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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1, 2015

One year ago today: December 1, 2014, help ID this photo.
Five years ago today: December 1, 2010, you go, Burma!
Nine years ago today: December 1, 2006, the edge on quality.
Random years ago today: December 1, 1981, 150 flowers . . .

           To start, I can tell you the mood around here was not pleasant today. We’ve missed four bargain properties. It could be said I didn’t move fast enough, but it could equally be said I don’t get much help on the computer end of things where the real work finally has to get done. It’s remarkable I could have found the three best deals of the month by myself. It’s not that they landed in my lap, as some people might think. I’ll have you know I read 800 pages of material to find those three. Two in Deland, one in Mulberry.
           Aside to the Trump rep who is following this blog. There is a group in Miami calling itself the Trump DOT com and soliciting money. I don’t think the Donald needs any help from Florida, the cesspool of the American political circus.

           Not a moment’s peace and quiet. Am I not supposed to be retired? First of all, it rains all morning just because I felt like working outside. Then I get trapped in the bakery for an hour, which I don’t mind, but I need to finish my cPod camper. In a month, it will be prime south Florida motorcycle weather and I have not made any real motorcycle trips this year. That is so sad.
           Anyway, JZ comes over and wants to get his Xmas shopping done. So we went to Aventura but he decides he doesn’t want to shop there. But he really liked that new library. It’s air conditioned, the books are all new, and the welfare hang-out crowd has not discovered it yet. We wound up there all afternoon, by which time I was craving a coffee. No, it isn’t the caffeine, I drink only decaf twenty years now.
           We wind up at the specialty shopping stores where our diverse backgrounds came into real focus. To JZ the holiday is special, to me, it is December 25. He buys chocolate, I buy old-style hard candy. Once a year, I don’t mind candy. I like a candy cane, but not that peppermint flavor ribbon candy. Can’t stand that stuff, but it sure is the prettiest of the hard candy.
           This gave us time to review the house-hunting. We made six trips this year and discovered it was huge fun to tour the countryside. Trips that I would otherwise have made on the motorcycle, we made in the truck. And economical, too, it costs us less to make a full day’s trip somewhere, chase women, eat like kings, and camp out that for either of us to go out in Miami. Every time I go out in Miami, it costs me $45 and JZ around twice that. So partying in Winter Haven suddenly seems like a bargain.
           Anyway, we’ve decided on a seventh trip before year-end. The foul economy has turned south Florida into a land of renters, and I’d like to clear out before things skyrocket. I’ve heard a one bedroom in Miami is going for $1100 per month. I’d move back to Texas before I’d pay that. Plus, if there is going to be massive inflation, I’d rather not be in the city when it happens. They are already selling bread by the half-loaf since nobody wants to admit it is now six bucks for the whole loaf.
See the picture? That's you half loaf of bread "on sale" for $2.79.

           JZ also goes nuts in the Russia store. Not only is the food healthy, the place is a fashion show. The blond at the checkout can’t speak two words of English, but what a total babe. And she is a 100% natural blond, something you don’t get native in south Florida for the past twenty years. That’s why I love travel in the Florida interior, where you occasionally still see natural blonds. Nothing like it. Sigh, it will be a sad day for planet Earth when there are no more pure blond women.
           And my view of Sharia law is that it's main proponents are men who could not score with young together babes any other way. May I quote a famous person who said, "Fifty years from now the world will know I was right."

           JZ was horrified when I had documentaries of what is happening in Sweden on during our meeting here today. This is different than TV, which he watches, because the documentaries here are filtered to ignore the more irresponsible Liberal media. One woman in four in Sweden will be raped. He was unaware of this. Now, if you ask me, maybe those Swedish men could grow some balls and overthrow the government that allowed in the illegals. Did you know that corrupt government is now housing illegals in former royal palaces and, since the Swedish leaders have bankrupted the country, are borrowing from afar to pay for the illegals. That’s takes real brains, you show ‘em Sweden, show the world you are tolerant until they kill you.
           It is illegal to criticize the government on the immigration issues, as this is labeled racist in any form. Sweden, by the way, has gun control. When guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. I do believe Germany will be the origin of resistance again. Resistance against the non-white infiltration of Europe. Sweden is too far gone.
           I am familiar with the attitude of the immigrants in Sweden on a smaller scale. The immigrants have the attitude that Sweden could only have gotten rich enough to support them by stealing from their ancestors in former years. Why their culture and thinking is so superior, it could not have happened any other way, so now, they’ll help themselves. Even my family would have to admit that has a ring to it.

           This was one of many topics but the primary focus is real estate. However, the format of the robot club meetings has such an influence that we wound up at much the same places. For example, over to the Senor CafĂ© for late supper. JZ agrees with the budget I’ve mapped out, but like many people, he has a built-in dislike of following a budget for himself. I’ve seen this, it must be something in the education system or maybe the water. Something has given budgets a bad name.
           People think they can take control of finances without a budget. Wrong, there is one narrow correct path to controlling money and every other path will allow the money to control you. The planning is virtually entirely up to me and I’ll never get the credit for it. But as long as things move along acceptably in the right direction, I doubt JZ will ever agree to even learn to budget on paper.
           We are targeting mid-January for another auction, this time with a vengeance, but it has become clear I will be ready to move on something a year earlier than anyone else. Part of the reason is that I am pretty much alone in the search for a property. The heavy work is done on the computer and I do not get a lot of help on that one. In the off times, such as right how, my search criteria is set pretty much on bottom-fishing and screw-somebody mode. So even if there is a connection, I may not see it until the following weekend.
           But this time, I promise to watch the feeds every day for 45 days. The other resolution is that we have a suspicion that on top of the “mandatory extras” of buying a property, we figure there will be another thousand dollars in bullshit fees. So by Xmas, I will create a reserve for that, again, totally under my control. It sounds like a fun-filled day but in fact it was so hectic I forgot to take my pills (the only important one is for high blood pressure, a souvenir from my old job) and I will regret that tomorrow.

           The overall message I am conveying here is that somehow, I found [what turned out to be] the best four deals in the state in Florida this year, only to have each one scooped a wink before I could move on it. Boynton Beach, Deland (2 places), and now Mulberry. I accept that I am up against an organization doing precisely what I am. In each case, my delay was caused by putting together the finances. This spells the way to win is to have the actual money together. What? Easier said than done, you way? Brother, you ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie.

           Has anyone besides me noticed that MicroSoft is starting to get ansty about logging on with a VPN account or proxy server? In other words, they are beginning to insist they know where you are before letting you read your own e-mail? Also, if you log on through a server outside the USA, there are certain charts, like gold and silver prices, which begin to take a really long time to display.
           These may be unrelated issues but if it causes anyone to smile knowingly, remember that while I have not always been correct about causes, I’ve been amazingly about raising the alarms, often years in advance. Like the closing costs scandal and the student loan debacle and the rise of Google as public enemy number one.

Last Laugh

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