember to click back to 2009 when you see a link. 2009 was much more interesting than 2010.

           I’m heading out and I promise not to come back until I find you an interesting picture. The most interesting was how a 16-year-old got onto the Interpol wanted list. Known in Jamaica as “Kirky”, he’s a bad one. Shot and killed four old people playing dominoes outside a store, striking when the electricity went out. The reward is $10,000. But somehow I don’t think they’ll catch this one through his Facebook account.
           He is a breakaway member of a gang called the Stone Crushers and has been linked to a total of seven murders this year alone. He won’t last long, I’ll be watching for news. There’s no place to hide on an island and fortunately for Miami, Cuba is between the two places.
           Next is the surviving escapee in New York. The press is turning him into a celebrity. What does a man serving life have to lose? Americans love to keep criminals near population centers. This one is not likely to give up easy, they’ve already shot his partner. Their getaway car drive panicked and since then they’ve made plenty of mistakes. No backup plan, you might say.
           Our other man on the run, Jason Derek Brown, that nice Mormon boy, is now pushing 50. He’s gained notoriety for making the Feds look like klutzes for trying to demonize him. He’s been on the run 11 years now, so he must have netted some cash from the robbery or, equally likely, he’s working somewhere and knows exactly what he’s doing.
           Meanwhile, here is how you can have some fun with the inane Craigslist system of using e-mails to confirm postings. I'm the pioneer of posting something, then later going back and making subtle changes to the original. Or, simply deleting the original if you get a re: (reply) that would look ridiculous if the original disappeared. Well, I've got a couple copycats on-line. They post, then delete. Here's how you get them.
           When you see a post that you know they intend to delete, make an exact copy of it. Then, when they delete, repost it under your account. See the mind game? Their account shows the post as deleted, but there it is. And no way they can get rid of it without flagging. But I have yet to see one of them smart enough to figure that out.


           “No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.” ~Voltaire

           I’m reading one chapter of Agatha Christie per day. And the American with the eyes nobody liked, has just been stabbed on the Orient Express. More as it happens. The inspector, Hercules, has just announced the threatening letter is written by two people, taking turns writing each letter. Brilliant, I think, because it defeated the leading technology of the day. Handwriting analysis.
           Today, it is DNA. Since you cannot escape DNA identification, the logical step is to place your DNA everywhere. We don’t have criminals that smart, but when your enemy knows your every move, you spoof him. Figure a way to get your DNA to a remote location, then call in a hot tip you were seen over there. Plan not only for today's crime detection, but tomorrow's as well. We have such dumb criminals in America. We need a real Lex Luthor the public can identify with.
           Do you know who Alex Jones is? The nation’s leading conspiracy theorist. From Austin, he prefers to be known as a “thought criminal”. His mandate, he insists, “came down from on high”, telling him for example, to lay off all politicians. Hey, the guy makes plenty of sense if you listen to him. Like myself, he sniffed something wrong with Google on day one.
           He’s the guy that calls Hillary as “Hitlery” and believes driverless cars are nothing but AI (artificial intelligence) gathering mechanisms designed to take away your right to drive anywhere you please when they push a button. That’s interesting, because the cars do use drone technology and could very well make the kill decision to sacrifice your life to save a bus of schoolchildren—even if the bus was in the wrong.
           I’ve heard he may have a presence on television, but I would not know or care about that. I find his theories amusing, not for his take on things, but because he often addresses issues that big media won’t touch. Like why is Germany banning all single-family homes. Not a peep about that on the Fox channel.
           Drop back later, I think I’ll go to the movies.

           No movies, the foreign cinema was sold out. It only has 80 seats and the guy makes $2,100 a day when it is full. Hey, the usual crowd is 5 or 6, so it’s not like he’s making a killing. It was a movie about two guys in an old folk’s home who decide to have a farewell party while they can still enjoy it. Instead, I went to a concert in the city park and then over to Starbucks to read a magazine.
           The band was Latino but I should point out something about the “Latino influence” in South Florida. It is highly over-rated, I don’t personally know of anyone who purposely goes to Latino restaurants or shows out of cultural preference. The bottom line is that Latinos will work for less than others so you find them working for minimum wage everywhere. But that hardly qualifies as a positive exchange of social values.
           The explanation is far more simple, cruel as it sounds at first. The majority perception is that Latinos will work for less because they are cheating on welfare. It has been proven time and again that what most people see is rarely wrong—and all racial stereotypes have an original basis in fact. What people think can be wrong, but rarely what they see.
           The truth is that any Latino can walk into the corrupt Florida welfare system and get “emergency” cash same day, often on the spot. No questions asked, in fact, I have seen social workers advising them on how to maximize their take. (But non-Latinos can expect a three year waiting line.) To think that large numbers of lean and hungry Spanish speaking musicians would not take free money is just plain being stupid.
           My study this evening was crop pesticides. It seems that responsible tests show that these chemicals do not wash off. The poisons are molecular in size and are often incorporated right into the edible flesh of the plants. Worst offender? Cherry tomatoes. They have an applied wax coating that keeps them shiny on the store shelves that has been tested to seal in as many as 13 different toxins.
           Also soon to hit the market are some genetically modified apples that don’t turn brown when they are sliced. People, there is a reason apples turn brown and it has been like that for millenia. You think the apple growers can come along and outguess Mother Nature in the past ten years? Only fools would eat such a thing and there is no shortage of fools. Always double-check, but I believe the USDA is allowing these modified apples to be called organic and they are prefixed “Arctic”. As in “Arctic Golden” or “Arctic Winesap”.
           You might want to consider as well that apples are one of the most sprayed of orchard fruits, although the worst ones are peaches which seem to be a treat to almost every type of insect. The scary part is the USDA approving these foods to be labeled “organic”. If you are not reading every label and washing your food anyway, you are in real danger.

Last Laugh
(This is so wrong for this blog but I could not resist.)

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