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Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016

One year ago today: January 1, 2015, the plagarism letter.
Five years ago today: January 1, 2011, the sand is artificial.
Nine years ago today: January 1, 2007, “China-invasion”?
Random years ago today: January 1, 2004, talking finances.

           This plate of food has nothing to do with today’s report. My calendar just says to mention food. So, you know the peas and potatoes, but what is the meat? You’ve never seen it before. But relax, you can make a safe meal out of anything found in America. This is roast raccoon. Seriously, I found the recipe, and so can you. Like most wild animals, the trick to cooking them is to find somebody who knows the right way to “dress” them. I’ve eaten rattlesnake and moose and alligator, sure, I’d try raccoon.
           I’ve somehow found the “steam engine” so absorbing, I canceled my morning crossword to keep working on it. It may not work, but it will be the most complicated motor mech I ever built. Some [alternative] ideas include using the piston “backwards”, where the compressing drives the piston up the cylinder rather than down, and devising a push rod that operates both the flywheel and the valves (most engines keep those separate). Most thorny problem today, you cannot connect more than one drive rod to most flywheels. You have to resort to a cam mechanism, which I cannot yet construct or some other method that I have not even conceived of.
           But I got the piston to move in the cylinder with some precision. If you ever, as I just did, make one of these by hand, you will thoroughly understand the incentive of the person who invented the metal lathe. It’s not labor-intensive, but more like brain-intensive as you train your yourself to spot every smaller amounts of off-roundedness until you can no longer see it, but you can feel it. You conclude it easier to build a lathe. Let it do the work.

           I was listening to the Donald in the background and got a belly-laugh when I finally heard him say that the politicians were all talking “bullshit”. I told you, America has been waiting for somebody they can relate to and, it follows, vote for. The millions of voters who gave up, such as myself, will get out and start voting again. The Libtard stranglehold on DC and the media has finally another Roosevelt, who hated the press, due for office. Trivia, the real reason for the “fireside chats” was a direct pipeline to the American public that could not be colorized by editors and columnists. I don’t follow politics, but I follow things like that.
           I’ll take somebody with no experience over anybody who has proven then have tons of the wrong experience. As the Donald said, the world caught fire while these politicians were in charge. For the record, I’ve heard many an argument by establishment pundits that if you did not vote, you had no right to complain. That is pure nonsense. If all the candidates are swindlers, a vote for any of them amounts to an endorsement and nobody wants to endorse a swindler except another swindler. I can think of dozens of valid reasons a person could refuse to vote but still voice a complaint.
           As for Trump being a businessman, that’s a plus. We’ve had actors, peanut farmers, and army generals, have we not? It’s what makes it a democracy. Besides, what was Putin before he led Russia? A direct dealer with their own establishment cronies. They’ve got the same two brands of crooks over there, those with a legitimate business license, and those without. Same experience as Trump, if you think it over.

           Back to my steam engine, I’ve decided not to bother with any bearings, instead I’ll spray any wooden friction points with silicon. The machine is not meant to run for more than a few seconds or minutes at a time. I see I may have to resort to fine copper tubing as I cannot get aquarium hose to behave. As with many projects, I’m getting close to the point where I know I can do it “if I have to” and all too often, my enthusiasm dwindles after that.

           Here is one of the classic photos that contributes to our (apparently brand new) theory that Lake Okeechobee is due to an object striking the Earth. We loosely refer to this object as a “meteor” but that is meant to be a generic term. We have no idea what it was, although we have a fair idea how it made the hit. We also have no idea why nobody seems to have noticed the pattern before, although Florida does experience round sinkholes often enough that just maybe everybody else shrugged off the thought.

           Just to recap, a few weeks ago passing through Lake Placid JZ and I observed that the hills tended to ring the north and northwestern shores of the lakes. In the following weeks, I failed to calculate any match of the amount of dirt moved, since the depths of these lakes is no longer natural. And that lady Harvard Professor was hardly any help. Resorting back to these photos, take a look at this one and note it is not just one, but many, many circular lakes. Some of them overlapping. Where else is this pattern prevalent? Of course, on the surface of the moon.
           Our theory remains unchanged, but it also remains unpublished. If we had discovered the “meteor” we’d be famous, but nobody wants to publish geological hypotheses from non-scientists. Still, let the record show that like Wegener and his “continental drift”, we too are the first to propose this concept concerning the string of lakes that “splatter” up to spine of Florida.

