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Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6, 2017

One year ago today: January 6, 2016, . . . a known destination.
Five years ago today: January 6, 2012, the “hull loss incident”.
Nine years ago today: January 6, 2008, when Amtrak was $3.50.
Random years ago today: January 6, 2004, pick a place with women, dammit!

           One hour. That’s how much work I got done all day. Actually, it is more, but I don’t count computer, music, or hours spent on vehicle repairs. The yard work only, and I’m quite happy that is gives one a sense of satisfaction. What? I heard that. Well, buddy, the contrast is that I don’t have to do any. Even left alone, my yard is still one of the nicer kept spots in town. Ask the cats, birds, and what I’m pretty sure is a possum or a raccoon at times.
           Getting a late start found me at the library looking up the instructions on maybe putting in a wildflower garden on the shady part of the yard. Even at this point in the year when the sun rays are most slanted, the front half of the yard is shaded in a pattern the Almanac calls “mottled”. Various sources say the time to start is a month before spring, so in these parts that’s about now. The old saw says the best bet is natural wildflowers, but you know, I could not name you one for Florida. Unless it is the caladium. That’s a joke, son.
           Ha, you laugh because top picture is a wheelbarrow. But that's going to be my wildflower garden and then you'll all be soooooo jealous. Provided the thing grows, I dunno, I've never planted these things.

           But the yard work, that’s fun, buy not funny. You can see the distinction between the soil I’m spreading and the greyish color under the dried leaves in the rest of the yard. The day is overcast, or you’d see the shade pattern also. The soil is darker, yet not that much more fertile, really. I’m salvaging it from the area destined to be under the new porch. It’s hard to tell whether it’s darker because of decaying humus or if was put there years ago. From the rest of the stretch in the permanent shade of the north side of the building, I have all this soil I need.
           Trump makes the news again by stating he will use US funds to commence the wall. The libtards in Congress are trying to block the move and they should be tried as traitors. The lot of them keep insisting the wall will not staunch the flow of all illegals. Nobody said it would. If it stops only 22%, it is economically worth it, if you bother to do the math of what it costs America to keep an immigrant family on welfare. (Many American retirees saw only a $24 annual increase in their social security this year.) These libtards so easily forget social programs were established for our poor, not Mexico’s, to partially quote Ann Coulter.

Picture of the day.
Somewhere in China.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           There is an ad for a solo entertainer in the east end, some kind of country joint by the sounds. It’s an easy 3 hour gig, but I’m not ready for what they ask for. A couple of points, like they want some line dancing and some southern rock. I suppose if I can call bingo, I’d be deadly at line dancing, but I’m just not ready. The gig pays $160, not bad for a Friday. Maybe I’ll go out there and see what they get for that. As long as it is not some old folk’s home, I’m not ruling it out. If it is, they still might need bingo.
           It was great weather after noon, so I did lots besides yard work. Checked all the fluid levels and tested the lights. Easy things, and I got more information on baking pies with sugar. Some recipes call for up to three cups, let’s say I’ll be avoiding those. I’ve got my eye on a peach pie, which I’ve never made before. I’ve seen them being made, but I can’t remember where, so it must have been while I was on the road. The ladies all wanted to use the oven with the glass door so they could see when the pie was done. It would begin to bubble through the slits at the peak of perfection.
           So what if I never make the pie, the point is the know-how is important. Monsanto just managed to push through a law that allows them to call HFCS by the term “corn sugar”. This was in the fine print of y’day’s photo of corn, but my feedback says some people could not read it. As far as I’m concerned, any food that undergoes a legal name change is bad for you. And there was a shooting at the airport in Ft. Lauderdale.
           The only solid information is that the authorities are imposing a press blackout on the ethnic background of the gunman. For anyone too stupid to figure it out on their own, that means Islamic radical or bipolar asshole. Flip a coin. The authorities are equally assholes because they know the only place in the world the average law-abiding, tax-paying American ever gets even near these types is at the airport where they have no choice. Always remember the mandate of the government is not to treat everybody “equally” but to ensure the greatest good for the greatest number. But there’s no money in that.

           In my opinion, the public should be regularly surveyed on what details they want to read about and the media compelled to comply with majority rules or lose their rights to freedom of the press. By coincidence I’m at chapter 15 of “Miami, It’s Murder”, which is a good murder mystery but also reveals a lot about the police/press relationship that isn’t right. The author’s intention is to portray the two as friendly adversaries after the same goals, but this distortion of privacy concerns creates victims of the small people caught in between.
           The press is used to slander people the police cannot convict and the press use the police to get access to those un-Constitutional files the police keep on everybody, including the innocent. This hardcover book is devoid of humor except for some of the slang phrases for procedures that fall short of ethical standards. However, I did find an unintentional laugh in one passage. She writes that when a rat bit a girl’s sandwich in a dark theater, as the teenagers stampeded out of the building, there were a number of minor injuries. Get it? (Actually, she said the injuries were all minor, but I changed it around.)

