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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016

One year ago today: March 23, 2015, electronic red money.
Five years ago today: March 23, 2011, very rare embedded video.
Nine years ago today: March 23, 2007, I still own this.
Random years ago today: March 23, 2013, The Great Jimbos Non-Bust.


           Take a look at this photo and don’t be so critical. There's a reason it made top story. The price tag. The structure is actually very typical of pre-1970 Florida outback construction, and it has survived hurricanes. It gets mention because there is a huge (YUGE) misprint in the title record claiming this sold in 2007 for $350,000 (Zillow). I am not even considering this place, but a price error like that always shows up on my system. They are asking $20k for it, the place is gutted to the rafters.
           Another flurry of listings came up in the Sebring area, but remember that Sebring is a hotbed of petty crime, burglaries, car thefts, averaging 6 to 7 arrests per day. And I found out the shortcut from Lake Placid to Zolfo Springs I like to take is formally named the “Old Florida Cracker Trail”. Here are the three on-line services I use to check out a property of interest. None of the three is reliable in itself and you must look deeper on your own.

  has an active map that shows most listings, including for sale by owner. The fake-priced foreclosures can be filtered out. Downside is the map is cluttered with auction click-bait that cannot be filtered, so there is no distinguishment made between mobile homes with or without the land. A major waste of your time.
  updated every 15 minutes except for the one property you are looking at. Most importantly does NOT allow mobile homes without land to be listed. Tells you if there is a pending offer. Slow at removing old listings, can be slow on all browsers except the antiquated Internet Explorer, the software responsible for 90% of your viruses.
  the one with the crime map. However, that map shows only crime colors in relation to nearby areas, which is misleading. However, always check Trulia as it is the ONLY place to get first-hand tip-offs about bad and dangerous neighborhoods. Sometimes shows totally unrealistic “estimated” prices which are always bogus.

           Here’s the contest of the day. Describe Germany’s Merkel in 35 words or less. That’s the broad that let all the Muslims into the country against the will of the Germans. Top prize is a year in Florida. My entry is below. My opinion is that Merkel is the epitome of the guilt-ridden German who has been convinced by propaganda that Germany was evil in WWII, and she will be the cause of new German nationalism, which the uneducated will compare to the Nazis. But all I can say is in Germany, the muzzies are asking for it.

           Have you seen the latest round of real estate ads touting “accept credit cards”. There’s a telling revelation on how well Americans have learned the lesson of 2006. The market is dropping, but since it has gained 24% since 2012, the true bottom, I’ll hold back and watch. The first thing a price drop does is take all the cheaper properties off the market, and that has just occurred. I suppose it makes sense from a lot of angles, and yes, I would appreciate a 24% drop just now.
           Delisting won’t really work on me as I keep a mini-database of what is wrong with each property that I reject. There are over 200 rejects so far, the most common reason being bla unsafe neighborhoods. There are a few nice places still shown (on the Zillow map), but they are way out in the toonies. All the good in-town properties have been taken down. Same as in 2006. I mean way out in the toonies. Like the time JZ and I went to find Camp Good Hope, we drove that road west of Deland. And we know there is no town called “Paisley” out there.

Wiki picture of the day.
15” gun animation.


           Since I can’t be in Bartow, I have $65 allocated for travel. I should skip the day and take a train ride up to West Palm. Take a magazine and just go. Haven’t been there since my barber and I went up to see the place. You know, sad but true, he is the next candidate for a major heart attack. And he’s a terrible barber, too, but loyalties last. You see, he lives with his parents, both of whom are dependent on him, and the guy is a nervous wreck. I often have to insist (and pay) that after work he not go home, but to a quiet shop for a cup of tea and stay there a half hour. But that’s just a band-aid. Abe is spiraling straight for a coronary.
           I won’t be in Bartow. Because although we finally found a real Honda clutch cable, it has to get here from New Jersey and that will not be until Friday at the soonest. On top of that, there is the new starter, which has not yet arrived and it cannot be installed until the clutch cable enables me to drive the unit to the workshop. There, that’s a fine howdie-doo. And at the worst time, not like there is ever a good time for vehicle repairs, something has come up.

