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Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23, 2016

One year ago today: June 23, 2015, this wall doesn't work.
Five years ago today: June 23, 2011, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: June 23, 2007, have I found a gig?
Random years ago today: June 23, 2014, almanacs are complicated.

           It was so hot, I took the day off and went to the library. No special features, today you get a little editorial. The library server was down, so one could get on-line all day and bypass all the censorship rules. What’s to become of us if the library can’t control what you read? I read up on insulation and could not find a single article on whether one should apply moisture barrier if there is bare siding on the exterior walls. Should one even bother on a building that is more than 50 years old.
           Without that server blocking the feeds, I got a ton of gun control and anti-Trump propaganda on-screen, I didn’t realize the extent to which some people fear the Trumpster. I see there is some sharp division over whether these mass-murderers are insane. My spider sense tells me at least some of these jokers are frustrated males seeking to make a name for themselves. If so, it is the media that contributes to that mentality.
           The thing about insane is there is no absolute definition. Myself, I have just seen all too many instances where people with “disorders” have their sessions and attacks at just too convenient a time. And once again, there are too many people insane in exactly the same ways, and that doesn’t make too much sense either. What are the odds of two people in the same town being identically loco??

           I stopped later for coffee and heard a tale from a lady. Her sister from New York and the sister’s husband decided to sell out and move to the Florida Keys. They bought a boat, now are you ready for the story? A few weeks later a big storm moved through and scared the daylights out of them. Face it, gang. You don’t just up and one day move out somewhere that you know nothing about. The waves apparently threw them around enough to park the boat at a marina.
           Um, I should mention that except for the high-end marinas, these places are not secure. Not a great place to leave your boat unattended. The same couple then decided they would like to buy a huge RV and go see America. Ha, I think you know from this blog how difficult it is to travel America in a "hippie van" any more. There are entire swaths of countryside where the hotel-motel gangsters have made it illegal to park overnight.
           Still, it must be nice to have enough money to make one mistake after another. Wait until they find out the road system is designed to gouge RV-ers. That there are very few places to park those things that don’t cost more than a proper motel. And a proper motel can run you $179 easily, or that works out to what, $5,000 per month. It's insane.

           Next, an article on the housing bubble in Canada. A million bucks for a house in Vancouver, a crime-ridden city full of dangerous immigrants, drug addicts, and state police. I wonder what is really going to happen over there. I know a couple people in the area. If you think America has a Libtard problem, Canada is like their breeding ground. They’re also letting in the Syrians, so let's see how well that works out for them.

Last Laugh