One year ago today: September 26, 2014, how much gold?
Five years ago today: September 26, 2010, no electricity . . .
Six years ago today: September 26, 2009, yep, it was me.
Everybody on the crew has sore throats and, if they are like me, in a crabby disposition over it. JZ called and I told him not to bother driving here. I never waste sick days, so I de-rusted all the tools that needed it. No, I’m not going to show you a picture of that, exciting as it was. If you see a photo here, that’s because I found something else more interesting.
Nope, nothing interesting, but here is a representation of the most famous phony birth certificate in America these days. I say representation because they have never shown us the original. These are computer copies. Interestingly, the spaces that were normally left blank back when now have typed information, which the remainder of the document is hand-written. Also, the term “African” was not used as a race identifier until something like ten years later.
Now why would somebody make a bad fake? Read on. What gets my goat is the contention that this document cannot be used to prosecute anybody for fraud because, are you listening, it is an obvious forgery. Why your honor, yes, that counterfeit $100 bill cannot be entered as evidence in court because it is an obvious forgery. Duh.
Reading the paper this morning, it would seem clear to me that America has now entered payback time for all the bleeding heart programs I first pointed out decades ago. Thanks to “advanced” medicine, there are now 64,000 children who normally would have died now being kept alive in institutions just in Florida. The Liberals want even more of your money to patch up that situation, but the well has run dry.
I’m not saying the children should have died, I’m saying you can’t have it both ways. They die naturally, or they die after spending hundreds of millions of dollars fighting Mother Nature. Again, I’m not against anybody doing all they can with their own money.
Or how about that chemical spraying in Bolivia? The coca growers have simply moved into parks and forest reserves where the spraying is illegal. And the paper reports again that the spraying is gaining the upper hand. But we’ve seen little of Geraldo and even less of Ramos, the ones who claimed that there is no evidence that illegals commit crimes. They better hide. Have you seen the latest roundup of Cubans for medicare scams?
Window, ever since Vista, I hate it. When installed on anything but the newest computers, it eats up all your RAM just for the operating system. I’ve pointed at this before and thought it might be other factors. This time we did a side-by-side comparison. Just when you think MicroSoft could not possibly suck any worse than they already do.
Last for this AM, the real estate market has shriveled up as tourist season approaches. It is an annual cycle, the tourists begin arriving October 15 and pump millions and millions into the system. But the system is billions in debt. For the few manufacturing plants in the state, this is still a tourist economy in decline. But people take their houses off the market because a tiny percentage of those tourists decide to stay on and buy in the spring.
That’s the old formula. In fact, the tourists are an aging crowd, dying off and not being replaced. The statistics don’t reveal that almost as many people leave Florida as come in. And the bulk of the tourist industry is debt-driven. Nobody knows, because the newspapers don’t report underwater hotels like they do housing.
I’ll check the market time to time, but until February, I’d say any opportunities this year are over. I can’t figure out how many of these people are still clinging on. Yet there is nothing for sale during the season except somebody else’s junk.
Gotta love it, The new term for the Volkswagen pollution device scandal: dieselgate. And our strange one, David Pakman, is going the queer route. Anybody who disagrees with him is a hater. No mention of how mixed up and biased Pakman is, if you don’t like it, you are a “hatriot”. But I have to disagree with people who say his broadcasts have latent homo overtones. False. There is nothing latent about it whatsoever.
Another talk-for-pay commentator has made a pathetic attempt to slurTrump. Some guy named Muir(?) reporting that Trump was booed for calling Rubio a clown. Bad move, Muir. The accompanying video shows that a few people in the crowd did boo, but immediately after they heard the word Rubio. Grow a brains-stem, Muir.
Hey, moments after I wrote this, 100% of the comments on the post agree with me. They were booing Rubio. Another Liberal media type clutching at straws. And yes, I’d like to see Christmas back in the mainstream vocabulary. Let’s give the whiners a chance to show they, too, can be as politically correct as humanly possible. Every waking moment of their day.
