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Sunday, August 1, 2004

August 1, 2004

           We are applying five gallons of paint per day. Actually, a layer of undercoat and then paint. Here is JZ adding the finishing touches. My part is the cutting in, and that includes the brown paint on the undereaves shown here. I am climbing the ladder a bit now and this is mild exercise that I desperately need. This is a Sunday, so we only put in the morning, remember I still work full time over at the electric company.
           Which reminds me that the next week will be a test for my condition. In August, the regular payroll people take their holidays, so it is up to me to do the the majority of the data entry myself. I feel up to it, that's the most I can say. It is also the time for the county fair, although I may have the weekend wrong (this is being entered ten years later). Any pictures you may see of the house or JZ are scanned photographs.
           Here is a space photo of a gathering to observe the annual Meteor shower. I found it interesting because of the green aurora and the clarity of the sky. I can identify 9 stars in this photo not including the 7 stars in the Big Dipper. Here's some trivia for you. Many ancient cultures associate the Big Dipper with the image of a bear. That's not a surprise until you learn that many of those cultures were in parts of the world where they had never seen a bear. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.