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Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 23, 2015

One year ago today: August 23, 2014, the skating rink.
Five years ago today: August 23, 2010, the Sammy-zonk.
Six years ago today: August 23, 2009, I’m user-pay all the way.

           This is baked chicken. Why? Because you cannot go wrong with baked chicken. It will be ready in a half hour. Yer darn tootin’ I know how to bake chicken. Better than your mom. With vinegar and garlic. What? Oh, that’s a “wood anvil” next to the Parallax microcontroller. Why? Doesn’t every kitchen come equipped with these essentials these days?
           Would those who like blogs to at least try to be semi-consistent raise their hands? That’s what I thought. I did not start off on a good day. First off, I go the now semi-famous Senor and manage for the first time in 30 years to spill my hot morning coffee over my notebook (paper), my toast, and the elbow of the guy sitting next to me minding his own business. Don’t laugh, everybody gets a turn.

           When I finished blushing, I went over to see why Agt. M had missed the meeting. He’s got another monster bike in the making. It’s a carbon fiber frame again, but these will still require reinforcement if the bike is to have electrical power. Carbon fiber is like plastic, once a tiny stress crack begins, you can kiss the frame good-bye. And stress cracks always begin the instant you modify the factory design.
           I also took the booklet on which I am examining the LED problem of three lights instead of one. Some glitch in the say commands are interpreted is causing a nuisance. My background with classical programming allows me to think in terms of the steps a computer must take to accomplish a task. So yes, it annoys me when substandard languages like C+ will not obey rules established long before they came along.
           In this case, C+ does not “nest” for-statements in the standard manner. No, that is not an advancement. Only a Millennial would attempt such a claim (I consider C+ the epitome of job protectiona). I say that because it is impossible to honestly think those who use C+ are unaware of this factor. It makes sure every program becomes a monumental, time-consuming task.
           C+ people remind of the type who wash their hands a lot. Those type of people like to put things to a vote to determine if they are right. “Everybody knows” is their favorite lead-in. That’s the same crowd who brought you PC, “political correctness”. And Wiki. Don’t forget Wiki. Truth by majority rule. Let’s have a show of hands whether Darwin was right.

           God, she’s a scorcher today. The people that record such things confirm this is the hottest August on record. So I scootered up to the Panera to drink free refills with old people. You know, the ones who show up without pencil or paper, no magazine, no novel, no map, no crossword, no nothing but a blank and half-criminal facial expression to watch what others are doing, particularly what you are up to, and loudly sighing to remind you and any innocent bystanders that you are not nearly “paying sufficient attention” to them. But enough about my family.
           The Panera? Well, I can explain that. I’ve run a little short on funding this month. My speculation on silver of 2012 – 2013 has not produced spectacular returns. But that’s where we depart from working-class logic. Take George and Sam, both invest in 100 oz. of silver a few years back, the cost then being $3,000. Soon, the price drops to where it is now, roughly $15. George licks his wounds and sells, needing the money for other things. Sam says the market will eventually recover and keeps his silver.

           Who is right? I side with Sam. Nobody should invest any money that they need “for other things”. Eventually, Sam will cash in, I both say and tell you. It has nothing to do with wisdom or experience, it has to do with the long-term grasp that most successful speculation is little more than understanding you must wait out the competition. Part of that trick is, you know, not dying between now and then.
           If you surmise I’m not sure what to do, that’s sound thinking. The housing market has dried up but the rate at which I can accumulate remains the same. If I do nothing, am I not subject to the same whims of inflation and devaluation as the crowd? Are not rising prices an expected norm? The longer I wait, the less I can buy? Is anybody able to help me out here? That’s what I thought.

           What the? It’s my home-made paint stirrer. They don’t usually come in high polish chrome steel, true. The tale from the trailer court is that this was a drill bit extension I was foolish enough to lend out. It came back with a wobble and, as shown here, we don’t waste wobbles in this man’s army.
           My feed kept me constant on the Donald. I knew that ultimately certain low order media types would compare Trump to Hitler on the basis of popular appeal. Of course, we have been indoctrinated to say Hitler was not “popular”, but a manipulator of public hysteria. I mean, why else would anyone in the most cultured nation on the planet vote for a madman? And why are there so many establishment cronies willing to answer that question right this very moment, not like they have the answer ready-made.
           The establishment tells us any who support real change or a man who addresses real issues are part of the underworld. There are few voters more conservative than those who were born into unearned privilege. You know what concerns me most about Trump’s rise? There is such a long distance to the election that he may be giving his enemies plenty of time to cook up reprisals. It could be a real factor, as the only people who want this country not to change are those getting some kind of free ride.

Last Laugh

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