I checked the music listings for the Florida interior, particularly country bands seeking a bassist. I’m stay shy of the current Nashville kiddie-pop that passes for country music. There are many more ads than in the country music wasteland of Broward, but then you check the travel distances. Arcadia to Punta Gorda is 26 miles, although out off the south Florida road grid, that might not be so bad. In Montana, I would drive twice that for a cup of coffee.
What a laff, the ads looking to start Doom and Metal bands in places like Logwood. Ever been there? They don’t have the population base to start with. By and large, it reveals that musicians today are as mentally scrambled as back in my teens. Few things are worse than a guitar jerk who wants a “stand up” bass. Another giggle is the bass players who mention they also play guitar. Like it’s a good thing. And somebody should tell these Millennial guitarists that “no relationship issues” includes your family.
There’s even one guy there who plays and looks like Ray-B, but he lives way out in the toonies, Tarpon Springs. According to his zip code, he lives in the middle of Tampa Bay. He’s the only one out there who seems to have figured out the days of the big band are over, and same with the solo guitarist and his backing tracks. The new duo is bass and acoustic. I would say acoustic and bass but nobody has really heard an original acoustic guitar lick in 40 years.
It was an evening of reading and study. The difference between documentaries on the Internet and the same on TV is the ability to pick and choose. So I’m dismayed when I see one bleeped. I chose a history of Tasmania. What a strange place, a few tiny coastal spots, the rest mountains and windswept saltgrass plains. I ran out of tea, a staple for flu attacks around here. Not wishing to drive at night, I made my own from nutmeg, hazelnut flavor syrup, and menthol cough drops.
Later, by 9:00PM, I’m recovering, at least I think it was flu. Mercifully not a head fever, but throat and upper shoulders. Hopefully, this is making sense. Nutmeg is a stimulant, though some dispute that. I am super-sensitive to all drug and can confirm if you drank ten cups, you might get a buzz.
This is a still from the million-hit video of the 11 year old “out-playing” the Steel Panthers. While the kid has talent, I’ve always said there is nothing unusual about this. It does not take any level of brains or maturity to play guitar. I wish somebody had come along when I was 8 and showed me the basics, that’s how simple it really is. But as for the technique and stage personality to become an entertainer, that can take a lifetime. Most people never do it.
I read than Forrest Mimms received a Rolex Award. Um, you should be watching that, not the phony Nobel Prize which has lost all semblance of reality. When they award peae prizes to African terrorists and US warmongers, it’s time to pack it up. But a Rolex Laureate is not something you get because Sweden wants to kiss your ass. I own more technical books by Forrest Mimms than [by] any other author.
My only beef with such awards is they tend to glorify athletes while purporting to support the advancement of human knowledge or well-being. There is no jock in history who ever that contributed a single useful idea to society, so quit the jive-talk.
The motto of the award is that anyone can change everything. Well, naturally, they are not talking about you, Ken, or Theresa, or Patsie, but other than that, they mean.
I took an hour to review the super-heather circuit, and it appears that the low power at which the Arduino operates means it will not burn out an LED. I’m thinking maybe I can make the circuit operate without even using transistors and resistors. I’ll rig up a test bed and sacrifice one 7-seg. That would be the supreme Arduino LED circuit of the year, if not to date. The only real problem is that it isn’t as flashy as some of the cube multiplex displays. But I’m thinking.
Hmmm, it finally happened. According to the paper, a man died while the hospital was busy checking on his insurance. I reported the same thing in late 2003, except I didn’t die. But until they found my Texas Blue Cross, that’s what they left me to do from around 4:30AM until after 6:00AM when a nurse passed close enough to hear me whisper, “Check Texas”. Within two minutes there were three doctors and four nurses on me. I have not forgotten.
Mind you, that is still not as bad as other countries with socialized medicine. Over there, dying while waiting for surgery is considered normal.
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