Country Song Lyric of the Day:
“She's Out Doing What I'm Here Doing Without.”

           Finally, I did enough yard work to get tired. That sounds abnormal unless you know that like most, I naturally putter so the work doesn’t strain anything that might ache a few hours later. For some reason, I went aerobic at it. Six hours later, I feel like I’ve been overdoing it in the weight room. Sore muscles in the same locations as a workout and all this from using an ordinary shovel for maybe half the time I was out there. Remember that next time you are tempted to spend big bucks at the downtown gym.
           Should I go out tonight? That band with no bassist is at the club. Two guitar players and a Howie on the drums. They are musical overkill on guitars but play all the dreadful standards to death. Undecided, I hauled out my bass and changed the instrumental break I use in one country song to include a riff I figured out in my head. It has that twang of the steel guitar and actually is a fairly novel bass sound. It’s now 10:00PM, I’m yawning, and wondering if I should at least get out of the house.

           Naw, I stayed in and finished reading “Miami, It’s Murder” with it’s bit of a surprise ending. A very well-balanced tale that moves along, maybe six or eight characters, the proper number somebody should tell today’s writers. Sadly, the book glorifies that unholy relationship between cops and reporters. There is no mention made of whether she apologized to the politician. While it is true he had been a murder suspect twenty years earlier and the perp was found, she chose to re-open the story at the moment he was running for state governor. Mr. Trump, change the defamation laws so people injured in this way can recover damages. You know first hand how the libtard media operates on this count.
           Furthermore, the old law should be brought back that states whenever a file has been looked at, the looking party must show their full ID, employer, and purpose for the search, this information is recorded and, if the searched party is NOT charged with the specific indicated crime within 90 days, that information is made available to the person.

           [Author’s note: I would also require anyone who keeps files such files to annually seek and get permission from the subject or destroy the records. I further support the ACLU position, which is rare because they are biased, that every record kept must be for a declared purpose, barred from any other use, and once used, must be destroyed.
           You might want to read how Europe is cracking down on Google over this kind of record keeping. Remember, I warned you about this back in 2003. And was concerned about this abuse of privacy rights since 1982, the first time I used a database.
           And as stated above, I would greatly enhance the rights of the victims of illegal searches to sue for damages, both at the departmental and personal levels. Some say the system would not work under such restrictions, but they overlook the fact it is not working right now. ]

           Here’s something. When I bought the book, I didn’t notice the back dust jacket was folded. When I straightened it, there was a picture of the author, Edna Buchanan. I have seen or met this woman in Miami, but my memory for middle-aged women with dyed hair has never been passable. Let it flounder in the back of my mind, I regularly remember people like this from seeing them in the audiences where I’ve played. They come and go, though I sometimes remember.
           See nearby photo. Yeah, that's the woman I met, I think it was a Sojka's or some yuppie place like that. Buchanan? The woman is not Irish, and if I recall she had dyed red hair, and black roots. It will come back to me, this was around 13 years ago.

           Insomnia, so what will I read tonight? I’ve read all the books here, including everything new. I threw on the old John Wayne classic DVD “Rio Bravo”. Nope, never seen it before, as I did not waste my youth on TV and video games. What? Oh, well pinballs are different. They were neat places to hang out while the rest of the world sat in on Happy Hour. Now, Dean Martin should have stuck to singing. The movie, so far, is extremely well-made at least in attention to detail. What I could not explain was my craving for banana pudding, the kind made with tapioca, a product I just never eat. Wasn’t tapioca one of the first genetically modified foods?
           There is a distinction, which I think will one day be proven, that there is difference between modified foods where a nutrient gene is added, and other foods which are modified for pesticide resistance or shelf life. I’m not a biology major, but an example I’ve heard of is golden rice. Apparently regular rice lacks, I think, vitamin A, and people get malnourished. Well, I’m okay with them adding the vitamin, but since I don’t lack anything in my diet, I still stay away from golden rice.
           I can’t say when I finally cut beef from my diet. You see, I’d cut down long before I quit, but I think is must be close to ten years now. When I say diet, I mean buying it at the market. I confess to eating the occasional kid’s meal when I’m on the road. Because I’m happy with that exact calorie count.

           Later. For mental exercise, I read the advanced chapters of my Qbasic programming text. It’s always mystified me why they alter the programming command structure instead of choosing one good language and improving the background operations. A good example is COBOL. The code has an excellent structure, with a defined place for defining variables, scopes, and the commands are English words. There is no good reason I’ve found why they cannot adapt something like that, instead of bogging the world down with object-oriented nonsense. Same with BASIC, simple and elegant compared to C+. As a matter of fact, C+ reads like an insane copy of BASIC with some spastic programmer throwing in random punctuation marks.

Last Laugh

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