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Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017

One year ago today: February 6, 2016, to roam the empty hallways.
Five years ago today: February 6, 2012, Key West & the Panama Canal.
Nine years ago today: February 6, 2008, the hundred dollar $8 antenna.
Random years ago today: February 6, 2007, the Hondajet
(Reviewed here 10 years before everybody else.)

           Yes, I did get my pie plate and quiche plate mixed up. Now I have a thin pie and a thick quiche. But I could not let a small mix-up deter the march of progress, could I? Here’s the WIP on the quiche for any doubters that it isn’t from scratch. Winter isn’t really over, in my opinion, until the morning temperatures are in the 70s and she was down to 54°F evening last, which also delays my experimental flower garden. That’s an opportunity to put in the edging, that happens later today when the sun comes up. You’d get breakfast if you were here, but not the cardinal family, who are hopping mad at the empty birdfeeder.
           The pics also show the effect of the diameter difference. Actually, the reason this gets coverage is not food, but how the diameter reminds me of the formulas I was practicing with celestial navigation. But nobody minds home-made food pics, so enjoy. I’ve always considered pies that fluff up higher than the rim to be “too restaurant’, because nobody believes they are home made.
           Gee, not I have two pies that have to be gobbled up so I can get the plates back to a routine. Yes, I have aluminum foil plates, but I never use them as in I usually forget to find them when I’ve got quiche on the brain. Uh, Patsie, that’s an appetite condition for me, a genetic condition for you.

           When Agt. R saw these pictures, he was taken aback. Somehow he makes quiche with half as many eggs. Huh? And he uses aluminum pie tins which scorch when I use them, even as liners. He’s got two or three kids just out of their teens, so you tell me how far a four-egg quiche would go in that household? Maybe as an appetizer? Maybe one quiche each? But four eggs, that’s the vanishing quiche.
           Speaking of diet, last December put me back on statins. That paid study program was very successful on me, the one with the Star Trek injectors. (I’m on the new study now.) All the statin side effects have returned, they’re mild, but for me that’s no bonus. People with high cholesterol do not feel sick, same with triglycerides. Now don’t laugh, but one of the side effects is it makes my tummy growl. Like I haven’t eaten and that’s not the case, trust me. Growl loud, it once woke me up, and forces me to sit in the corner at the library. Hey, I said don’t laugh.
           In fact, I think the statins cause a loss of food flavor but stimulate the appetite. So you consume bigger portions of food you can’t taste. I mean you taste it, but in black and white. Just wait this out, I’ve been on statins before and they can take up to two months to work right on me.

Picture of the day.
Paris, downtown.
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           Here’s the new work and storage counter in the small shed. Yes, it has a crack right down the center due to one mis-cut earlier. I left it there when it turned out to be the right size for keeping an extension cord off the work top. There is another shelf or two going in above this today for more storage, again, I’ve resigned myself to the fact I’m not going to have any assistance here. I need access to the things I use most often, which is right now not the case since I am not really unpacked yet. My floor was supposed to be level by mid-October last year. But I won’t say anything.
           Brentwood (a suburb of Nashville) has invited me to visit their headquarters over the missing bottle jack. I wrote them back about the situation, just a note to say I was so unhappy about the situation and didn’t see how traveling to Tennessee could put it right. Think about it. Thanks to that jack, my guest bedroom floor has been torn up since December 18, a rat got inside that had to be caught and exterminated, and that delay put me into the worst cold spell in years which precluded me from doing other work. Makes me angry enough to slam a screen door.

           Besides, I have personal reasons for not hanging around Brentwood, and it has nothing to do with not being a billionaire. What’s happening is Tractor Supply is interpreting my reluctance as intractable dissatisfaction, and that is partially correct. So they keep upping the ante. Tell you what. If Tractor Supply will raise and level my house, or if they offer cash prizes, I’ll reconsider. Until then, let’s sit still and see how far they run with that.