           Look closely at this picture. My system not only finds the bargains, it finds anything unusual that comes along. I know people who have made decent homes out of everything from churches, barns, lighthouses, and wine barrels. This came up as one of those government places that caught the tenants up to a grow operation in this attic.
           The authorities have since cleaned the place out and put it on the market, but they also have a mandate to move it quickly from their listings. I wasn’t supposed to know that. Aha! They got a black eye over something—it seems they may have been related to the government employee that co-signed for them to be in that house. It is something fishy like that.
           I learned early this afternoon that the place has water and electric, so I want to explain something. I was raised in a four room log cabin with eight people crammed around all winter. The fanciest décor I ever had was good-one-side plywood, and when we finally did get electricity, it was pull-chain lights. Have you ever tried to find the pull-chain in a pitch-black room?

           I would also point out that the rest of the building is strictly cosmetic damage. Nothing I could not handle myself. My question to the real estate agent, a person JZ and I have had face time with so it is unlikely there would be any Winter Haven-scale lying going on is whether or not the place is inhabitable. In the event it is, I put in a low-ball offer of 55% of the asking price. If they counter, I can make it 70% provided they give me 90 more days to close.
           For clarity, providing the place can be lived in, even if rustically, and I say by the photos it is, my offer has already gone in. If anyone is still snickering, all I can say is you obviously have not seen the last motel we stayed at in the same town. This place is luxury. I could stake a tent in the room shown here and be just as well-appointed as many a motel I’ve stayed while crossing northern Mississippi-Louisiana.

           Hmmm, I’ve met a singer who “used to play guitar”. And he knows Johnny Cash. The biggest obstacle is that is the only English he really knows, but I can work with that. Unfortunately, about two hours later, it turns out he can only “play guitar in Peru”. Lot of help that is. Fortunately, I brought my homework with me and had plenty of time to run the numbers. The 55% mentioned above is no some arbitrary figure, but just above the amount which we now know the government will historically consider.
           We know their target is 67.5% but we will make them bleed for every penny of it. I’ve gotten two calls back and they have not yet said no. I’m not likely to be swayed by their rulebook. You might say I’ve known all I need to about government policy since I was a frightened teen and their rulebook said I was statistically getting $150 a month from my parents. Therefore I was disqualified from any educational assistance. I still meet people like Wallace who think education is phooey. Because back when he was in the workforce you only needed sixth grade to get hired.

           Have you seen the quip about Canadian dress codes? The head of their “Human Rights” Commission has proposed a law that prohibits anyone from dressing in a way that might “reinforce sexist stereotypes”. Oh no, not another fugly broad after Hooters again. Now that’s your sexist stereotype. That country has diversified itself back into the stone ages. Not that the average white over there was all that smart to begin with.
           Later, I auditioned the singer and he has never been able to play guitar. He lied.

           For those of you who caught that news quip y’day, yes, President Trump did finally take the position stated here two months ago that terrorism is not an Americian, or European problem. It is an Islamic problem, and they should be cut off from the rest of the world until they sort it out. As long as the bad guys can convince a few Western loudmouths that massacres are the victim’s fault, there will be no change in the pattern.
           To be fair, I’m not saying one of Trump’s people stole my words, only that once again, I said it almost precisely (between 52 and 58 days) days before he did. Nor did I advocate any attack on the terrorist’s families. But now that Trump points out the possibility, I see the merit in his idea. The problem is, the USSA has been bombing Arab families for decades, so it would appear he merely means to have better target acquisition.

           Here is my entry in the “Describe Merkel in 35 Words or Less Contest”:

           Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid. Stoopid.

           I think it is eloquent and captures her very soul. The soul that all Libtards have for the suffering they impose on their own kind. It covers the full gamut of her intelligence, personality, and behavior. It will remain historically correct forever and I think should take first prize.

Last Laugh

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