One year ago today: July 29, 2014, my old band.
Five years ago today: July 29, 2010, I met an old friend.
Six years ago today: July 29, 2009, remember my Taurus?
Lots of technical material over coffee this morning. This lead screw assembly is fascinating, even the arithmetic is beguiling. Just with scraps in my bin, I’ve designed jig with an accuracy of 1/2000th of an inch. I’ve commenced to cutting the parts from wood. If the prototype has a tenth of that resolution, I’ll progress to metal. Meanwhile, the deadline on the property has passed and as far as I know, there were no other offers. The relevance here is that the property has a work shed. Me want work shed.
What I’m saying is the property, shown here with the work shed circled in yellow, has been taken off the market pending approval of finances. But you understand, that is a stock phrase. If my offer is accepted, nothing gets approved as fast as cash. Yes, the surrounding properties are in the $140,000 plus range. I’m waiting for the phone call, if it’s a go, I buy it probably tomorrow.
There are plenty of rentals in the area, so it may not be the greatest neighborhood, but the satellite image shows I only have four neighbors in the subdivision. There are four small (man-made) lakes in the area (within two blocks) and a railroad a block away, but I can deal with all that. The worst case scenario is rent to flip, which seems to be around $1,000 per month in the area. We have only driven past it, so no promises.
It ain’t mine until I get a signed bill of sale. I find it exhilarating to go from nothing at one sale to potential outright ownership within 100 hours. From my last $90 to paying cash in 48 months. (Would have been 12 months if I'd never trusted Wallace.) I could get used to that pace. Come on, phone, ring, dammit.
I could write a book on this auction and house procedure, you know. The reality is [hidden] behind the scenes and the system is corrupt. It needs exposing. But I’ll not write, as I know there is money to be made and I’m not that keen on competition. But I guarantee, if you try this on your own, you will make mistakes. The whole process is one hidden pitfall after another. And if you consider, as I do, incomplete answers or non-answers to be lying, then every person involved in the process is a liar—with the exception of one isolated situation in Arcadia. There are no apparent brakes on cheating in the real estate business.
This is similar to what I have in mind, a simple table that uses a Dremel bit to carve shapes. Only, I’m interested more in simple drilling and using a bit to etch copper circuit patterns. The makers of these units claim prices of under $100. That sounds a little far fetched.
Meanwhile, back to this intriguing lead screw project. I will be using threaded rod instead of the expensive lead screws (up to $40 each). I got the idea from looking at the flight simulator and noticing how powerful the small servo motors were when geared down. The new device uses steppers, not servos, but the concept is very similar. I’m also glad I read up on couplers, these are the devices used to hook together shafts of different diameters. These can also run $15 - $20 each.
The on-line places that say make your own are dependent on have a machine shop or CNC laser cutter. I hardly consider that tier of equipment as do-it-yourself. While this is going on, I’m watching a youTube of Ann Coulter on single mothers. It is mostly 8 minutes of cackling by witches like that horrid Whoopi Goldberg, America’s number one hater of cold, hard facts. Why does it take four women and a trained audience to drown out Ann? Because Ann is right and they are wrong, that’s why.
Whoopi Goldberg sees the entire white race as racist against her person. Watch how she tries to bait Ann by asking if Ann has any children. Whoopi is a moron, a left-wing Liberal mob leader. I wonder if she lies awake at night sweating how the next day will bring more racist issues for her to point out where none existed before. It isn’t Ann’s fault for going on these shows. She is out to sell books and doing a fine job of it. Goldberg probably doesn’t know how to write.
Dang. Lost the property by six minutes. The deadline was 5:00PM and the other guy came in with the cash at 4:54PM. To explain, there was an offer on the place pending financing when I heard about it. Another party was chasing around for the cash. And he made it just under the wire. But not to worry, we were looking for a deal when I found that one. And six minutes is a tiny margin. Time to put out some feelers to let these starving real estate agents know there is cash available if they work with me.
Yes, I’m disappointed. Because if I’d heard of this 24 hours ago, it would be mine. But I’m working alone and I can’t cover all the bases myself. The operations of the past month, including the trips to Winter Haven, Okeechobee, Arcadia, Ft. Myers, and Naples have completely streamlined our operation. We have a bank account in each of those and several other towns, ready to move fast. Now, I’m praying for another recession.
So, somebody besides me is miffed at Google’s manipulation of search engines. This topic was addressed here a year ago when companies I know began experiencing loss of audience. It is well known that most search engines base results on previous hits, which is plain stupid. The “truth by majority rule” idiocy again. I was aware that Google was fooling around with the criteria, causing millions in losses to people who had invested in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The fact is, searches on Google in general now send you to other Google sites. What's that smell?
You want to switch to ixquick now. Set it as your default search engine. And get Google and Google Chrome off your computer asap. Those applications are pure evil. Also, Google is, I think, targeting Yelp and the thousands of businesses that advertise there. You practically have to know the address to find anything on Yelp anymore.
I will say it as clearly as possible. Anyone who uses Google is a complete goof who is too stupid to understand invasion of privacy and too naïve to understand the consequences. Have as little to do with Google as you can.
NPR is, predictably, advocating that the English allow millions of illegal immigrants through the Eurotunnel. What kind of nonsense is that? Liberal, because it is a mob mentality. Don’t ask the English, just stand back and call anyone who opposes a global free-for-all as being Nazi-racist-rednecks. It's like NPR with Whoopi Goldberg as the mob leader. What does she care about the victims of Liberalism? And the biggest victim is white society, which she has made abundantly clear she cannot tolerate in any form.
She only wants the money available in white societies, not the social responsibility. Plus, I just don’t like her because she is so goddam ugly and I know that’s what she really has against Ann Coulter. Or I could be saying that just to infuriate dismal old Whoopi. That would make me happy. When hearing Ann Coulter refer to a statistic that most criminals come from single mothers, she asks if Ann has ever had any children. Cheap shot. Whoopi, have you ever been a tall, good-looking white woman? Well! That explains everything.
And the new Gates Foundation motto. “All people deserve to lead happy, productive lives”. Weird that the Foundation only helps the exceptional or the very ill. To hell with the rest of us. The majority of Gates' money is likely used to lobby for laws that use public funding. That is, tax dollars. That is, YOUR money. Even if I'm wrong, that is how I feel about the Foundation. I know that I have never seen a penny of help from that direction. How about you?
Last Laugh
It seems to be working.
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