           While pondering all this, I made four short videos, three concerning the “steam engine” and one about how to censor your videos by using masking tape on your computer screen. It’s an ancient tactic that works wonders, especially when hiding totals from prying eyes. For instance, I’ll tell you my blog readership is down 85%, but from what? You don’t just hand out information these days because there are more jerkoffs per capita now than there have ever been.

           That’s interesting. The average T-34, the famous Russian tank of WWII, could only travel 200km before needing an overhaul, which could include a new engine and/or transmission. This didn’t seen right until I also read the German reports that the average T-34, when knocked out, had only 66km on the odometer. Duh, why build a tank that can travel much further than it will probably go before being destroyed.
           I needed a break from reading the Great Powers history book. My brain was on information overload every second page. You see, I got up to the modern era where I have my only specialized degree—military history. So every sentence was throwing me for a loop. That’s a good test, guys, to know if you have done your homework.

           Nor have I forgotten the common sense segment of my audience. Today, I’ll tell you how I got taken. Here’s a product from the Whole Earth Company, PureVia Stevia. I got faked out by the old similar package and similar color scam. Nowhere on the labeling does it tell you this is a product of Pepsico, who are not exactly known for producing nutritious substances. There is no mention of Pepsico on the box or the individual packets. Whoa, what’s this, Pepsi missing a chance for some in-your-face advertising?
           I use stevia in my tea and noticed this product was not as sweet as the “two tablespoons” of sugar claim. So I looked into it. Examine the photo. It says “non-GMO”, “all natural”, implies that PureVia is a brand name of stevia, and what boomer fails to associate “whole earth” with the hippie back to nature movement? Well, Sparky, it is all fake.

           If you flip the package over, you will see the primary ingredient is not stevia, but dextrose. And dextrose is made from corn starch. And corn is the most poisonous of all GMO’s on the market. So much so that you can assume all corn, even that grown in private greenhouses, in the USA is cross-contaminated with frankencorn, probably permanently. Labeling laws say the ingredients must be listed by order of presence in the product. So, since there are three ingredients, dextrose must be over 33% of the contents. It is probably more like 99%, since there is only stevia extract and “other natural flavors”. Either way, Pure Via is a “cooked” product and therefore anything but natural.
           Careful, natural flavors is no guarantee that the flavor is safe or even found in nature. It simply means it is chemically similar to the natural product enough to mimic it. But it could be totally produced in a laboratory. I’ll let you look that one up yourself. When you do, you may notice that Pure Via is also a partnership with Coca-Cola and Cargill. Cargill is a sinister privately-owned food products corporation with strong ties to Monsanto. They have recently been feeding modified soy product to farmed fish.
           My verdict on Pure Via Stevia? Don’t eat it. Don’t drink it. Throw it in the garbage now. Like I did.

           The annual dirth of properties is underway but I’m still combing the sources. I’ve got a couple of places that are affordable now, but the ads are not descriptive enough. You can’t be careful enough in these out-of-the-way counties and always use a title company. There is a rent to own in Deland for $300 per month and not too far from town. Did I ever tell you what happened to my science teacher? He retired and bought a place on five acres and built his house way back on the far edge away from the road and away from the world.
           He wanted just to be left alone. Sure enough, a few months after he moved in, he hears this bulldozer clearing the land behind his place. Some rich city slicker bought the property behind his, put in a road back there, cleared the land right up to the property line, and built his house ten feet away from my teacher. Explaining he loved to chat with the neighbors and chum with the neighbors.
           Another weird thing was the property taxes. Most places, you just pay them and that’s it. But I learned some places make you come in each year personally and have a rule that you cannot pay your own taxes unless you show them picture ID, which they photocopied and cross-referenced. You also had to show them the electric was in your name or something like that. And if you refuse, they eventually take your property for the back taxes. I was horrified when I heard about that.

Last Laugh

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