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Tuesday, December 17, 2002

December 17, 2002

           [Author's note 2015-12-17: Read between the lines on this older post. The picture is from the local newspaper following a July storm. The spray paint is to identify the claim to the adjuster. When I say I'll furnish a place for $200, this belies the fact that I know the managers at the thrift stores and can get first pick of the nicest furniture that arrives. I should have said I can luxuriously furnish a place for that money.]

           I may be onto something. A penthouse, 1-1/2 baths, pool, dishwasher, balcony, for $600 a month. Curiously this puts me back in the situation when I was 20, working a week each month to pay the rent. This makes it the single most expensive place I've ever rented alone. It’s worth a lot more, but the owner wants someone long-term and stable. And at this time around, I can easily afford it.
           The spin-offs of such a huge place (it's big enough for three people) is it solves my storage problem, leaves plenty of room for an office, and I miss having overnight company. Comparable units on the water go for $900 to $1100 per month. I said, the water, not the beach. It is on a sea wall. Now I wish I had my piano. The rest I can furnish for $200 from the Sally Ann. It's also walking distance from where I like to hang out.

           [Author's note: in the end I didn't take it, because it was too close to the price I would pay if I decided to buy. Tough luck, for in the end I didn't buy either. However, this makes an interesting comparison to the efficiencies I’ve looked at. They were tiny cramped and usually had street parking.
           This is a penthouse unit, facing north, away from the heat and sun. I hesitated to fill out the application, but compromised by giving only info readily available elsewhere. I'm uncomfortable telling anyone where my bank account is or even whether I have a bank account. I just don't think it's anyone's business, and certainly not the business of any landlord.]

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