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Thursday, June 24, 2004

June 24, 2004

           Great, I think. My car is out of the shop. Sadly, this car, my baby Cadillac, would be lost within the next eight months. It had a brand new motor in it, you know. I'll probably mention this loss again when it finally happened. That's the last expensive car I'll ever own. The upkeep was phenomenal, thousands of dollars per year.
           Who remembers the CPOD? It was a NASA invention that was supposed to "tether" people's condition and dial their cell phone if anything was wrong. Developed from space suit monitors, it is a device strapped to the abdomen. It measures pulse, temperature, respiration, and most importantly for me, blood pressure. It was a device of this nature that determined that driving was not the relaxing activity I thought it was.
           The NASA model also measured and recorded the environment around the wearer. But the fact that it could track a person's movements made it unpopular. You'd think NASA would know that institutionalized spying has to be snuck in gradually, like with cell phones.

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