One year ago today: August 5, 2015, a generic day.
Five years ago today: August 5, 2011, my Kenmore.
Nine years ago today: August 5, 2007, more on China.
Random years ago today: August 5, 2006, I buy the famous Jamus.
Here is a first class cabin on the Titanic. Hmmm, that brings up some interesting modeling ideas. But I never did like those iron frame beds, give me wood any time. I’ve always wanted to know how to do all this fancy scroll and trim work, but for now it is just talk. And a little research. My new place lends itself to interior work. My old place is kind of “early Winnebago”. Time to leave it behind.
As if I need any more reasons to abandon south Florida, this morning a paid the phone bill and bought a train ticket. How long should that take? That’s what I thought, and it took an hour and forty-five minutes. Line-ups, detours, slow cashiers, traffic, if it is a third world attribute, Florida has it. No, you can’t get around it with money or brains, the third world outnumbers you and as soon as they get away from where they come from, suddenly they got rights. Whose rights? Yours.
The most exercised right of new immigrants to the USA is to block people’s way and act offended when asked to hurry up or clear a path. You Americans need lessons on how to slow down and enjoy life, like all the immigrants--who ran like hell to get away from that very situation.
JZ showed up with some tools, I checked the batbike tires, and we headed over to Dandee’s for one expensive breakfast. All is set for the final one-way trip as soon as I sell this place, and you just watch, I’ll sell it in a day or two. I let the office know that the sooner I sell, the sooner they start getting their rent again. They agreed and will turn a blind eye when I advertise on Federal next week. I’m here only until I get some cash out of this place.
Blog rules, here’s the unusual event of this AM. I get home and notice a little nick halfway down my left arm along the bone, half-way wrist to elbow. A scratch, about 1/8’ and very shallow. So sit down to type for ten minutes. When I stand up, what the? My arm sticks to the desk. Wow, blood everywhere on the desk and I feel a similar pain on my right shin. I’m fine, but figure that one. I have not been near anything sharp or worked in such an environment. I’ve been in the house an hour and would know if I bumped into anything. It’s a mystery.
Louis Pasteur.
He was not a scientist.
This isn’t quite what I wanted, but it is nearly brand new for only $1,300. It’s a Suzuki GN250, so it can go 70 mph all day. I stopped to say goodbye at the motorcycle garage and headed out for what was a six hour drive to Lakeland, taking the now standard route west of Lake Okeechobee. I took it easy, as there is no rush. All the bills are paid and there is money set aside for the next batch, so it was 45 mph all the way.
I stopped first at the Ice Cream Churn in east Clewiston, then on to the crossroads, see below. By now, I know every bump and crevasse in the pavements and was tempted to take some side roads. But I was pulling a heavier than usual load in the wagon, which includes some tools I now need. Such as my orange rafter triangle. This is not a working trip though I may get a few things done, like set the table saw up in the spare bedroom. After much pondering, I’ve decided that window on the north side has to go. It’s position leaves no obvious or convenient spot to put the bed. And who wants to sleep with a window above their head for the Peeping Toms, real or imaginary?
My rear Honda tire needs replacing already. That means I’m getting as little as 2,000 miles per tire by Dunlop. While they are recommended, I’ve little choice but to try something else. There is no reason that tire should not last 20,000 miles. I made good time in virtually perfect motorcycle weather, once more seeing no birds or wildlife on the open road, where I was often the only vehicle.vbvbHere’s a maze generator to liven up this post.
Here’s some trivia. Do you know what a cordwainer is? That’s a shoemaker who makes shoes out of new leather. The term “cobbler” is one who repairs old shoes or makes shoes out of old leather. Who remembers the firstt ime JZ & I decided to go for a brew in Lakeland? Asking where the nearest country bar was brought us assurances that there was no such thing in the area. I found them, they are in a cluster about a half-mile from where we asked. It still amazes me why people lie about such things, but that’s only because my entire family was that way.
I arrived at the crossroads in time to see a massive storm gathering to the northwest, some now regarded as common in the area. Due to it’s apparent movement, I decided to take the route through Sebring. When will I learn? I stopped on the outskirts for town for a coffee and donut to wait for a clearing.
I picked up a tank of bad gasoline at the Chevron, my baby is very sensitive to dirty gas. By the time I got to my turnoff, it was almost as if I had a piston misfiring. Ethanol fuel is bad enough on carburetors without having to suffer this kind of problem
But once again, the time was wasted by the incredible delays caused by red lights in the Sebring-Avon Park stretch of Highway 27. That ten or so miles is the worst passage in the entire highway, they should build a new bypass and to hell with the businesses. Oddly, the once JZ drove the route, we got through without a single stop, but you know, somehow southbound is different. I arrived at 509 just before dark, in time to take inventory, make coffee, check out the floor, and head downtown for a late night brew.
