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Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 3, 2015

One year ago today: October 3, 2014, Ukrainian national anthem.
Five years ago today: October 3, 2010, the Sammyzonk.
Six years ago today: October 3, 2009, Ukrainian power mower.*

           A well-deserved day with my books, quietly at home, lots of leftovers. Double that, because JZ pointed out the hurricane is lurking off the coast, he says, gathering its strength. That means all the emergency supplies reaching its half-life went into the stew pot. And gets replaced. The plan is we hold up at his place if there is an evacuation notice.
           This is a photo of Taylor Swift backstage. I initially wrote her off as too cute, you know, cashing in on the young blond ticket. But the way she has endured—particularly the way she gets solidly rid of any pretty-boy hipster boyfriends, has kept me watching her career. Note, she is alone, not surrounded by psychophants. I wonder what’s to become of her? That’s not pity, I believe she has what it takes to remain single if it comes to that.

           Meanwhile, it is downtime for me. No gumption, so I compiled a list of movies I’ve never seen on the big screen youTube. Right now, it is that 1975 release called “The Hindenburg”. What a throw-back to the thirties, where they hire all the wannabes to play eccentric passengers. And hire an aging actress as the countess so you can get the Gestapo involved. And crank up the theme that everybody hated Hitler, which was simply not true. He was Time’s Man of the Year and Jesse Owens stated that Hitler was more polite than other Americans.
           I watched some Finnish films centered on the 1939 war which were not very realistic, but you know. The toughest part of free movies is Millennial ignorance, where they plaster the viewscreen with advertising that can’t be deleted. Bunch of sick bastards who are too ignorant to see how badly they are setting themselves up.

           Earlier I thought of the foreign cinema, now that they are over the Tel Aviv festival, a few movies with less of the persecution theme are creeping back. I think tomorrow afternoon. Today was a day for sorting out my used bolt and screw collection, soldering some overdue circuits, working the crossword, and baked chicken. Where’s my picture of baked chicken in that perfect sized ceramic dish. Here it is.
           That's a before picture. Before it is baked. Wait your turn.

           I planned out some fancy small boxes made from the cedar post, which I got for 70% off. It’s actually the largest piece of cedar I’ve ever owned. Smell great working it with the bandsaw. My newsfeed also flashed Trump’s speech a few hours ago. He is really getting his second wind with the crowds over how he’s going to be sending the Syrians back.
           He’s also confronting the bastards who say it is impossible to send them all back. Trump says to that, “We got them here, didn’t we?” Yes, to those who are aware I compared the “migrants” to an invading army, that was exactly 21 days before he began using the term.

           The bakery this morning for the crossword, that was my big outing of the day. You know, that has come full circle in the sense that was much of my day when I was in my late teens. That’s all I could afford to do each day was coffee and a paper at Denny’s just off campus. Man, that was a long time ago. What’s different now is I can afford to go anywhere I want. If the price is high, nobody my own age can afford it, if the price is low, I’m the oldest guy in the place. Interesting outcome, I’d say.
           For once, I worked in silence, that is, without the radio in the background. So no NPR topics to get my dander up. Today marks my twelfth anniversary of no smoking. I simply quit cold turkey and never missed it. No, food does not taste better, and I did not gain weight until years later, after a bout with a heart condition unrelated to smoking.

           It will soon be six years since I’ve owned or driven a car except for once or twice driving JZ’s truck. But I’ve put two trips across the continent by sidecar motorcycle, so don’t reject me as a tree-hugger. Last, I was going to write some personal letters today. Even that never made it to the starting line. I needed the break, I guess. And that’s how I know a cabin in the mountains may be what I really need. As long as I’m less than ten minutes from town, none of this two-day hike into the boonies.
           While listening to “They Call Me The Breeze” as only a bass-man could, I noticed a strange sound that would normally be considered a studio glitch. Was it now? I grabbed the bass and figured out what is really going on. Aha, it is a guitar player on the bass, and they have a weak lower 5th. The guy’s pointer finger was getting tired after the first verse. By emulating that sound, a half hour later I have completely re-written the bass line, in my own subtle, inimical style of course. You know, where I could never be accused of one-up-manship. I can steal the show on that one now, since the guitar parts are old hat. But not the bass line, that's fresh turf.
           That’s all for today, kiddies.

           *[Author's note: To my Ukrainian readers, Ukrainian jokes are a type of Canadian humor. In America, they substitute "Italian". It is all in fun. Easily offended people should probably not be reading a technical-based blog nor the Internet period. Substitute your favorite nationality and enjoy.]

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