One year ago today: July 22, 2014, Cape Canaveral.
Five years ago today: July 22, 2010, tropical storm Bonnie.
Six years ago today: July 22, 2009, a collective tear.
The Heikendorf Panther didn’t make much news here, but in Europe it was a big deal. Because most countries over there have rules about storing war material. As the story goes, people looking for stolen Nazi art found a completely drivable Panther tank in some old guy’s basement. It was rumored the guy used to drive it in the snow and the cannon was fully operational. So they called in the army and raided the place, shown here is the only photo I can find of a tank recovery vehicle towing the chassis.
Folks, I know bullsh when I see it. For starters, this vehicle is clearly one of the models rebuilt by the British after the war. You do not get a 45-ton tank into your basement unless you build the house around it. Also, a tank with no treads is hardly something you can drive. And even if you could, a Panther in original operating condition would be so rare and valuable, you would not risk taking it for a spin.
The BBC article indicates the same raid yielded torpedoes, a flak gun, and other WWII era weapons. So I viewed the documentary and the BBC has indulged in a little American-style spectacularism. The “basement” was actually more like a sunken living room. Here is a picture of the tank years earlier, the one in the news had no treads. So the bottom line appears to be that the German authorities raided a museum. To avoid embarrassment, they cooked up the tale that they’d found a private armory.
It was this fake story that the media picked up. And once it found its way to Twitter, it became like the rest of the Internet. Truth by repetition and facts by vote. If enough people say it is true and spread the story, it becomes the accepted truth. After the war, the British rebuilt and evaluated four Panther tanks. They later sold them to private collectors, and this one found its way to Hiekendorf.
Trivia. Around 12% of people dream exclusively in black and white.
Um, I thought all you Liberals said Trump was finished over the McCain thing. I don’t think so, he’s walking all over you and gaining by the day. Your retorts are just making you look even worse because they miss the point. The point is that Liberals can only gain ground by preventing others from talking against Liberals, which mean you have to plow people under before they say something the electorate will listen to. And with Trump, you waited too long. He’s got them “frothing at the mouth”.
Trump doesn’t seem to realize how close to the south his stance is. That participation in the union is based on voluntary acceptance of the federal government doing right and representing the will of the people. That has not been so in fifty years.
What’s neat is all the competition clinging onto Trump’s words, hoping to find something they can fixate on that will make the world forget his enormously popular stand on illegals. And the inane media, trying to trick him into corners with baited questions. Especially that one who has his first and last name mixed up. Anderson? Or the Hispanic reporters with their vesting interests and hidden agenda. But Trump is sticking to his guns.
He’s saying you can talk all you want—after the fence is built. It’s pretty clear what sort of person would argue with that. Strange how their best defense is that a fence won’t solve the problems, but then why do they object to it? Or that “study” they are quoting that says crime is lower among the illegals than average. Where does America even find people like that? Easy, In the media. The petty bastards are now trying the angle that some of Trump’s sub-contractors may have hired illegals. And blame that on Trump himself.
Or that years ago, as a businessman, he made political contributions to people he now calls “losers”. Well, Anderson, times do change. Some can’t deal with it. They should not become reporters and anchormen. They all have a hard time understanding the audience wants to hear the candidate.
Speaking of people with difficulties understanding nobody wants them around, has anyone else gotten annoyed with youTube for their default “autoplay” feature? It’s designed for the ignorant masses who will watch whatever all the other stupid people watch. Why bother selecting in advance what you want to see, that’s just for fussy people like me. Well, up yours, youTube.
It could be my perception since I don’t follow these “new features” until they get in my way. And now the auto-play can’t be turned off unless you stop the video first. Worse, the auto-play has taken to including foreign language sites—and there is no filter. Not only does it find stupid sites, it now finds them in Russian and Urdu. But don’t say anything, or you’ll be called, what is it this year? Racist? Redneck? Something-phobic? You must gracefully take all the shit even the most uneducated and isolated Liberal can dream up, or else.
But the biggest laugh today is these newspeople who try to out-talk or out-show Trump. Guys, you can’t troll the troll. He’s light years ahead of you in experience. So far, every one of those who interviewed Trump won’t let him finish a sentence. They start using the airtime to plug their personal views. Um, I think if you check, O’Reily (is it?), people want to hear Trump. Not you.
It’s a joke how these people don’t seem to clue in that Trump isn’t playing their little games. He’s saying what the rest of them haven’t the spine to say. That illegal immigration is a problem. Anything else is a side issue until that problem is stopped. Then, we’ll take a look at “statistics from a thousand miles away”.
And now that slippery dame, Hillary, is banning movies about her background from television. I’m sure she’d try it with the Internet if that were possible for anyone but Justin Beiber. Have you seen the movie? It’s worth a gander. She’s one of those operators who can’t even stand up to an unbiased list of the facts. If she, or anybody like her, ever gets into power, America is finished. She has no interest in any agenda but her own, which she will not say. Right now, the only woman president I would support is Ann Coulter.
I would like to see Trump as an independent and win. The whole political structure of DC has been rotten to the core since Wilson finangled the country into World War I. The Donald need only kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.
I got a telemarket robot call. Were not those bastards outlawed? Now we need Trump to build that border for certain. If he wants brownie points, he should announce the extinction of all unsolicited calls. Including (especially) political parties, those fake surveys, and as long as tax money goes to welfare, the registered charities can also go you-know-what.
Agt. M dropped by in response to my request for an extension ladder. That’s it, despite our long-establish organization, nobody has such a tool. Step ladders, but nothing bigger. There is only one thing to do in such a situation, which is to re-convene the meeting over at Senor café for the smorg. Where they roast the whole pig most every day. That’s the same restaurant that gets rave reviews here.
The service can be a little slow, but the portions are huge, and the place actually hires real chefs. As previously mentioned, they have had basically the same staff for the ten years I’ve been going there, mostly on Sundays. The only thing I’ll have is the odd omelet. The cuisine is Cuban without any hint of other styles, if you eat there, you will gain weight. It is a family restaurant right down to the owner’s sort of mousey daughter.
Very popular with the working class. Better than that place Peggy chose in Deland, I’ll tell you that.
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