I walked into the club to find a totally tight three piece band, two guitars and a fiddle player. No bass, but remember, guitar players often consider bass as optional. The music as really tight and blows away anything available in South Florida for years now. I just knew that was going to happen when I found Lakeland. There is really nothing too keep a top-notch musician in Dade or Broward. He’d just be putting up with the same nonsense I did.
The show was top-notch, including a stand-in performance by two skinny blonde babes who sang excellent harmonies, which would have been even better if they chose tunes people are familiar with. And a hippy chick now 50-ish got up and played duet material with the fiddler. She had perfect timing so he could really shine. As I said, nothing like it commonly available in south Florida.
Here’s a complete belly-aching session because I had to wait around for two hours for a certain business to open this morning. Good, I’m in the mood to gripe. How do you like that anti-Trump bunch making such a big deal that the wall and the deportations will cost $166 billion? Nonsense, the wall could be built very cheaply since, when you think about it, there is no reason it has to be a permanent.
Think of it as self-dissolving sutures. Once the wound is healed, America will recover so quickly that even the moron class will recognize the damage being done by illegals. I would like to see proof that this influx of other cultures is enriching America. I say contrary to political correctness that letting anybody into a society with social programs is risky business. We’ve staunched the flow before, and as for the cost? Even if it is $166 billion, my share is $553. Let me know where, Mr. Trump, and I’ll drop off the money this morning before coffee.
The USA needs better statute of limitation laws. There’s an article of a guy “caught” after 40 years. The term “fugitive” implies some career criminal actively evading the dragnet. But this time it was a guy who lived right and respectable the whole time. True, he was involved in a Florida murder, but it was a politician—so unless there is some JFK-grade conspiracy involved, we need a better definition. People should not say justice is served when the system has become so intrusive it picks up on a solitary incident four decades back, but openly allows illegals immigrants, terrorists and street gangs to wander the streets as we speak. Be careful who and what you applaud.
Furthermore, I view the killing of a career politician as assassination, not murder. Killing a politician is arguably self-defense and a matter of degree. If you don’t dispatch the creature all at once, he is going to slowly torture and execute you with taxes forever. It’s a valid argument if you ask me. The Constitution is quite clear. Nobody has a right to vote themselves a share of your work, nor elect anyone to do it for them. But you have a right to defend your property. Here’s a case of a man who was neither on a rampage or spree, but living quietly with his wife.
Be very afraid. When this manner of incident becomes regular, the system is clearly being constructed more for communal regulation than crime control. There is no room to smugly conclude the bad guy finally got caught. You should be very concerned about how that could happen. There was plainly no reason to consider the man a suspect after 40 years of clean living. The mandate states reasonable and probable cause is necessary for any arrest, so you had better ask yourself how the guy was even ID’d and why. Yep, we need limitation laws.
Somewhat less scary, but nonetheless a serious injustice is that guy arrested for planning to bomb the Aventura synagogue. The danger here is that there appears to be no evidence whatsoever that it was anything but talk. I could be wrong on that, but it would be the fault of the media for not stating what it is the guy actually did except talk. Dade would quickly be depopulated if the authorities start rounding up closet anti-Semites. It was probably a sting operation. I can assure you Florida is full of people who dislike the Jews but only say so in private; that’s the stranglehold the Jews have on the system. I’m not criticizing, I’m observing.
But say, how do you like that new Philippines president. Go ahead and kill drug dealers. He’ll strike you a medal, he says. Now that’s deterrence. Of course, the human rights fugheads, who are more concerned for the welfare of criminals than victims, will say he is violating something or other. Maybe France should pay attention, particularly after those two terrorists who slit the throat of a priest in front of the congregation last month. But no, France will probably apologize or equivalent.
No, I’m not going to see the candy-ass new version of “Ghostbusters”. It’s the same old story. We all know there are fatties, plain Janes, jungle mamas, and skanks in the world. We don’t need to see them cheek-by-jowl when we go to the movies. It all started when they used that fat one on the Titanic. It’s stunning how indoctrinated the masses have become to accept such artificial equality and they will live to regret it. Like millions, I want my movie stars to represent an ideal. Not looking like some retired hooker’s convention or a fat broad’s therapy circle. What part of “movies” don’t these producers understand?
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