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Monday, January 5, 1981

January 5, 1981

           My 1981 work year has begun. Same ignorant unimaginative people, only 1 year older. I fart in their general direction (Monty Python).

           [Author's note: as you see, the original journal was not for publication, but to jog my memory. I was working in a garage door factory for $18.88 per hour, which is around $46 per hour in 2012 money. You could get such jobs walking in off the street back then. But I never hung out with the types that worked in that factory, most of them were lifers. Until they all got laid off that December.
           The crude joke was a line from a contemporary movie of the time. Back when Monty Python was actually considered funny. I did not know the biggest career move of my life was just 11 months away.]

           Picture placed here in 2016. This used to be Demi Moore.

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