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Tuesday, January 6, 1981

January 6, 1981

           Same, but a girl did call me "interesting". She just started talking to me--but she was fat and said she was 19, but my guess was 24. Also, news from the front. You recall I phoned in Aug. to leave my number for R.H. on his return. Well, by early September Wimp was here "looking over the university". And, as predicted, planning to move here. That's ok, he's really wasted these days. R.H. phones with the news pronto. He tried to berate Rusty's choice of apt, but he apparently doesn't suspect the existence of unit 6. He twice said, "I have no commitments".
           Really, he couldn't do his image any worse than to try that angle with the supreme diplomat. I wonder what his excuse will be for showing up here. He'll be hard pressed to manufacture anything credible, much less convincing. Once again, I am flattered in this cruel & unjust manner. This time he doesn't know what he's in for, & he may fail as the folks here have already seen most of the tricks.
           [Author's note: This entry is trickier to follow. Wimp is my brother, who had a nasty habit of following me from town to town and running up bills in my name. R.H. would call to warn me, as the Wimp was finding my addresses from my mother despite my clear instructions to her concerning what was going on.
           We finally had to cut off giving out any information, which a bohunk like my brother instantly concluded it was because we were failures and didn't want him to find out. Unit six was a brand new Firebird, paid for cash with R.H.'s first triumphal return from Saudi Arabia making five times as much money as the rest of us.
           When the Wimp found out I was on the west coast, he once again had fifty reason he had to go there. But this time, I lived at a post office box. He tried desperately, but was never able to cause trouble on the same scale as before.
           The "no commitment" comment is a standing joke and embarassment to everyone. The only way a clown like my brother could get any was by shacking up, which he did with a slightly retarded girl, Adrianna, who had a rich father. Taking after my father, my brother totally abused her and "borrowed" thousands of dolars for his marijuana addiction. Clearly she wanted marriage but he insisted he had no commitments. It's sad.]