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Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016

One year ago today: July 10, 2015, because they have lots of money . . .
Five years ago today: July 10, 2011, pork chops for breakfast.
Nine years ago today: July 10, 2007, you’re fired.
Random years ago today: July 10, 2013, ass-clown doublespeak.

           I’m grumpy again. It may have to do with my Sunday feed showing this twit while I was damp-mopping the floors. I should have been mopping the floors with the face on this, I dunno, he, she, or it. We’ll go for “it”. What a particularly creepy-looking freak. These Brits can always be relied upon to produce world-class queers. My pal, Elliot, says that is because of their boarding school system. “Boys will be boys.” (It's a dubious honor to get your picture in my blog because of being the most hideous beast I've seen in twenty years.)
           Back to “it”. "It" is a mouthpiece for all the uneducated masses of the world that like to infiltrate high level discussions on national security and keep pointing out the challenger’s ancestors was an immigrant. You know the type.
           Listen, you tired, ignorant old Liberals. Read my lips, every human being of every spot on Earth since the Garden of Eden is descended from some kind of immigrant. It proves nothing. You are not exposing any hypocrisy, your intent is blatantly to insult and garner brownie points with any equally ignorant individuals in the studio audience. We are weary of your type and your tactics. You contribute nothing to the discussion. Please just shut up.

           I was monitoring the post-Brexit reports on English TV. While they are no less prone to partisan reporting than the American media, they have much more excellent anti-establishment people. So it is fun to watch the less educated status quo try to tackle them and in the process make fools of themselves. One twit argued that since 85% of Brit laws were being made in Brussels, the English could save money by having their parliament sit there. Far left logic: if a thief steals your furniture, you should go sit in his house because it is more comfortable.

Wiki picture of the day.
Ten years after Columbus.

           Is news of the new house making you weary yet? Return tomorrow for a synopsis on why you haven’t been getting the usual quota of trivia, science, and electronics lately. There is a reason and it’s easy to guess. I miss taking on challenging new learning chores myself, but it is not going to happen in the immediate future. Be patient, those happy days will return. It doesn’t have to be useful at my age, it just has to be challenging.

           I bought a book and went to Starbucks, where I got to chapter 84 and fell asleep. They let me sit there “purring” until 2:30 PM, really, they were okay with that. The book is Patterson’s “Postcard Killers”, nothing to do with the original American case. The plot is about serial killers but asks the reader to accept that in this day and age, people can slip through borders without any trace until they get caught.
           All rested up from my Starbuck’s siesta, I bought some Russian mackerel, not everybody’s favorite. And ate fish sandwiches on sourdough. I’ve lost my taste for sourdough over the years, I don’t care for it like I used to. This is about as exciting as it gets in the old place, as I sit here looking at the bare walls.

           There was a trip planned for today but JZ didn’t show. He’s still in disbelief that I’m not in a panic to move or get things going over there. But that gets back to his firm upbringing that every house involves a mortgage and thus must conform to some other schedule. Yep, that’s the word, “disbelief”. I figure not that many people have experience buying houses for cash.
           I got another offer on this place, over the phone. But when the guy mentioned he was 6-foot something and over 350 lb I rather insisted he look at the place. It is a compact design and I have to turn slightly sideways to go through the washroom door. We’ll see, he says that he knew it was a mobile home before he called.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++

           Lianne Parkin: Physics, 2010. Leader of the three-woman research team from New Zealand who determined you will slip and fall on ice less often if you wear your socks on the outsides of your shoes. And you thought Australians were weird.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           That was JZ and I say we leave the place idle until the weekend. I’m hesitant to let him around the joists because I have no solution for the flea bite problem. I was in the pit for an hour without a bite, on the other hand, he has got to be on top of everything else, allergic to insect bites. Must have been hell having him along on long car trips as a kid. Come to think of it, didn’t he tell me his dad wouldn’t leave without a suitcase full of first aid gear, insect repellents, laxatives, aspirin, and Pepto-Bismal? A wise move.
           Here’s a gif. I can’t recall if this is a repeat. If so, enjoy it again. The entertainment value of losers rarely diminishes over time.

           I finished the Patterson book then fell asleep again, until past dark. The best part of the plot is that you can’t figure anything out in advance. One consistency with Patterson is his fantasy that two frustrated, over-age, jaded people will fall hopelessly in love after the first time they do the wild thing. Then form an unbeatable team that nabs the perpetrators. She always hates him at first, but falls for some single physical feature, in this case his blue eyes.
           He has designs from the start, but in Patterson books, they can never just hop in the sack. There is always some circumstance where they have no choice. In this case, she had to stay at his hostel because the television cameras had surrounded her house. Jim, people regularly do just hop in the sack, you know. Without all the justification drama.

Last Laugh

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