           Another thing that would get me to Brentwood right now is Taylor Swift, who should clean up the awards this year again. I stress that although I do think she is dynamite sexy, I am attracted to her more for that IQ which she doesn’t realize is so off the charts most people can’t even recognize it. Pssst, that’s you, Justin. Those who say you can’t have it all don’t know her story. Her talent is natural, and I envy that. Unlike my talent, which isn’t at all any gift. If I have a talent, it’s the ability to keep at something so long that I can finally do it. And that’s more like a definition of non-talent.
           Let’s see. To get my “talent” to the realm where I liked it myself, it took me 5 years to learn the piano. Then 27 more years to learn to play bass right. And 28 years to learn how to sing. It could be argued that I sort of could do these things before, but “sort of” is not my style or my standard of doing things. Since around 1985, you can no longer work your way to the top in most fields. You have to appear out of nowhere and eclipse the dwellers who got there. You have to do a Trump on these people. In classical America, when you get to the top, the trick is to prevent anyone else from doing the same. Ask Goldman-Sachs, the Rockefellers, or Monsanto.

           Now I have a transom. It took just a moment to realize how easy this could be built once I figured out only one side of the drill holes had to be filled and finished. This is an ordinary piece of 1”x4” and some 5/16ths dowel. In order of the pictures, I plunge-cut the opening, then drilled the dowel peg-holes. Gluing up the pins was a bit messy because I only had some Hard-as-Nails glue left. That takes 24 hours to cure so I pinned the dowels in with brad nails. There’s your transom a.k.a your casement skylight, waiting for some primer.

One-Liner of the Day:
“So I can’t spell ‘armageddon’, it’s
not like the end of the world.”

           So, some of the states are “organizing” resistance to the “Trump regime”. Don, here is your golden opportunity to start those terminations. Any civil servant who isn’t obeying the rules of employment is not doing the job. Fire them, wholesale and permanently. Ignore the dumb-asses who say then the system won’t work. If the government employees aren’t obeying work orders, the system isn’t working anyway. Round them up, send them home. To those who say the nation can’t work without the civil servants, it is time to give it a try. I say it can any will.
           We’ve all dealt with civil servants and it is a crock that they have valuable administrative experience. There is no government job that, if allowed to compete in a free market, could not be learned by a newcomer in a matter of hours. If you don’t believe they are a pack of time-wasting ninnies, watch a few videos of them doing the worm-squirm when Trey Gowdy cross-examines them.

           Trump can be proud of his record of fulfilling campaign promises. He’s upset the old do-as-you-please system and we love it. How about that cancellation of charity status to churches that endorse candidates? Brilliant, and watch both the under- and over-educated Liberals go ballistic on that. How amusing to watch states that defy decree under the guise of humanitarianism while actually catering to the fringe voters. Like the dismal prick from California “we will fight for all our citizens”. Yeah, even if they break the law to do it. Just another rat trying to scoop enough minorities to make a majority. Sickening.
           You should realize I’m having trouble keeping up with how well Trump is enacting his promises. The media is not reporting the facts as much as they are issuing opinion. That should be looked at in the same light as the churches. When the press takes sides, there is no chance they are still the press, which hypothetically should be neutral. Reporting facts is press, but publishing opinion is within the realm of defamation law. Trump hinted at this during his campaign, I hope he follows up. We are beginning to see he has a long memory. That should already be worrying certain blabbermouths.

           History? Trump is making it. He bought himself into immortality, that’s not derogatory, I would have done the same given the opportunity. It’s hard to imagine the satisfaction that millions have watching him kick out the liberal rot in the system. It will be worse for them when the policies being to work. The opposition has over-used the term populist, which is inaccurate to begin with because the public backlash is real. Populist implies it is simply a reaction, but Trump is gradually addressing both the causes and effects.
           He is still not to be forgiven for not going after Hillary and other people who committed crimes and made devastating accusations against him. One still has to laugh at how some people say the wall will be too ridiculously expensive—as indeed it would be if the typical old government system was used to build it. You know, where every contractor in the state gets a kick-back. If Trump builds it, it will be on time and under budget. As for the dumbos who say walls don’t work, ask them what is holding up the roofs of their houses. Besides hot air.

Last Laugh

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